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  1. Prone Squanderer

    Examples of Bad Writing in Fallout 4 [Spoilers]

    You only realized then? While I like that kind of idea, I don't think it would have worked that well due to the PC having an actual voice.
  2. Prone Squanderer

    Get better Internet? Sorry I know that isn't helpful in the slightest.

    Get better Internet? Sorry I know that isn't helpful in the slightest.
  3. Prone Squanderer

    Bethesda: Save the Single Player games

    A number of us accept there are problems with the games we do like, such as New Vegas. You know, I kind of admire the fact you can see so much in Fallout 3. It's a game I loved playing over and over when I first got it but I couldn't enjoy it now, unless I just ignored everything and made up my...
  4. Prone Squanderer

    Bethesda: Save the Single Player games

    FTFY. As I've stated before, criticism =/= hatred.
  5. Prone Squanderer

    Bethesda: Save the Single Player games

    Homefront wasn't that popular to begin with IIRC. That's not strictly true. If you don't have progress from the first two games then yes you do need to play the Multiplayer in order to get the best rating. Besides, I'd say the original endings (before the devs released the Extended version)...
  6. Prone Squanderer

    Bethesda: Save the Single Player games

    I did, I just expected a much bigger list. I'd have thought there'd be way more games to list than just a few in order to say singleplayer games in general are ruined and that Bethesda saved it. Fair point about Deus Ex but it had problems before it was even released, such as its Augment Your...
  7. Prone Squanderer

    Bethesda: Save the Single Player games

    So that list of games that have been ruined by multiplayer? :)
  8. Prone Squanderer

    Bethesda: Save the Single Player games

    Prey and Dishonored was made by Arkane Studios, The Evil Within by Tango Gameworks, Wolfenstein by MachineGames, Doom was made by Id Software. Only Fallout 4 and Skyrim were actually made by Bethesda themselves. So how exactly have they "saved" any kind of gaming?
  9. Prone Squanderer

    Well you gotta have an opinion, I mean do you think that God came down from Heaven and sto-*BANG*

    Well you gotta have an opinion, I mean do you think that God came down from Heaven and sto-*BANG*
  10. Prone Squanderer

    Some people just don't understand the concept of respect, I don't blame you for doing what you did.

    Some people just don't understand the concept of respect, I don't blame you for doing what you did.
  11. Prone Squanderer

    Well you can always start on the morrow.

    Well you can always start on the morrow.
  12. Prone Squanderer

    I hope you wore protection.

    I hope you wore protection.
  13. Prone Squanderer

    You's not called "The Buble"? Why didn't someone tell me?! Oh I've been making an...

    You's not called "The Buble"? Why didn't someone tell me?! Oh I've been making an idiot out of myself!
  14. Prone Squanderer

    Oh, you actually quit, I thought you were just calling a bluff. Luck to you on your future...

    Oh, you actually quit, I thought you were just calling a bluff. Luck to you on your future endeavours.