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  1. J

    Wild Wasteland-- your thoughts

    I kinda made a topic about this. I wonder if enabling the trait activates trigger zones like in fallout 3, or if they are randomly generated as you move around the game world.
  2. J

    G4TV Fallout: New Vegas quest walkthrough

    lol, i didn't even notice the floating gambler. xD
  3. J

    Fallout: New Vegas Gamefest Cam Footage

    That fire ant was pretty fuckin' big.
  4. J

    Fallout: New Vegas opening cinematic revealed

    Maybe that enclave eyebot knows something!
  5. J

    Why there are no ladders in Bethesda/Gamebryo games

    In Ravenholm, the fast headcrab zombies climbed up the side of the buildings on the pipes, so those are technically ladders. As for Halo 3 & possibly Reach, the A.I. can scale up and down geometry without ladders.
  6. J

    Random encounter system back?

    I'm surprised no one mentioned this, but doesn't the Wacky Wasteland perk add random encounters into the game?
  7. J

    Why there are no ladders in Bethesda/Gamebryo games

    Don't forget Half-Life 2, Halo 3, and possibly Halo: Reach.
  8. J

    Fallout: New Vegas on GTTV

    Looking back at Fallout 3, I can agree that the OUtcasts were poorly implemented as fuck. Though it is funny that there is only like one instance of them coming into contact with the east coast BoS ( outside Fort Bannister ). I couldn't believe they were hostile to each other!
  9. J

    Fallout: New Vegas on GTTV

    I think everyone is forgetting that the BoS ( both the Outcasts and the east coast BoS ) had no way of communication to the west coast BoS.
  10. J

    3 months, 3 weeks, and 3 hours....

    I'm more interested in seeing Doom 4 at QuakeCon.
  11. J

    Will you play Hardcore mode from the get go?

    The chances of you seeing a BoS without their power armor on while on patrol is as likely as a wild deathclaw ignoring you.
  12. J

    Will you play Hardcore mode from the get go?

    They didn't show the BoS in the trailers, but you know they're gonna be in there and you know they're killable. I'm gonna do a quick playthrough for the Hardcore Mode achievement, then I'll start another and do everything there is to do in the game.
  13. J

    Irrational Games talks with Todd Howard

    I have over 100 mini nukes and that number rises every time I go to Rivet City. I need more stuff to kill with the fat man...
  14. J

    Favorite CONSOLE Rpgs

    My favorite turn-based RPG is the original Wild Arms. It came out around the same time as FF7. I tried FF7, but I thought it was boring as fuck and wondered what the big fucking deal was with everyone going gay over that game. Never played any of the Chrono games. My all-time favorite RPG...
  15. J

    Random encounter system back?

    Did anyone ask Obsidian if the random encounter system is back?
  16. J

    Ok so we'll have all these new plasma weapons...

    Yeah, this is the same for ash piles. It's really retarded. Doesn't it fuck up the system's memory if there are too many piles?
  17. J

    J.E. Sawyer Formspring #7

    I'll look at New Vegas as the real "Fallout 3" and Fallout 3 as some bullshit spin-off.
  18. J


    I had a dream about moving along a rooftop in one of the levels from Ninja Gaiden 2 before it came out. I also had a dream about the "death" sequence from Prey before it came out. I didn't even know shit about the game. I've had dreams about doing normal things later in the day after I...
  19. J

    IGN's Fallout: New Vegas Demo at E3

    If Interplay wasn't a bunch of fucking failures then Bethesda wouldn't have bought the rights and made this supposedly "crappy" game that is Fallout 3. Fast-forward through all the bullshit and some of the original devs are working on a game ( New Vegas ) that relates to the originals. Now...
  20. J

    Fallout: New Vegas E3 previews

    LOL, don't mind the jaded Fallout gamers!