Fallout 2 aimed shot bonus to crit chance


First time out of the vault
(Edit on 9/18/15: NovaRain gave me a link to http://www.mediafire.com/download/da...2calc_docs.rar , which contains a "partially reverse-engineered Fallout 2 combat algorithm", and should render this post obsolete. I still cannot reconcile some results from my testing though, and if the YAAM mod really is the cause, then I'm pretty sure it was some unintended side-effect.)

I understand that aimed shots to different areas have different bonuses to crit chance, but that "this number isn't documented anywhere" :confused: (from the critical hit table at the fallout wikia; I can't seem to link it here) If somebody can give definitive numbers, then this post becomes obsolete. :grin:

Update log:
- (31/10/14) Uncalled thrust attacks from a knife at 297% gave ~5+% crit, i.e. crit contribution from melee skill seems to be lower than small guns. (sample size = 265)
- (1/11/14) I think I confirmed that at least under YAAM, "weapon penetrate" rounds down the DT before any other calculations. (combined weapon penetrate with DT mod 4, brotherhood armor's 8/40% was identical with combat armor's 5/40%)

Current empirical estimates:

20 small guns skill = 1% crit chance (edit on 9/18/15: I still can't reconcile this with the mechanic revealed in fo2calg.pdf; either my sample sizes are too small, or YAAM inadvertently somehow produced the effect that I am seeing, or something...what I mean is that in fo2calg.pdf, there should not be any bonus to crit chance beyond 95% accuracy, yet in my tests there was a consistent difference between 107% small arms skill and 297% small arms skill, @ mostly 95% accuracy throughout)

Eyes : +60%
Head : +40%
Groin and arms : +30%
Legs : +20%
Torso : +0%

Critical effect table at the fallout wikia for groin may be incorrect(some torso multipliers might be off too). Will update.

Tentative conclusions from other tests(with my RP 2.3.3 with YAAM):

- Despite the in-game text and the wiki's critical effect table saying "ignore armor" for some critical hits, a small degree of armor still remains to slightly soften the blow, but at least under YAAM, any DT mod can easily blow that remainder completely away.

- For non-critical hits(at least), damage seems to be rounded *up*. Under YAAM at least.

- Weapon penetrate reduces DT by 80% + rounding down the remaining DT. i.e. It rounds up it's effect, i.e. it's "at least 80% reduction".

- The wiki gives magneto-laser pistol as having a special -5 DT *and* -50% DR property, but either using fw2edit destroyed some special property(unlikely imo), or it is really just the weapon penetrate effect.

- Similarly, I cannot see the wiki's stated shotgun mechanics(either the range-dependent accuracy bonus or the range-dependent damage reduction). i.e. in my testing, I could not detect any unique shotgun characteristics. (but you could create one by using f2wedit to give a burst of 2, or something else beyond my creative/modding capacity :lol: )

The rest of this post is regarding my empirical data and other tests; you could glance at my sample sizes, but you'll probably want to ignore everything else. It's more for (1) the critical-minded people who want to check my methods + thought process + interpretations (please let me know when you find mistakes), and (2) for people who would like to independently do testing, and/or stack their sample sizes on top of mine.


Method and data

- I have taken a fixed damage LE Red Ryder BB gun(lowering its damage using f2wedit), and varied small guns skill between 107% and 297%, shooting at Sulik(combat armor) at noon with a 1 Luck, 10 Perception character, with no perks, at range 20. Here is my current data and sample sizes:

At small guns = 107%,
Eyes : 67.67% (sample size: 150) (accuracy was at 68%)
Head : 45.88% (sample size: 320)
Groin : 34.10% (sample size: 473)
Arm : 33.52% (sample size: 197)
Leg : 26.34% (sample size: 395)
Torso : 5.36% (sample size: 440)
Uncalled : 4.66% (sample size: 265)

At small guns = 297%,
Eyes : 75.00% (sample size: 150)
Head : 55.88% (sample size: 320)
Groin : 43.10% (sample size: 898)
Arm : 40.11% (sample size: 343)
Leg : 33.72% (sample size: 265)


- Sulik wasn't wearing combat armor for the head. This is an unintentional carryover from when I started. I may eventually do split tests for the head, but will lump the results together unless and until I find a significant difference.

- "Armor bypassing effects" are not 100%; my "wild guess" is that it reduces both DT and DR by 80%, e.g. 5/40% becomes 1/8%. Have not done the required varied armors and varied BB gun damage to pin this down.

