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  1. Briosafreak

    The Outer Worlds information overload

    <3 Tim and Leonard, love the art and world building, love the Iggy Pop tune. Take my money, now! And this was the first thing my son sent me when he woke up, on the other side of Europe, and he isn't the hyped type, so kudos.
  2. Briosafreak

    Fallout with Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky on YouTube

    For real, from an Obsidian Twitch stream:
  3. Briosafreak

    Making of Fallout 1 and 2

    Ok this was awesome.
  4. Briosafreak

    Wasteland 3 announced, crowdfunding campaign to start on 5th of October

    I'm facing it :falloutonline:you should keep this video, NMAs history and all that.
  5. Briosafreak

    Wasteland 3 announced, crowdfunding campaign to start on 5th of October

    Will they put me and the others from NMA dead on the floor again?
  6. Briosafreak

    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    So I started this in 2003 and it's still going? Wow :hatersgonnahate: Atomic cheers from
  7. Briosafreak

    Game journalism is a disgrace

    Sorry? I didn't fabricate nothing, he's the one doing it from the start, and it started years ago. This time it just went too far, lying like that and conveniently manipulating what one "remembers" and "doesn't remember" it's the substance of fabrications. And lying about the way he expelled the...
  8. Briosafreak

    Game journalism is a disgrace

    False. You left NMA 2 times. I don't work on the industry since September 2011, while you continue to be paid to write about games. In the place where I was first banned ever, because I went there on a rage because they insulted NMA every single time they could. In the same place that you...
  9. Briosafreak

    Game journalism is a disgrace

    How dare you to manipulate what I say, lie over and over again, go on about tangents and claims that are out there without backing up, and point fingers? Get off your high horse and grow up.
  10. Briosafreak

    Game journalism is a disgrace

    Ok although there are confidentiality issues still pending I'll do my best to explain why this is completely wrong. We'll start by explaining how Planet Fallout came to be. IGN during the Murdoch years developed a policy of selling content space to publishers. They would make one or three...
  11. Briosafreak

    Game journalism is a disgrace

    We got all the interviews we asked during New Vegas at Planet Fallout, and NMA was on the black list, making it forbidden for Obsidian and Bethesda people to talk to this site. Their PR was very professional in their relation with us, and not at all pushy, except regarding Interplay news, they...
  12. Briosafreak

    Game journalism is a disgrace

    Well an almost complete time frame of events, courtesy of Role-Player, that showed me this: Jessica just said that people should...
  13. Briosafreak

    Game journalism is a disgrace

    And another piece: That got a disastrous response from Jessica Chobot. So this is starting to be funny.
  14. Briosafreak

    Game journalism is a disgrace

    In the meantime Rob lost his job because of this, as every gaming journo in the past that pointed fingers to what's wrong. Every single one of them.
  15. Briosafreak

    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    Indeed! Going to put some more points on my barter skill then...
  16. Briosafreak

    Chris Avellone interview

    Yep, and the EA thing is indeed ironically hilarious, and at the same time nice. But still we have to recover the funny birthday video from the 90's, the one made by Interplay employees with all the EA gags, just for kicks.
  17. Briosafreak

    Happy 15th birthday, Fallout!

    Seriously this just made my day, year, decade, 15 years :) :
  18. Briosafreak

    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    Well since I lost too much weight we should barter in fat one of these days :D all the best
  19. Briosafreak

    Mad Max: Fury Road

    Nice scoop MadMax RW