Deleted member 93956
Given the fact so many games were ruined by multiplayer

It's almost like if only AAA games existed and absolutely no one else made any!
Given the fact so many games were ruined by multiplayer
It's almost like if only AAA games existed and absolutely no one else made any!
FO3 is a Fallout spin-off—to be sure; while New Vegas is (as I think you put it) a kind of sequel to FO3; where it greatly polishes it up... but it's the same base matter: FO3. They just made something beautiful out of it.... New Vegas IS a sequel because while keeping most of the design changes from Fo3, it makes some approach changes to better suit the original school of design, and most of all, it's set in roughly the same region, you meet either the remnants, stragglers and what have become of those original factions. It follows that story, and I don't know how can you really then call Fo2 a sequel as well considering that it has about the same connection to the previous as NV has to 2 itself. Fo1 and Fo2 having almost the exact same gameplay as well, only slightly more polished and advanced.
It technically could be called a sequel to Fo3, when only looking at it from the gameplay aspect.
- NioHWhen refutting, it's best to throw examples. Not that they don't exist but as recommendations.
That looks adorable in a weird way
Given the fact so many games were ruined by multiplayer in the past few years
it's best to throw examples
So that list of games that have been ruined by multiplayer?
I've literally put up the list twice in this thread already. People really don't read the rest of threads anymore, do they?
If you are reffering to the games EA has published, I don't think the arguement is that multiplayer is ruining games. Rather it's that toxic service model, the urge for money, the microtransactions that are ruining the experience. The Battlefront games might have been fine on their own, but they've both been damned by buisness decisions. The first one had that ridicolous season pass price and the lack of a singleplayer mode. Then the sequel comes along and it's even worse; the lootbox model is tied directly into the progression system, meaning that its a long grind or payment up front, or it would have been, but since they've removed the option to pay, its still a long grind. And a few months into its life new players aren't going to be able to do anything because they will be going up against players with hundreds of hours put in to get a boatload of gameplay advantages.
You also mention the latest Deus Ex title. I'm not familiar with it, but if I recall correctly, that had an unnecessary multiplayer mode thrown in at the last moment to accomadate microtransactions. Or do I have that wrong? Regardless, the issue is similiar; unnecessary multplayer modes, or restricted progression systems are the symptons, but the root cause is the microtransations, the lootbox, the urge for more money that turns these titles sour.
Well, Obsidian made an objectively a better game than anything came before or yet to come with F:NV, gamebryo engine or not, so statement discarded. New Vegas would be better game than F1 or 2 even on WL2(Unity) engine.FO3 is a Fallout spin-off—to be sure; while New Vegas is (as I think you put it) a kind of sequel to FO3; where it greatly polishes it up... but it's the same base matter: FO3. They just made something beautiful out of it.
I've literally put up the list twice in this thread already. People really don't read the rest of threads anymore, do they?
We know the disaster of Assassins Creed: Unity where the multiplayer was massively focused on but they couldn't be bothered to make any of the Assassins women. It also took away from polishing the single player experience that had grotesque bugs and an uneven plot..
I'll give you Grand Theft Auto V to a degree, but it's not the multiplayer itself that "ruined" it. IV had it, but V's online has an actual economy and Rockstar obviously want to milk it as much as possible.
There's a few franchises that have been spoiled by the modern multiplayer market true, but single player games in general are still going strong.
In exchange, New Vegas IS a sequel because while keeping most of the design changes from Fo3, it makes some approach changes to better suit the original school of design, and most of all, it's set in roughly the same region, you meet either the remnants, stragglers and what have become of those original factions. It follows that story, and I don't know how can you really then call Fo2 a sequel as well considering that it has about the same connection to the previous as NV has to 2 itself.
I mean, wouldn't you agree @nkchan16 that New Vegas is damn good expansion over 3? It's not at top quality like 1/2 was, but it definitely has overall elements/mechanics from the previous games and tries to work at it's best upon 3d game engine, which Bethesda enforced Obsidian to use.
almost ruined the Star Wars license as it was such a sink of resources.
This is the one that bothers me the most because imit means a longet wait for a sequel and no DLC. To an actually good game.Grand Theft Auto V is the least problematic example of this as no one thinks GTAV isn't polished as hell. However, all future DLC they planned was dumped into the multiplayer experience and it's their big money maker now they aren't interested in working on any spin-offs or sequels at this time.
I fail to see how when I played them matters so much. Point is I did and I loved them. I fell in love with the universe, the attention to detail concerning consistency, the characters and freedom. And new Vegas has such a huge amount of great characters and the most amount of freedom in the fallout trilogy. Its closer to the original than 2 in terms of tone and the sheer amount of player freedom allows for a heap of endings. Fallout is so much more than just turn based combat. If that's all fallout is to then you're incredibly close minded. It's a world meant for writers and players to explore. And I'd say they did that with NV more so than in even 1/2 and with a great grasp on what the fallout universe is.Don't know if it's been posted before in any other thread but anyone who didn't play the original Fallout games (1 & 2) back in 98,
Whether it's a good game or not is debatable, but it's definitely more to my taste, especially with the hardcore mode on.