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  1. R

    Your desktop image.

    ...That reminds me of the image I made of a Nuka Cola wall poster. Is that where it's from? EDIT: Scratch that, it is :)
  2. R

    Your top 5 presents.

    A special person's heart A DVD Reader/Rewriter A fine leather jacket Neil Gaiman/Dave McKean graphic novel entitled Mr. Punch Money
  3. R

    Merry Christmas everyone

    Merry Christmas everyone ;)
  4. R

    Your desktop image.

    Curiously that's not the first time people ask me if it's the Engineer from Hellraiser. Actually it isn't based on it... I only saw the Engineer after I made that image.
  5. R

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    True. How about we start seeing a christmas gimp mask or something? Anyway, 5 to be nice. I never liked Tintin that much. The series should have always been about captain Hadoc (sp?). You can't go wrong with drunken seamen.
  6. R

    Your desktop image.

    Current desktop: I made this image myself for a project but unfortunately it took a different direction so the image was no longer necessary. I kept it around, since I liked it, and decided to use it as my desktop.
  7. R

    IPLY and Q3 earnings

    You should try to condense your sig-worthy material :)
  8. R

    Baby names...

    Good idea. But now I'm not sure of wheter I should call my first born son "Mr. Handy" or "Señor Bag of Crap".
  9. R

    shameful music

    I like her but can't stand her music. Anyway. I don't have a problem with what I listen to. I'm not ashamed of anything, although I refrain from telling people I like Prince. People just go all billy on me when I tell'em that. Strangely I don't have as much of a problem saying I like Marylin...
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    A real Schizophrenia case.

    Wooz = teh seksay! I don't mind sharing >_> Just kidding :P All in good fun.
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    A real Schizophrenia case.

    Your place or mine?
  12. R

    Interplay - rats leaving the sinking ship.

    No. He just dresses up as a janitor everytime debt collectors knock at his door.
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    Yes I do, I love teh ghoulsecks. Gosh darn it, that is too bad.
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    <3 sloppy ghoul action.
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    You're only saying that because you've been caught with your pants down :lol:
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    I'm betting on an uncensored video of Briosafreak crossdressing and doing a full striptease while Odin applauds. Well, maybe not. But it would be fun, no?
  18. R

    Todd is on a rampage

    Tactics didn't fail because it wasnt' an RPG. We already knew as much during development that it was meant to be a tactical combat game. It failed because it was basically lacking in many areas.
  19. R

    Gameinformer snibblet about Fo3

    It was a Trait. WHOAMG u dont know teh diferenss betwine trait and perk lolz omg FANOUT IS DOOOOMED!!!