Mr.Teatime informed me of another Pete Hines interview, man these are getting famous aren't they. This time around it's CVG that has spoken to Pete and he dances like he usually does:<blockquote>CVG: What's impressed you most about the Fallout series and, going forward, will this or these things still remain a core part of the third in the series?
Hines: There are a number of things that stand out. Fallout had a great setting: the environments, tone, story, characters, and so on. The role-playing aspect and the SPECIAL system were terrific. From a technical standpoint, it had great animation, voice work, lip-synching, etc. So there were a lot of elements that went into making it the memorable title it was. Our plan is to bring as much of that into Fallout 3 as possible.
CVG: And how do you foresee such features combining with Bethesda's strengths as a developer?
Hines: Well, we do RPGs. That's our genre, that's what we play, that's what we know. So there's no question that what we're interested in making is a role-playing game. In addition, our Elder Scrolls games are open-ended, offer the player lots of options to play the game as they choose... Things like that. I think those qualities are consistent with those in Fallout</blockquote>Other than that it's the usual "cannot talk about specifics yet" answers..
Link: CVG Talks to Pete
Hines: There are a number of things that stand out. Fallout had a great setting: the environments, tone, story, characters, and so on. The role-playing aspect and the SPECIAL system were terrific. From a technical standpoint, it had great animation, voice work, lip-synching, etc. So there were a lot of elements that went into making it the memorable title it was. Our plan is to bring as much of that into Fallout 3 as possible.
CVG: And how do you foresee such features combining with Bethesda's strengths as a developer?
Hines: Well, we do RPGs. That's our genre, that's what we play, that's what we know. So there's no question that what we're interested in making is a role-playing game. In addition, our Elder Scrolls games are open-ended, offer the player lots of options to play the game as they choose... Things like that. I think those qualities are consistent with those in Fallout</blockquote>Other than that it's the usual "cannot talk about specifics yet" answers..
Link: CVG Talks to Pete