USA Today previews Fallout: New Vegas

How was the Capital Wasteland more ravaged than the West Coast?

During my journey most of the buildings still seemed to be standing, a lot of them sealed up mysteriously but the ones that were accessible had plenty of useful things survivors could have picked up years ago.

The only way I can think off why the Capital Wasteland inhabitants are more backwards is because they have forgotten about breaking and entering.

Those sealed buildings most likely have plenty of stuff that could help them while they work towards becoming self sufficient again.
Even the food is still edible.
sarfa said:
Lexx said:
"You were a courier, and you were obviously carrying something that somebody wanted," Hines says. "Part of the story is finding out what you had and what they took."</blockquote>

This ofcourse was the plot of PS3 exclusive superhero game Infamous. Infamous' biggest weakness was it's crap story.

As for it still being post acoplytic- what stuns me is that in Fallout 2 some progress had been made in getting past the acoplypse, but not in Fallout 3. I wonder if (in terms of post acoplyptic development) if New Vegas will have bizarrely undone the little progress we saw in Fallout 2?

It seems to me the implication is that NV is in pretty good shape, (mainly) not because they managed to rebuild but because they were somewhat spared (from direct blasts at least). So the progress will be there but won't be a continuation FO2 progress. What I really hope they nail is the social progress muties and ghouls had made by the time of FO2.

This whole NV reveal thing has made me cry over Van Buren's grave, though.
otsego said:
Lexx said:
Yes, even in Fallout 2. :)

In those games, as well as in 1998's Fallout 2, the main character leaves a fallout shelter and roams an irradiated environment to perform missions.

Wait, am I missing something here? Tribal settlement = fallout shelter?

Ya, I was just thinking that and what about tictacs albeit not exactly cannon, iirc wasn't the pc just a kid from the wastes or a tribal?
For those who've never been to Vegas in the real world, it's a bit surreal. It's a giant city in the middle of serious, serious desert. To the west some distance -- 20 miles or so, I think -- you have Primm. There are mountains along the north, and south of Vegas is a big patch o' desert with more mountains beyond.
In our modern 21st century, Vegas had a huge housing and construction boom right before the market crash in 2008-2009. This means there's a ton of sprawl in the form of new houses to the west and south. The Lake Las Vegas project created a huge man-made lake (with accompanying resorts, hotels, and golf courses) in 1990, but as of 2009-2010 all three golf courses have closed, the lake project company filed for bankruptcy, and there are leftover unsold houses all over the place.
Runoff from urban development and the lake itself has engorged the Las Vegas wash and overwhelmed much of the wetlands area. Parts of the desert south of the city are now a sump, with so much groundwater lost from the system that the humidity has become swampy.
Of course, before all of the modern development -- say, in the '50s -- Vegas was much smaller, dominated primarily by ventures in hotels and casinos funded by organized crime figures such as the infamous Bugsy Siegel. Vegas had already become a rail hub and the construction of the nearby Hoover Dam had brought some industry to the town as well. The "legitimacy" of casinos as businesses wasn't established until the '60s when Howard Hughes showed up to purchase a bunch of hotels, which prompted other corporations to become involved in buying up casinos as well.
So, future Vegas through the lens of the '50s -- maybe a sprawling oasis in the middle of the desert, creaking under the weight of its infrastructure limits. For all that people may have objected to the crime families in New Reno in Fallout 2, New Vegas would, if it comes from the '50s idea of Vegas, be heavily influenced by crime syndicates, famous underworld figures, performers, and jet-setters as well as corrupt union-oriented construction companies. After the bombs drop, though, who knows how such a place would realign itself . . .

(Boilerplate: I'm not working on F:NV. I don't actually know any details. I'm speculating like any other member of John Q. Public.)
I would not mind a few crime bosses in New Vegas, as long its not over the top like in Reno. And as long there is not like in Fallout 3 Jet drugs to be found ... not without some explanation at least.
Crni Vuk said:
I would not mind a few crime bosses in New Vegas, as long its not over the top like in Reno. And as long there is not like in Fallout 3 Jet drugs to be found ... not without some explanation at least.

Well, Vegas is about a 4 hour drive from Los Angeles, 10 hours from San Francisco. If you have a courier with a motorcycle or (heaven forbid) a functioning car, it's possible to have some trade link there. On foot would be a different story; the Mojave is not foolin' around if you're traveling cross-country.
yeah well I dont think its impossible given the distance even walking on foot it might make sense by looking on a map it seems Vegas isnt even that far away from Reno, well not that much more then Redding. New Reno used Jet to get Redding on its knees and adicted. But it should have just a explanation and "reason" to be there (just like with Redding) and not simply throw it in like in Fallout 3 particularly without any meaning. Like I dont know there should be a drug dealer or syndicate eventualy with a conection to Reno or some place where they make that drug. Maybe even with a possitility to just side with them or eventualy wipe out the production. I would eventualy not mind some competition even maybe Jet dealers trying to get some foot in Vegas and see here a crime war? Dunno. Lots of potential. If done right. And also with some areas of "gray", would imagine a "last man standing" if someone remembers that movie :mrgreen:

jero cvmi said:
Three golf courts in the middle of the desert?

That sure is a rational way to spend your water. :wtf:

It isn't, they're running very low on water but don't care 'cause it's Vegas baby!
Crni Vuk said:
yeah well I dont think its impossible given the distance even walking on foot it might make sense by looking on a map it seems Vegas isnt even that far away from Reno, well not that much more then Redding. New Reno used Jet to get Redding on its knees and adicted. But it should have just a explanation and "reason" to be there (just like with Redding) and not simply throw it in like in Fallout 3 particularly without any meaning. Like I dont know there should be a drug dealer or syndicate eventualy with a conection to Reno or some place where they make that drug. Maybe even with a possitility to just side with them or eventualy wipe out the production. I would eventualy not mind some competition even maybe Jet dealers trying to get some foot in Vegas and see here a crime war? Dunno. Lots of potential. If done right. And also with some areas of "gray", would imagine a "last man standing" if someone remembers that movie :mrgreen:


Crni Vuk, I see your logic with that but jet was 'invented' by Myron in New Reno circa FO2 so (given we don't know the time frame of FO: NV yet) that might or might not make sense. Either way that has a set time-frame and has to be post FO2, and if not then it will be a post-canonical critical error on Beth's part if it's pre-FO2.

[changed post-FO2 in last sentence to pre-FO2]
Ausir said:
Oh yeah, we totally haven't heard that the PC has been shot and SOMETHING has been taken from him.
You'd think these people have access to the internet but nooooooooooooo

It was weird tho because good ol' Pete talks as if FO3 had some flaws, while we know that can't be true.