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  1. J

    German PC Games previews Fallout: New Vegas

    I'm kinda disappointed that the game will be the size of Fallout 3, but I heard that it would take a hundred areas to explore everywhere. They better be right.
  2. J

    Chris Avellone talks Fallout 3

    You're jaded and you know it or else you wouldn't be bitching at every little detail bethesda misses on the series. Another example of the "loss of vision" scenario is with Fallout: Tactics. Another lesser known example besides the Fallout series is Turok. The original was kickass, and the...
  3. J

    Chris Avellone talks Fallout 3

    According to the jaded Fallout fans, Fallout 3 is living proof.
  4. J

    OXM responds to the Fallout community

    Not really. The game automatically saves right when you exit the vault so you can re-edit your character before stepping out. If it's your first time, it shouldn't take more than 10 minutes.
  5. J

    Chris Avellone talks Fallout 3

    Troika went down under, too, so who else is was left? It's a sad fact that when any dev picks up another dev's IP, they don't keep the original dev's vision. It's like what if Midway lost the MK rights to another dev. It just wouldn't be the same and I can relate to what happened here...
  6. J

    OXM responds to the Fallout community

    How about the recent Alone in the Dark ( I think ) inventory system modified so depending on what you wear determines how much you can realistically carry?
  7. J

    Chris Avellone talks Fallout 3

    I'm not sure about that. I think the the argument of Fallout 3's basis to appeal to the mainstream is a bitter opinion and that argument comes from jaded Fallout fans the majority of the time. This is Fallout's fate. Interplay had to lay off BIS. Who else would've picked up the Fallout...
  8. J

    PC Gamer UK podcast talks Fallout: New Vegas

    I've been there before. If it anything like Oblivion ( and it is since it uses the same engine ) you'll fall through the map after walking a certain distance. When they released The Pitt for the first time and it was buggy as hell, I went out of the map and I fell through it when I was far out.
  9. J

    Chris Avellone talks Fallout 3

    It would be pointless to a person wanting triple-A NPC interaction and backstory, but I'm just there for the loot. I don't play this game with a Fallout 1 or 2 mindset like the majority here. To me, the places have enough backstory and characters to satisfy me. It didn't get GoTY for nothing.
  10. J

    Chris Avellone talks Fallout 3

    Seems to me like you played the game for maybe 2 hours. What about Smiling Jack in Evergreen Mills? He has the Terrible Shotgun on him, which is one of the best close-range weapons in the game. The Republic of Dave is a stop on the way to get the T-51b Power Armor. It also has a bobblehead...
  11. J

    PC Gamer UK podcast talks Fallout: New Vegas

    Even if you could, you'd fall through the map.
  12. J

    PC Gamer UK podcast talks Fallout: New Vegas

    LOL. Damn my attention to detail, but her hand and ear turn me off from the picture.
  13. J

    OXM responds to the Fallout community

    I think they should use RE4's inventory system.
  14. J

    Chris Avellone talks Fallout 3

    The way I could see a random enounter mod for fast traveling is like this: 1. You fast-travel ( you go along a straight invisible line from your position ). 2. The game plots the encounter point somewhere along that line if the following conditions are met: -If the area is clear of any...
  15. J

    PC Gamer UK podcast talks Fallout: New Vegas

    Did they say how big the game area is? I hope it's bigger than D.C.
  16. J

    OXM responds to the Fallout community

    Yeah, you might as well be showing people how to peel potatoes at that point. One of my friends won't play Fallout 3 because he says there's a big lack of enemies to kill. The idiot hasn't made it past Rivet City! xD
  17. J

    OXM responds to the Fallout community

    LOL, reading that OXM reply was so retarded it was funny. This is why I don't waste my money subscribing to these 2-bit fucktard magazines.
  18. J

    USA Today previews Fallout: New Vegas

    I bet the idiots don't wear sunscreen and make sand angels all day.
  19. J

    PC Gamer gets Fallout: New Vegas world exclusive!

    Maybe Cat Fancy will get the world exclusive NV preview!
  20. J

    USA Today previews Fallout: New Vegas

    Maybe the D.C. BoS contacted the BoS from the west and you'll learn about what happened over in D.C. from them. Other than the purifier, there's no other event worth talking about.