There was a separate obj_dude.int file floating around... check under posts made by either Drobovik or Endocore. Or, give me a few more days and I will release the latest version along with 2.45. I have a few more things I want to fix before the next release. Or, if I can find a decent file sharing website, I could just upload the obj_dude script there. I will do that if I am not ready to release version 2.45.
And, for those who are curious, below is the change log from the 2.45 readme file.
Changes/Fixes made since version 2.44 (With many thanks to Drobovik and Endocore):
-Fixes to Klint
---He no longer appears in Arroyo if he is killed when helping the player character inside the Temple
---He should no longer become unresponsive to the player character
---Corrected instances where he would sometimes not rejoin the party if asked to wait
---Now immediately obvious to the player (through dialog) if Klint actually heals the player character
-Addition of a new party NPC
-Numerous fixes to party NPCs, Vault 14, New Reno, and other scripts
-Removed the weather mod
-Environmental armor now provides the same protection from toxic fumes as the gas mask
-Numerous fixes to the Brotherhood of Steel scripts
---characters inside can now be meaningfully interacted with
---Dr. Steel delivery quest can now be completed
---quest to Den outpost now available
-Updates and fixes to certain doors
-Some trappers in random encounters interact a little differently
---slightly different in how they trade
---new options with regards to the player character, Davin, and Miria
-Numerous dialog corrections
-Removed scripts from more items, thereby eliminating the dreaded "too many items bug" that results in the
missing Skilldex button
-Added conditions to be able to wear/use power armors. (Take that, cheaters!

---Maybe a certain item will allow you to wear power armors
---Maybe there is a level requirement
---Maybe certain NPCs can help you
-No longer start with the Idolized reputation in Scraptown
-Updates/fixes to the Skynet NPC
---dialog updates/changes
---should no longer forget his combat AI settings when loading a saved game
-Player is now be able to complete the mission to kill all the spore plants at the EPA
-Added a missing music file (from F1) needed for one of the maps
-Included Drobovik fix for Marcus's voice regarding his use of weapons and armor
-Added a new NPC to Arroyo created by Endocore
-Modified the random loot script to eliminate chance of finding overly powerful items on unattended shelves
(i.e. Advanced Power Armors, Plasma guns, etc.)
-Fixed problem with the gecko appearing in the walls of the Toxic caves (Sajag quest
for evil characters can now be continued)
-Fixes to the Slaver Camp
---Sulik's quest to save his sister can now be completed
---The east building with the pen can now be unlocked
---Using the east pen door in combat will no longer crash the game
---Killing the leader no longer gives a message about the EPA
-NPC Loot Bodies mod is working once again
-Using the EPA information terminal while in combat will no longer crash the game crashes
-Updated Vault-Boy picture used for Vertibird Pilot trait (from Russian Global Mod)
-Corrected the downtown Redding map, where I had previously placed a number of fruit flies and cockroaches
for testing. Those critters have been removed.
-Fixed Vault 23 entrance map so you can no longer run through the elevator and beyond the map borders.
-Using Pop rocks and soda now has the proper effect on the player character
-Refusing to carry out English Bob's mission now has the proper consequence
-Corrections to Myron and creation of stimpacks
---Myron can make stimpacks once again after teaching the player character to make them
---Myron can make super-stimpacks once again after teaching the player character to make normal stimpacks
---Myron does NOT teach the player to make super-stimpacks (just for clarification, this was never intended)
-Corrected two instances in Vault 15 of critters with incorrect ammo types for the weapons they carry
-Changed the frequencies of being able to obtain Metal Armor, Metal Armor mk II, and Tesla Armors from
defeated enemies (chances of getting any of those armors was approximately 33%, but now the chances are 75%,
20%, and 5%, respectively)