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  1. R

    Pete explains

    ...Darque is a woman? :look:
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    Pete explains

    D) Camembert cheese rocks.
  3. R

    Pete explains

    You're the designers' pet? :D
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    Pete explains

    "It's not that we won't do it, it's just that we don't know if we will."
  5. R

    SPECIAL and Realtime

    Will the 21 people that already looked at this thread care to give input? :?
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    Nonlethal Gameplay?

    The little tag when you looked at fallen enemies read "Unconscious" when stunned, and "Dead" when, well, killed. That's pretty much the only difference i remember. If stunned enemies eventually recovered from their sleep or stunned status, it could probably be more interesting.
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    SPECIAL and Realtime

    Even with the prospect of Fallout 3 still not being in development (or being in the very beginnings), i thought i'd create a thread discussing the reasons why SPECIAL wouldn't work very well under realtime. Honestly, i know very few instances where it causes inconveniences or problems; i do not...
  8. R

    At something awful, new VB screenshot

    Bloody hell :shock:
  9. R

    Baldur's Gate 3 in next month's PC Gamer?

    When you sacrifice your children to the void, you do so with a clear heart :)
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    Login Names: A look at our origins.

    Well, i've only used two nicknames to any effect troughout my (short) internet history. The first was GoblinKing, and its still used on GameFAQs. It was based off David Bowie's character (Jareth the Goblin King) in the movie Labyrinth. Since i'm not exactly a good example of male aesthetics, the...
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    How could Fallout work on a Console?

    FFTactics didn't used an hexagonal grid that i remember. It just used squares, with four directions for movement and/or actions.
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    There's more to Fallout than its engine.

    Very true, Briosa, however my point is that people shouldn't automatically assume it would be better than what Bethesda will do.
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    At something awful, new VB screenshot

    You could even at one point cause the bot to fail and the messages of peace that faithful followers were trying to follow would become garbled, which caused differences of opinion within the cult as to what the leader was trying to say. A very simple scenario would be to have the bot say...
  14. R

    There's more to Fallout than its engine.

    Why exactly? I see people often claiming they want to see the Van Buren engine used for the upcoming Fallout 3, but why do they want it? The game wasn't being developed under ideal circumstances. The SPECIAL system had been changed quite a bit. It was going to accomodate turnbased and realtime...
  15. R

    CVG Talks to Pete

    Yes, that is correct.