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  1. E

    Fallout Tactics Redux Version 1.3

    Nope, version 1.3 has been available for several months now.
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    Fallout Tactics Redux Version 1.3

    There is a lot of false and incorrect information at the fallout.wikia perk page. On the other hand the perk descriptions in FOT Redux accurately portray the effect of perks. @rebelscum With Behemoths, the best advice is to use your tank or run away. If you have to fight them otherwise, EMP...
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    Fallout Tactics Redux Version 1.3

    If you look in the mod's "Extra Stuff" folder, there's a map image showing where you can get random encounters and special encounters (such as the merchants, who taken together have some decent weapons you can get your hands on at any point in the game). Metal armor should be okay, I usually...
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    Fallout Tactics Redux Version 1.3

    @rebelscum There's an obscure bug I discovered that was already fixed for a future update. The good news is, you're probably not stuck. The notification of mission over comes on when the bandit leader is dead and your team has all three suits of armor in inventory. The exit grid comes on when...
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    [FOT] Weapon/Item Portrait (Sprite) Editing Help

    Nope, you have to go through them one by one, frame by frame.
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    Fallout Tactics Redux Version 1.3

    A lot of the melee weapons that were never updated are gradually being removed from the game, I just haven't hunted them all down yet. A lot of the stuff being discussed here is in my documentation, though it is very long and I suppose I can't blame most for not taking an hour to wade through...
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    Fallout Tactics Redux Version 1.3

    There are some good finds on a few obscure bugs here, good work everyone. The pictures are helpful in locating specific problems. If you attack your fellow soldiers in a bunker, the game ends in a loss when you try to leave. I'll check into the security guys, but unless you intend to lose the...
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    Fallout Tactics Redux Version 1.3

    @Hubal Anyone can edit the recruits to suit their tastes using the Editor that comes with the game. The only thing to keep in mind in the particular case of Farsight and Stitch is that if you edit their inventory, you'll have to edit the mission 1 map as well and replace the instance of them...
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    Alt-Miria Mod Updated for Restoration Project 2.3

    I understand. You'll have a lot more work ahead of you, then. As you did with the vault suit heroine blonde animations (_hfjmps), you'll have to copy all the blonde animations from the Appearance folder and rename them. The sets are: _hflthr** = in leather armor _hfmaxx** = in combat leather...
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    Alt-Miria Mod Updated for Restoration Project 2.3

    I thought that's what you were shooting for, I must have misunderstood you. If you want her appearance to depict the vault suit all the time rather than reflect what armor she's wearing, that's no more difficult than everything you've already done. In the section of the script you already...
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    Fallout Tactics Redux Version 1.3

    Hubal was right about the prefab characters-- if you attempt to edit them in-game, you can't proceed (error message "All stats must be in valid starting range before starting the game"). They can be used, as long as you don't attempt to modify them using the character creation process. I'm not...
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    Fallout Tactics Redux Version 1.3

    @Vree Thanks for the detailed comments. These are the kinds of information that are very helpful to me in thinking about where Redux needs to go in the future. The general approach to the recruit pool might be described as making the characters available in the earliest part of the game...
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    Alt-Miria Mod Updated for Restoration Project 2.3

    At a glance the script looks okay, but I'll take a closer look and get back to you tomorrow. In the meantime, something I forgot to add yesterday was that you'll need to take a look in your Fallout2\data\proto\critters\ folder. Since you were experimenting with Miria's protos in the Mapper, you...
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    Alt-Miria Mod Updated for Restoration Project 2.3

    That part looks good; you're likely correct about the script. Could you copy/paste the text of the entire subsection "talk_p_proc" from your decompiled mcmiria.ssl (the one you compiled into an int and are using in your experiments). It's a fairly long section of text, if you hit a snag of "too...
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    Fallout Tactics Redux Version 1.3

    Vree gave some good tips on supporting a "ban mutants" approach to play, which otherwise isn't directly supported. Part of the trouble here is an intrusive authorial point of view by Microforte's writers-- apparently their intention was to portray Barnaky as slightly nuts, but years later I...
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    Alt-Miria Mod Updated for Restoration Project 2.3

    @TheOrbit That's good, we're narrowing things down. Could you copy/paste the full text contents (shouldn't be very much) of the text file the Mapper output to dev\proto when you applied the new animation set to whatever critter in the Mapper?
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    Fallout Tactics Redux Version 1.3

    Some things I'd be interested to hear about if anyone has insights are: 1) Why does the flamethrower weapon get two attacks on each use? The second attack always does zero damage. I'm baffled about this problem. 2) Does anyone have thoughts about why the suicide bomber lady in the Macomb...
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    Alt-Miria Mod Updated for Restoration Project 2.3

    Good job on following all that. :clap: Some likely causes of the current trouble would be: a) You edited the wrong value in the script. Try putting various armors on her to see if one of them changes her to vault suit apppearance to rule out this problem. b) In the midst of all that activity...
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    Alt-Miria Mod Updated for Restoration Project 2.3

    Yes, you'll need to rename all those hero blonde frms, it's a major hassle. You're on the right track-- copy the blonde hero files to a temporary folder, rename them anything you want in the format: ******$$.frm where * is anything you want and $ is what is already in the filename (i.e., a...
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    Fallout Tactics Redux Version 1.3

    You learn something new every day, I guess. I was playing around a little, and discovered the "Night Person" character trait does not work-- which I never knew before. Once the night-time bonus is applied for the first time, the bonus becomes permanent for any character with the trait. That'll...