- Regarding the wiki critical effects table damage multipliers for torso, you can easily test it yourself by getting sniper with luck 10 and shooting a hundred shots or something. I will not be doing so, and thus it may take a long time before I get a large enough sample size and update(since crit rate is so low for torso).

- Similarly, while monitoring the critical effects for groin hits, the wiki's critical effect table wasn't able to explain my results, hence the extra section further down below.

- As a related note, under RP, ddraw.ini allows for modification of accuracy modifiers for different parts. Personal appreciation to timeslip and the other creators for sfall(and killap, and haen. <3 )

About rounding up damage when armor-bypassing effects are not acheived(YAAM-specific?):

- Combat armor has 5/40% against regular-type damage. BB gun:

7 dmg - 5 = 2 dmg, 2 x 0.6 = 1.2. Actual result was 2.
19 dmg - 5 = 14 dmg, 14 x 0.6 = 8.4. Actual result was 9.

- It would appear that damage was rounded up. Now what if it's below 1? I switched to the laser pistol:

Combat armor has 8/60% against laser.

9 dmg - 8 = 1 dmg, 1 x 0.4 = 0.4. Actual result was 1.

- Still seems to hold true(i.e. still rounding up). Now I switch to advanced power armor, still with the laser pistol:

Advanced power armor has 19/90% against laser.

19 dmg - 19 = 0 dmg. Actual result was 0.
20 dmg - 19 = 1 dmg, 1 x 0.1 = 0.1. Actual result was 1. (still true)
29 dmg - 19 = 10 dmg, 10 x 0.1 = 1. Actual result was 1.
30 dmg - 19 = 11 dmg, 11 x 0.1 = 1.1. Actual result was 2. (still true)

Yet so far, from at least a few places that I've read, they tell me that it rounds off to the nearest number. My current guess is that this is due to YAAM, but it's just a wild guess. (somebody without YAAM can easily test this if they need/want to find out for themselves). In addition, I am not yet assuming that the same applies for critical hits.

About weapon penetrate

Here I temporarily gave the LE BB weapon penetrate through cubik's f2wedit. Setting damage to 3 and letting sulik don metal armor(4/30%):

- If weapon penetrate "reduces DT by 80%", then 4 x 20% = 0.8.

- If this 0.8 is not rounded off beforehand, I would expect to see 2.2 x 0.7 = 1.54.

- If this 0.8 is rounded down to 0, I would then expect to see 3 x 0.7 = 2.1.

Actual damage was 3. (which also means that 0.8 couldn't have been rounded up to 1)

About the magneto-laser pistol

Used f2wedit to give the regular pistol weapon penetrate, then used both weapons to shoot at combat armor and advanced armor over a good range of values(from 3 to 20+). Exactly identical, and exactly in accordance with what I've learnt about weapon penetrate and rounding up non-crit damages. :roll:

About groin crit effects:

I said earlier that I think there might be a problem with the wiki's critical effect table. Here is my data and current hypothesis.

- Firstly, these are the 6(or 7) text crit results from a 10 dmg BB gun against Sulik's combat armor:

- 5 dmg : "Ouch! That had to hurt"
- 5 dmg : "...:wtf:without protection :wtf:, he falls over, groaning in agony"
- 5 dmg : "The pain is too much for him, and he collapses like a rag"
- 12 dmg: "...and he's not wearing a cup, either"
- 12 dmg: "without protection, he falls over, groaning in agony"
- 17 dmg: usually "groaning in agony", or if Sulik is unlucky, "collapses like a rag"

I think there are at least two anomalies:
(1) I believe the bolded and underlined is a text error; I also think that there is a corresponding error on the wiki's table, i.e. 21-45's "ignore armor".

(2) The wiki's critical hit table gives 71-90 as "x2 damage, knockout effect"(and nothing else). But combat armor reduces a base damage of 10 to exactly 3, and 3x2 is 6, which is absent from the results.

