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  1. J

    Mortal Kombat Rebirth?

    This is most likely a teaser for the movie. I don't know where maximaz thinks that the movie is in its infancy. It has been in development hell for a few years. I also heard that hurricane Katrina delayed it since they were supposed to film some of it in LA. Warner Bros. hasn't commented...
  2. J

    Fallout: New Vegas Fan Interview Part 1

    Why do I get the feeling that the Cazadores are just bigger Bloatflies that can do poison damage?
  3. J

    Fallout: New Vegas Gameplay

    Is there a WMP link? I'm not watching that shit in fucking Quicktime.
  4. J

    PCGzine previews Fallout: New Vegas

    I'm sick of seeing the same fucking previews from a hundred different mags. Can E3 hurry the hell up already?!?
  5. J

    Fallout: New Vegas in the most anticipated race

    Fuck The Old Republic. Bioware is just selling out to the MMO scene. They basically gave a nice "fuck you" to all the loyal fans of the first two KOTOR's. Sorry assholes, but I'm not shelling $1k for a comp to run your shitty game. Crysis is overrated as well. It's more linear than the first...
  6. J

    Fallout: New Vegas screenshots

    Fuck the timeline. The world is in a post-nuclear setting and that's all I really wanna know.
  7. J

    Fallout: New Vegas previews

    The things that the haters want would take too long for Obsidian to change. They have a deadline. Everything they have shown is great to me. Sucks to be the haters.
  8. J

    Joystiq Preview + new info

    The part about being able to look down the sights makes this a buy for me, especially if there are twice as many weapons than Fallout 3.
  9. J

    Fallout: New Vegas screenshots

    I call dibs on the new robots as Cop Bots! I think Bethesda should've let Obsidian use Id's Tech 5 engine. They fucking own them now.
  10. J

    Cheat Code Central previews Fallout: New Vegas

    Anyone have any ideas how the BoS will act towards the Wastelanders? Will they have the same attitude as the Outcasts?
  11. J

    Cheat Code Central previews Fallout: New Vegas

    If they'd fine-tune the aiming controls and totally eliminate the fucking auto-aim on the console version, then it would be my SP dream game.
  12. J

    Resurrection: Fallout 3 op-ed article

    That guy's a fucking idiot. First, who's gonna give a shit about any review about Fallout 3 at this point? Second, that guy's a fucking nooby noob. He's also fucking stupid for expecting the game to be a traditional turn-based RPG. I can agree that the shooting part was shit, but if he kept...
  13. J

    Cheat Code Central previews Fallout: New Vegas

    I don't think anything else about the game will be revealed until E3
  14. J

    Bethesda to publish InXile's Hunted: The Demon's Forge

    I hope it doesn't suck as much ass as Rogue Warrior did.
  15. J

    Brian Fargo Interview

    I think Fargo worded that wrong. He probably meant to say that no other company could've brought back fallout as a multi-million-seller title. I'm sure the other companies that bidded for the rights to Fallout couldn't have done that. I don't even think any games those devs made even sold...
  16. J

    Fallout: New Vegas screenshots

    I can actually tell now! Are they hostile or friendly like brahmin? You'd think with a fight that close they'd be going batshit if they were hostile.
  17. J

    Fallout 3 Fswapping on Xbox 360

    I've got a program to modify my Fallout 3 save files called fo3edit. It's a basic program set up with DOS-style commands. I fswapped the ID number of an item in my inventory for an Outcast. When I drop the Outcast out of my inventory, his/her weapon falls off. I pissed off Wadsworth so the...
  18. J

    Fallout: New Vegas screenshots

    They look like brahmin to me.
  19. J

    PC Gamer US previews Fallout: New Vegas

    Yes! My life is complete!
  20. J

    Who wants to be a child killer?

    I like this one, too.