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    Alt-Miria Mod Updated for Restoration Project 2.3

    @phobos2077 1) New global variables are added to vault13.gam. This makes any already existing save-games incompatible. The game will ctd if you try to load an old save. 2) A new body type is added to the AI packets. This reorders the packet numbers, making any already existing save-games...
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    Alt-Miria Mod Updated for Restoration Project 2.3

    @gatsu For technical reasons, unfortunately it's not possible to do it that way.
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    Better Random Traders (for RP)

    @killap Since the first of the year I've changed my approach, and I'm more into gutting existing scripts entirely and starting from scratch rather than inserting or changing here or there. That's what I did in these cases, but I think if you take a look at the original scripts (which no one...
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    Better Random Traders (for RP)

    I updated the link in the first post to Version 2 of the files. Only a few minor tweaks were made (most noticeably, if you help the caravan in a "Caravan fighting Enemies" encounter they may give you a slight price break on trade goods). If you've already downloaded the original version it's...
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    MIB88 Megamod Real Problem - No music after moddind

    The first thing to check is the text file fallout2.cfg in the game's main folder. Find the section that says music_path1= music_path2= Look in the directories after the = and make sure your music files are there, because that's where the game is looking for them. If they're not there, either...
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    Better Random Traders (for RP)

    I was looking at the random encounter caravan boss scripts and noticed a significant number of originally intended (i.e. from BIS) dialogue options based on the Chosen One's reputation and deeds that aren't used due to bugs. These bugs are the typical thing I've mentioned before, errors...
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    Megamod 2.44 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    I want to do a little work on the MM feature whereby in a random encounter with slaves, the Chosen One can tell the slaves they're free (prompting them to run away) if their slavemasters are killed. I'm having trouble with one tiny detail, though-- I can't find the script or place where the map...
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    FoT Redux 1.1 Comments/Issues/Bugs

    Thanks for the detailed comments, Al_Sleeper. I envision laser rifles as working very differently from many folks, and short range is a part of that. Not much can be done about some of the other troubles due to engine restrictions (mainly the ones involving revisiting a map after a mission is...
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    Megamod 2.44 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    In talking to Drobovik about the trapper script I posted here earlier, I found a bug in the script (trappers weren't correctly poisoning the Chosen One). Here's an updated version (the dialogue is the same, only the script is changed). The script is fully compatible with both the Megamod 2.44...
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    F2 - Requesting a mod, or instructions on making a (hopefully) simple mod.

    It's not your fault (being new to the subject), but you're going down several wrong roads here that will probably all end badly. I think you may be much better off looking at one of the character or save-game editors; for example the best modern one is FSe.
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    Ardin, Slim, and Nomad Lore

    @ UniversalWolf The good about small mods is they're mods that one person can finish in a reasonable amount of time. A bird in hand is worth two in the bush. If 100 people spent a few hours each working on one single npc, in a few weeks we could have 100 new or much-improved npcs in the game...
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    Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

    Hi Timeslip. Something seems wrong with the set_self sfall scripting function. I made a global variable (let's call it 800) and elsewhere stored a critter pid in it (let's say 16777311 for a random encounter trapper). Let's say I also added a text line 1500 ("I'm thinking of ") to...
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    Ardin, Slim, and Nomad Lore

    One of the things I'm trying to do is shake up the routines we all fall into after playing the game for the 481st time, to keep things fresh.
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    Ardin, Slim, and Nomad Lore

    I'm not big on loot myself, but as for more things to trade: I'm working on it. I'm glad to hear you liked the characters.
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    Alt-Miria Mod Updated for Restoration Project 2.3

    Thanks for sharing your tale, Alixen. That's the the sort of stuff that makes for a memorable playthrough-- a compelling story, constructed largely by the player from the general framework offered by the game material, centered around characters whose fate matters to the player, and who seem...
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    Alt-Miria Mod Updated for Restoration Project 2.3

    The version of ectrappr I posted in the Megamod discussion is 100% compatible with RP 2.3.2, so everyone should use whichever they prefer. One is much more ribald than the other, but otherwise they're pretty much the same thing.
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    Ardin, Slim, and Nomad Lore

    Here are a few more simple mods for RP 2.3 or greater. --Random encounter nomad chieftains now offer conversation about wasteland lore and rumors, and solicit rumors from the pc (related to the current state of the Chosen One's adventures) to spread to other nomads. They also have new minor...
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    Shania of Arroyo

    Update 2-18-14 1 bug fixed, files link in the first post updated. There was a foul-up in Node040, where a stat check meant to check Intelligence instead checked Endurance. If you had already made Shania, the new script can be plopped into an in-progress game with no trouble and the change...
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    Dogmeat: Tricks and Treats

    Dogmeat is a surly son of a bitch, but even he likes to relax sometimes. Here's a simple mod almost anyone can use with minimal effort. The Chosen One can now play games (fetch and tug of war) with his favorite pet, try to teach Dogmeat some basic doggie tricks, and reward the mutt with treats...
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    sfall decompiler(int2ssl Author Program Anchorite)

    Thanks for continuing to update the Noid compiler. I use your version every time I'm looking at scripts, it's invaluable. :clap::clap: