Baby names...


First time out of the vault
Angelique Caitlyn [insert last name here] and Jace Cole [Insert last name here]
Do you think those are good names? :lol:
or do you got any better suggestion?
hahaha no im only 16 for gods sake! :lol:
but i'm just bored so im going to decide what im going to name my kids
guys think about that, this indepthly? I was planing on using hte first product name i saw.
Why not name 'em after fictional characters? Im just gonna love doing that to my kids...assuming they dont disown me...

:wink: ,
The Vault Dweller
I'm sure you'll get some priceless looks when you fill out the birth cirtificate with "Vault Dweller Jr."... Yeah, that's the ticket...
I've only got three girl names yet: Nuria, Java and Risa.

Unfortunately, they don't go very well with my last name.
Maria magdalene and Joseph-Jiob :wink:

No... hmm... I´m really not a friend of double-barrelled names since in my abitur-class was a guy named "Fabio Jürgen Cellio-Wegmanner"

I always liked Katharina, Catherine, Catarina, Katrina etc. etc.... (it doesn't matter in which language or variation, this name always rocks :D )

And Sean may be a great boys name...

Cauchy Hadamard
Riemann Lebesgue
Bolzano Weierstrass
Sturm Liouville
Frank Hertz
Mickelson Morley
Haynes Shockley
Actually my kid would be called "The Chosen One"!!!!one111

Im joking...

I think you should buy a book of names and choose rarely used one's. Those are unique and automatically sound good. Such examples...


Blah! Those are all fantasy related! Ergh...

The Vault Dweller


What a coincidence! Right after I made this post a friend told me online just after coming from away that she was busy with a phone call. She was called by "heaven". I asked what she meant. She said she has a friend named "Heaven Pebley". Now THATS a name.