Hey, I just figured something out, but I need info from people with more insight, I may have figured out a way to add "magic spells" to the game, lol. Or at least combat stuff more complex than shoot stuff, reload, eat a stim, run away. Without messing with protos and stuff, probably, only scripts.
There's a bunch of guys in random encounters which have Jet on them but don't ever use it. If they did, the encounters would be different for them, as they'd have more range and AP. I can't find a map of what AI packet actually means, but I know some guys always eat all their chems - the Vault 15 guys take mentats if they have them.
What I need to know is if there's an AI packet which would guarantee that Jet will be consumed if in inventory, but otherwise behaves like a regular tough guard? (vault_15_khan or tough_vault_15 khan might be like this).
Or can add it to the combat_p_proc somehow with script overrides?
Becuse it seems that every AI_PACKET in random encounters was changed by Killap to EC_TOUGH_GUARD for some reason (must've looked like a good/necessary idea at the time), but now everyone who's had this dont to him/her isn't using drugs apart from stimpaks. One result is that the average such enemy has less AP / whatever than intended, and the other is that you can loot a bunch of unused jet all the time.
Really curious about how and why that happened, why Tough_Guard exactly, what would be a better option, and just how much stuff had been affected by this unintentionally ^^
I also think that the drity hacky way of affecting aggro ranges can also be used to affect aggro ranges on stuff, lol, as many of them seem to be coded with the problematic "If can see you attack player" method which turns every Chosen one into an inevitable tank.
And, also, how to override taunts if you change the AI packet?