My guess is that the game is working well, but in a way that is not completely in accordance with the wiki's critical effect table. Which is why I will record my current hypothesis here:

0-20 => x 1.5 dmg
21-45* => x 1.5 dmg....................(end - 4?) roll , pass = knockdown , fail = knockout
46-70 => x 1.5 dmg......................(end - 2?) roll , pass = knockout , fail = bypass armor
71-90 => bypass armor, x 1.5 dmg..(end - 6?)roll , pass = remain standing, fail = knockdown
91-100 => bypass armor, x 2 dmg....(end - ?) roll , pass = knockdown , fail = knockout
* :wtf: with FAKE bypass armor text for 21-45 :wtf:

I now assume that Sulik starts with 9 endurance, and also that "groaning in agony" = knockdown and "collapses like a rag" = knockout. Then the predicted probablilties are:

"Ouch! That had to hurt" (5 dmg)-----------------> 0-20 ========================> 20%
":wtf: w/o protection :wtf: ...groaning..." (5 dmg)---> passed 21-45 ========= > 0.5 x 25% = 12.5%
"...collapses like a rag" (5 dmg)------> failed 21-45 OR passed 46-70 => 0.5x25% + 0.7x25% = 30%
"...not wearing a cup" (12 dmg)-----> failed 46-70 OR passed 71-90 => 0.3x25% + 0.3x20% = 13.5%
"w/o protection...groaning..." (12 dmg)-----------> failed 71-90 ===========> 0.7 x 20% = 14%
either knockdown or knockout (17 dmg)----------> 91-100(combining both roll cases) ===== > 10%

Current sample size: 562(disregarding skill differences)
Empirical | Predicted
20.1% | 20%
11.0% | 12.5%
31.9% | 30%
12.6% | 13.5%
13.4% | 14%
11.0% | 10%

My hypothesis may be totally or partially wrong(and the endurance roll modifiers are definitely only estimates). Eventually, as sample size grows, I will re-evaluate my hypothesis and also look at the wiki's critical effect table again to see if it can explain the results.

About armor-bypassing effects

I also use the 10dmg LE BB gun crits to combat armor sulik's groin to get a clue. If I assume that 12 represents the x1.5 modifier and 17 represents the x2 modifier, and if I assume that these modifiers are applied after the (greatly) reduced armor effects, then:

- I think I can rule out the rounding of damage before the application of the crit effect modifier. (i.e. 8 x 1.5 wouldn't do the trick, since 8 x 2 isn't 17)

- I think it follows that you apply the x1.5 or x2 to the un-rounded damage, and then either round to the nearest number, or you round down. (rounding up would be impossible: anything 8 or less couldn't produce 17, yet 8.001 would produce 13 and 17 instead)

- If you round to the nearest, then the value after reduced-armor lies between 8.25-8.33. If you round down, then the value would lie between 8.5-8.66.

- If armor-bypassing uniformly bypasses 80% of DT and DR, then you would get 1/8%, i.e. (10 - 1) x 92%, = 8.28. I haven't really thought it through yet, and would definitely need to vary the armor type and/or BB gun damage to pin it down, so this 80% uniform armor reduction is almost purely a speculation. Perhaps a modder can enlighten me on to what degree armor is bypassed; but whatever it may be, in my testing, whatever that remains can continue to be cut through by YAAM's DT mod for complete negation of armor.

"Experiment conditions"

For the record, here's roughly what I did(whether relevant or not):

- RP 2.3.3, YAAM(totally fresh, I haven't played again for many, many years). Not sure of my CD version; should be some US version, with "Windows 7/Vista" written on it.
- F2se and F2wedit were the only two tools I used.
- Fresh game, Mingan, naturally levelled up to 2 in the process of getting straight to Sulik, put the skill points in small guns
- F2se manipulation to get desired items, stats and skill levels. (including all stats to 10, except 1 luck)
- Used F2wedit to set weapon damage; "weapon long range perk" and other values unchanged.
- Ran out to the wilderness desert with Sulik, set the clock to go to noon.
* Fixed seperate skills in seperate save game slots to eliminate constant tinkering with F2se.
* Range was always consciously fixed at 20
* Care was taken to always reload after a knockdown(to account for possible influence)
* Due to me fearing that computer-generated "random" outcomes aren't truly independent from each other(e.g. a specific unlikely crit effect not happening forever and then happening 3 times in a row), I have made an effort to not stop just after a long unlikely string. I get a "vague" feeling that the random number generator might forcibly correct its probabilities within 100+ hits, but this is *extremely* subjective. One way or another, fair and large sample sizes should give greater overall accuracy.
* Other than increasing sample sizes, if I have time, other investigations include (1) skill = 202%(mid-point) to further check for linearity, (2) varying sulik's armor wearing plus (3) varying range to see if it is "excess accuracy" or just pure skill level, (4) checking for the presence of innate melee bonus crit chance
* Anybody can always replicate my conditions and stack sample sizes on top of what I have given here(assuming you trust my recording accuracy).
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A fine effort. I tip my hat to you.

