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  1. E

    Play Sfall Sound

    Sorry if I'm unusually dense on this one, but I still don't get it. :confused: I think I follow the logic behind using a temporary variable, but don't understand what then to do in order to get a sound to actually play. If someone would be kind enough to hold my hand on this one and walk me...
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    Fallout: Tactics Redux Mod released

    Pretty much. As for the skill books, it's random-- guess you should have bought a lottery ticket that day instead of using up your luck playing the game. :razz:
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    Editing RP NPC Companion Appearance when wearing Armor

    Armor-appearance changes are handled similarly in almost all mods, there's a section at the end of talk_p_proc in each npcs script specifying basically "If you told them to change their armor and the new armor is X, use animation Y for the critter." You won't be able to change this unless you...
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    Doing a bit of work on some random encounter tables, got a question

    All regular caravan behavior and activity is a function of Special caravans like the Duppo's brahmin drive and Chad's caravans have their own scripts as well.
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    Play Sfall Sound

    Has anyone ever successfully used this function to play a sound during gameplay? After researching everything that's ever been written in our forum on the subject, I have my doubts-- my impression is that this function doesn't work, but that even if it did no one knows how to deploy it. I also...
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    Fallout 2 RP 2.3.3 - Orphenage Quest

    It could be any of: map, proto, script, artwork, or text files problems. Unless you've been fiddling around with game files yourself after installing the game and RP, the bottom line is that something went wrong while installing the game and RP. Unfortunately, it's often the case that if you...
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    First steps in modding

    Study the Fallout Scripting Language. Unless you already have programming experience, this will be hard but it can be done. If you're not able to learn this element, you won't be able to make your mod.
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    Arcanum vs Fallout

    Whatever groovy ideas a designer may have, he's only one man-- and however generally appealing his ideas may be, they won't engage everyone. Why then limit oneself-- "like my ideas, or don't play my game"-- unnecessarily? Designing with emergent gameplay in mind at all times doesn't take much...
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    Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

    @phobos2077 The skill level of folks here on our forum varies widely, and many readers are beginners at programming. Could you give short description of what an array is and why a person might want to use such a thing, or perhaps a brief example of how it's a time-saver or problem solver? @...
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    Arcanum vs Fallout

    In pondering the question "Fallout vs Arcanum," I think one must clarify-- "versus" in what context? According to what criteria? I think Fallout is a better game, but Arcanum is a better role-playing game. A key criteria for assessing role-playing games is the extent to which the player...
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    Alt-Miria Mod Updated for Restoration Project 2.3

    Once you meet up with an npc who can join the party, their base proto (used thereafter as an underlying reference for their current level) gets placed into your save-game data for the remainder of the current game. Even if you go into the save-game files themselves and delete the proto...
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    Alt-Miria Mod Updated for Restoration Project 2.3

    @lujo I was just looking at that "complete the Brahmin guarding quest after marriage" issue in the past few days. The problem is in Grisham's script rather than Miria's or Davin's. I too made a fixed version for Grisham, and I'll include it in the next update. I've been working on things...
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    Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

    @phobos2077 Thanks. I copied what you wrote and it sort of works, and most likely the remaining trouble is because I merely pasted what you wrote without really understanding yet how the function works. I'd appreciate any additional help or explanations on this issue. Here's my situation...
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    Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

    I'm stuck on this same issue. Generally speaking the answer is probably over here but I don't understand how to translate the info there into a method to find out the particular way to toggle the barter function. Does anyone know anything about this issue?
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    Mods compatible with RP and unofficial patch? Plus are there any other mods I need?

    All my mods (including my Miria mod) are fully compatible with the latest RP, and several other authors are working in the genre as well (all should be easily found with the forum's search function). Also, you should either the the Restoration Project (RP), or the Unofficial Patch (UP), but not...
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    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.46 Bug Reports and Suggestions - Closed

    Remember that on random encounter maps, you're probably not entering them for the first time unless you're playtesting on a game recently started fresh from Arroyo. Sounds like you've already tried what I logged on today to suggest, but since the key is often in the details rather than the...
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    Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.3.3 (Unofficial Expansion)

    Congratulations on a job well done, killap. :clap: As obsessions go, this endeavor is a fairly healthy one-- having fun, making people happy, and making the world a better place.
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    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.46 Bug Reports and Suggestions - Closed

    What are the names of the scripts associated with this issue?
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    Better Random Traders (for RP)

    @Glovz The scripts should still be compatible, but I added some additional functions that will be included in an update. That may take some time :look:, though, as I'll need to study killap's new material first.
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    Alt-Miria Mod Updated for Restoration Project 2.3

    I finally had some time to download the latest (2.3.3) RP and have a close look at the fileset. The current version of this Miria mod is fully compatible with RP 2.3.3 as well as RP 2.3.2, and no additional changes are necessary. The Cassidy and random trapper scripts included with this mod...