Search results

  1. E

    NMA Decides the fate of the Reaver Elders!

    @xkcon Thanks, but I'm not looking for technical advice (besides that, none of the things you mentioned work). I'm interested in people's opinions on the two feasible alternatives gameplay I presented. I've been modding this game for fifteen years-- believe me, if there were other options, I...
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    Alt-Miria Mod Updated for Restoration Project 2.3

    Well, that sucks about Atomic Gamer. The thing I don't like about that Mediafire stuff is that it erases downloads if no one downloads something for a few months. This is why our modding forums are full of useless dead urls. Until I come up with a better solution, anyone who can't obtain a...
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    "Found all Special Encounters" Bug - FIX (Untested

    For the record, the solution proposed by noregsson does not work. This is why I included a file called "" in the older version of Fallout Tactics Redux. I saw this post linked from some other forum, and we don't want to give out incorrect information to foreigners. The game will...
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    NMA Decides the fate of the Reaver Elders!

    I've looked closely into this matter of the Reaver Elders in the Newton mission not exiting vehicles, and therefore causing a horrible bug that makes them permanently join your team of soldiers after the mission if they are in a vehicle when they reach their destination zone. I tried a number...
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    Weird enemies in mission one

    It's like TwoEyedYum said. Historically all tile-based games with pre-rendered backgrounds have suffered from these kinds of problems, namely invisible cracks or holes between the tiles. What's happenening here is that the Raiders are ducking or going prone as soon as they see your guy...
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    Alt-Miria Mod Updated for Restoration Project 2.3

    Other people have occassionally had problems downloading as well. Atomic Gamer is a little persnickety sometimes, so if it doesn't work just wait an hour and try again.
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    Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.3.3 (Unofficial Expansion)

    I'm not sure how much more clear I could make things. :razz: The very first thing said about my Miria mod is: Okay, if that's not clear, it means none of your old save games will work anymore after installing the mod.
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    Need explanations about roleplaying ingame

    Authentic role-playing is much easier if you're already familiar with a particular game. Generally, you're looking to develop a character-driven narrative rather than have a character who is subject to forces beyond his own control, and being familiar with the game's essential or required plot...
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    Alt-Miria Mod Updated for Restoration Project 2.3

    For the ladies I have a fully-developed Davin mod that is similar to the way the Miria mod works. I hate to be a tease, but sadly I don't have time right now to package it together for release (because it affects numerous scripts). Don't worry, though, it'll be available eventually. :wall:
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    Must have?

    Not exactly, but you may enjoy my FOT Redux mod. It's one of the few published mods to address the regular game, as by tradition most FOT modders are much more interested in making their own worlds from scratch. In any case, my mod fixes many bugs in the game, and makes combat much tougher--...
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    Remember when Fallout: Tactics was the Big Bad?

    For the accuracy of the historical record, there were two primary tempests of controversy regarding FOT, both of which were fairly silly in hindsight. As a preface, we can say most fans of Fallout and Fallout 2 had (and still have, myself included) an idea about a game. Let's call this game...
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    Remember when Fallout: Tactics was the Big Bad?

    Depends what you're looking for. FOT is a solid game of the general military science-fiction genre, not a role-playing game. I've always played it using turn-based combat, which is pretty decent; it's no Jagged Alliance, but there is plenty of room for various individual strategies and tactics...
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    New animations 2

    Thanks Drobovik, I'm downloading that for further study. The men look pretty good :clap:, but I don't know about the women. Like the blonde/redhead in killap's RP, the ladies' stature is uncanny, they always look like they're walking down a steep hill or something.
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    New animations 2

    Has anyone ever finished the hero tribal animations (hfprim and hmwarr) for all weapons? I was searching a bit here and found knives/hammers, as well as an SMG for hmwarr, but am not clear on the status of the rest. Are there sticks/pistols/rifles/big guns for the tribals in anyone's secret stash?
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    Pack o' Scripts #1 for FO2 RP 2.3+

    For starters, 100% of all the code is present for direct inspection, in context. This is because header files are not referenced in any way. Decompile the original game's door script, for example, with both compilers. The reason I prefer my method is self-evident to me in that case, as all...
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    Pack o' Scripts #1 for FO2 RP 2.3+

    Doing things the hardest way makes one a better person. It's about building character. :grin: But seriously, this is a hobby. For me, accuracy and quality count for far more than efficiency or productivity-- to the point where the latter aren't even a tangible concern of mine. My sole...
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    Pack o' Scripts #1 for FO2 RP 2.3+

    @phobos2077 There are all kinds of problems with doors (and lockable containers as well). For example: metal doors are supposed to take several explosives to open, but it can never work due both to bugs and wrong material settings in protos; prying doors with crowbars can never work due to...
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    Mapper and Steam Fallout 2 -- any way to make them work?

    I've never used Steam, but according to my understanding the basic problem is "synchronization," namely-- you make some changes, and then the service "helps" or "protects" you by reverting or undoing all your changes. For your particular purpose, though, you shouldn't have much trouble. Using...
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    Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

    I think any efforts along those lines would be wasted, as no one would use it. Those actively modding know the current system; I'm not interested in endless hours of additional studying to do something I can already do, and though I certainly don't speak for anyone else I think most probably...
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    Mapper problem - help please

    One perennial thing to check with the Mapper is to make sure the text file mapper2.cfg has the correct paths to your game installation (in six places). For example: critter.dat=D:\Fallout2-ChosenOne\critter.dat critter_patches=D:\Fallout2-ChosenOne\data\ Also you have to get rid of those...