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  1. oxidize

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.3.3 (Unofficial Expansion)

    How can there be so many bugs with every new version, it's just insane... I have a feeling the bugs will never actually be gone.
  2. oxidize

    Crimea hits IndieGogo

    Probably because it was a no-money-back-if-fail campaign, and the fact that it wasn't on Kickstarter.
  3. oxidize

    FO2 Mechanics Overhaul Mod

    Well, I really liked your mod so far, but this Fast Shot change is unnecessary IMO. I think you should leave it as it is. The reason being too boring to play without aim is bad reason for me. The devs wanted it that way. You shoot fast so you don't have time to aim - makes perfect sense.
  4. oxidize

    FO2 Mechanics Overhaul Mod

    Why is this being done? Both of these penalties I mean. Balancing unnecessary IMO. There's already quite a big penalty, can't aim.
  5. oxidize

    Fallout 2 aimed shot bonus to crit chance

    This is interesting, it baffles me that still so many years after release of the game there are still things in game's mechanics that are unknown. How is that possible? I wish developers just put out all the mechanics-design documents out, would've saved a lot of work.
  6. oxidize

    Arabic peoples and communities in the Fallout universe?

    The Fallout games are set in a small part of USA, the California and maybe there are Arabian communities in other parts of USA. But Arabs didn't make a significant part of the USA population before the Nuclear Apocalypse, so I doubt they would be having their own community. Most likely a few...
  7. oxidize

    "Fallout: Between Good & Evil" announcement

    You are only using Fallout engine, nothing else so I don't think there should be problems with Kickstarter but I'm not an expert though.
  8. oxidize

    How exactly does the combat work?

    So in Fallout, you always have the "surpise turn" unlike in tabletop RPGs where usually there's awerness check for your oponnent and if he fails to pass it then you have surprise turn.
  9. oxidize

    How exactly does the combat work?

    Do the combatants have to roll for initiative every round, like in AD&D 2nd? Or, just once on the beginning of first round like 3.5 D&D?
  10. oxidize

    How exactly does the combat work?

    When I want to attack someone, what exactly happens? I mean the player shouldn't be able to always attack first, right? Like I'm just gonna take my gun out and shoot someone, so I'm always first. Is that possible? Lets look at this pic: If I decide to attack one of those two guards now, what...
  11. oxidize

    Best way to start Fallout 2?

    Totally agree with this. The most boring, repetitive area in the game...
  12. oxidize

    Is there a mod that allows total companion control?

    Well? Is there? I mean primarily for FO2. So you can control Sulik and others.
  13. oxidize

    Fallout 1 mod FO1 to FO2 conversion, for real

    Wow, those would be great improvements...
  14. oxidize

    Fallout 1 mod FO1 to FO2 conversion, for real

    why is this being done again? what are the benefits of this? We'll be able to get more levels? Perks?
  15. oxidize

    Best way to start Fallout 2?

    Restoration project or just unofficial patch both made by killap
  16. oxidize

    Fallout 3: Van Buren (Spoilers!)

    There are already mods that do that and they've been around for years. Where have you been living, in a Vault?
  17. oxidize

    Fallout Haiku

    Yeah, I got the first two lines... Anyway your poem is awesome, the best one I've heard on this thread.
  18. oxidize

    Is it possible to build a Fallout Vault with today's technology?

    I think that it all depends on how long would the humans have to wait for the nuclear radiation on the surface to become small enough for them to get out of the Vault. If you put 100 humans in a Vault, of course they would all die sooner or later, probably in 100 years max. But the point of the...
  19. oxidize

    Fallout Haiku

    What does this mean? Last verse?
  20. oxidize

    Is it possible to build a Fallout Vault with today's technology?

    We cannot exist forever on the surface either. We all die at some point.