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  1. Prone Squanderer

    Nothing better than calling someone's bluff.

    Nothing better than calling someone's bluff.
  2. Prone Squanderer

    Dex - An incredibly good indie game

    I played the demo the other day, I got something off a Deus Ex vibe playing it so I may very well buy the full version. It's been out for a few years apparently.
  3. Prone Squanderer

    "Your bones are scraped clean by the desolate wind. Your Vault will now surely die, as you have."

    "Your bones are scraped clean by the desolate wind. Your Vault will now surely die, as you have."
  4. Prone Squanderer

    Luck to you, I'd suggest playing MGS1 first though if you can.

    Luck to you, I'd suggest playing MGS1 first though if you can.
  5. Prone Squanderer

    Your Fallout 5 wishlist

    Is that possible? I mean unless they can be massively different each time you play them I don't think they can be.
  6. Prone Squanderer

    I've never used the term myself, but I do find the idea of someone being offended by it a little...

    I've never used the term myself, but I do find the idea of someone being offended by it a little humourous. The overuse of "cuck" is annoying though.
  7. Prone Squanderer

    I read a news article today about young people hating the term "snowflake" and claiming it's...

    I read a news article today about young people hating the term "snowflake" and claiming it's harming their mental health.
  8. Prone Squanderer

    A slave obeys.

    A slave obeys.
  9. Prone Squanderer

    I couldn't resist that one time.

    I couldn't resist that one time.
  10. Prone Squanderer

    I just read it and the comments. People sure do find anything to get bothered by.

    I just read it and the comments. People sure do find anything to get bothered by.
  11. Prone Squanderer

    Siding with the Institute is the only sane choice

    Perish the idea that I hold a belief Bethesda knows how to write decent stories, I just think the idea of casualties of war is fitting to Fallout. Don't worry, they'll be elves, with actual magic and they'll be Pre-War too. Judging from the mention of Adams Air Base, perhaps he's thinking of...
  12. Prone Squanderer

    Git gud.

    Git gud.
  13. Prone Squanderer

    It is more atmospheric, but I feel the monsters still add something to the tragedy of the story...

    It is more atmospheric, but I feel the monsters still add something to the tragedy of the story. To have them frightening but not hostile seems weird to me and I bet the only reason it's being implemented is because too many people cried about them being too hard.
  14. Prone Squanderer

    SOMA now has a safe mode. The monsters are not that difficult once you learn their patterns, but...

    SOMA now has a safe mode. The monsters are not that difficult once you learn their patterns, but I guess most disagree.
  15. Prone Squanderer

    Old games which might/should get remade

    How did I miss that? Man I loved Future Cop, especially the endless fight against Sky Captain. I have recently tried this and I definitely recommend it. Way superior to Revision.
  16. Prone Squanderer

    Siding with the Institute is the only sane choice

    Call me crazy but in a way I think it's fitting, in that no matter what you choose innocent people in war die.
  17. Prone Squanderer

    Would you guys like an anarchy ending?

    Even if you destroy the bunker, you can't destroy Yes Man. In fact he even says it wasn't the best decision but admires your bravery, or something like that. Not to be funny, but if the gangs (the Kings) of Freeside take over, then I'd say it wouldn't be an anarchy seeing as they have a leader...
  18. Prone Squanderer

    Some old games actually wouldn't let you finish the game unless you re-played with a higher...

    Some old games actually wouldn't let you finish the game unless you re-played with a higher difficulty.
  19. Prone Squanderer

    Siding with the Institute is the only sane choice

    It is an old lab, we know at least one other person knew of it besides Shaun and Kellogg. It is hidden away yes, doesn't mean the Institute doesn't know where the Super Mutants come from. That doesn't mean they aren't aware of the bad actions the Institute has taken previously and present. I...