That said, I don't have any experience digging around in the game files, but it's possible one of our modders here might be able to save you a bit of research.
I know, and sorry for the messy format, which is why I was hoping someone would come along and obsolete my post.
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This is interesting, it baffles me that still so many years after release of the game there are still things in game's mechanics that are unknown. How is that possible? I wish developers just put out all the mechanics-design documents out, would've saved a lot of work.
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Insta-kill is getting a 101 roll on your crit effect on the head or eyes, from the same page that I tried to link(wiki's critical effect table); and from that same page it says the only way is via the Better Criticals perk. I'm lazy to test atm, but you can always test it out for yourself ^_^
This is superb.

I'm not sure how much accurate you're going to get, your method seems pretty sound, and your samples (in my opinion) are fine. 150 is enough, and that's your smallest sample group.

I have noticed that the game seems to stack against you, and "random" doesn't seem to be random at all. Just using basic probabilities (assuming independence and identical runs with hit tables and attempts), some of the misses in game are ridiculous. For example, if I have a 50% chance to hit, more often than not I find that, even after 3-4 attempts, I'm missing way more than I should. (4 runs at 50% would mean that only ~7% of the time I would miss every time... but it seems much higher than that empirically). This could be something interesting to test.

I wouldn't put too much stock in the percentages as being random or even linear, but I may just be seeing what I want to see. Though your results seem to support what little we do know.

Excellent work, one of the best posts I've read on here in a while.
Hehe; years back when actually playing, I got the same feeling as you(even up till now, I remember "two-in-a-row misses at 95% accuracy, then a hit, then another miss" as a pattern, and I haven't played fallout 2 in eons). One thing is that to my knowledge(and to my expectation), asking a computer to create a truly random number is technically impossible, and that there are many (imperfect) methods out there or something like that. But all this is way out of my league; someone with either proper statistics training or a knowledgeable computer guy will be able to make meaningful comments, not me. :silenced:

I'll have to work on the small eye sample eventually; atm I'm obsessed with the groin. :ugly: Generally, percentages have been far more stable than I thought(e.g. the sample sizes for critical effects is much smaller, yet throughout it all, it has stayed really close to expectation, almost as if the game will "correct" the probabilities "quite soon enough" *) . And this is why the groin percentage bugs me, along with gathering a bigger critical hit sample size for that hypothesis.

* this is why this needs a statistician, not me; all I really mean is that I thought it would take bigger sample sizes to stabalize the probability distribution from the different critical effects. And what "I thought" comes from someone who has no real statistical training, hehe

Update: About the new skill difference level finding, years ago when I was playing, I actually did understand it as "excessive skill" will boost crits in some way(apart from letting you accurately hit the eyes). I got this old understanding from the default game manual, and perhaps it wasn't wrong after all...gonna concentrate on increasing the split sample sizes for the head, and if anybody is curious enough, they can replicate my conditions and stack their sizes on top of mine.
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Keep it up, I think it will be interesting to go over your findings.

You could even just strictly test the hit percentages first, then the critical hits.

If you run about 50 trails and at 95% you miss 2-4 times, then the chance to hit should be fairly accurate. No need (in my opinion) to have a sample larger than 50... hell, even 30 would be adequate at this point in time. Once discrepancies are found, you can dive a little deeper. No need to continue testing if you're getting expected results 95% of the time. Chasing the alpha region and all that.
I'll always assume that the displayed hit percentage is correct*, hehe.

- Regarding the original intention of finding the bonus crit chance for a body part, if we assume that the developers will stick to a multiple-of-five percentage, then I think it's probably what I have guessed(it also fits in neatly with the accuracy penalties, i.e. -20% to hit gives you +20% crit chance etc.). What I mean is that this is not WoW; the true percentage won't be +23.547% type of numbers. And I've also temporarily run out of patience, but if I do regain it, I'll do more tests and see if the long-term probability shifts.

- Regarding the other tests, they were just stuff that I thought of(e.g. wanted to understand crits and armor-bypassing more, and how much value "excess skill" has if you're already always at 95% to the eyes and such). I'm intending to "mod" my own game hehe; the last time I played was before killap even started the RP process, and I wanted to "make things perfect" for my first RP try. :lol:

- Regarding groin crit effects: I think the table on the wiki was obtained by cracking the .exe file? For those who can do that, they should be saying "oh quit shooting Sulik: here's the actual precise values". This post is really just waiting to be obsoleted: my secret hope was that someone would get fed up with the shooting and settle the issues once and for all. :eyebrow:

* over the long-term; in practice, e.g. I was shooting at 80% accuracy for another test and missed once or twice over 10+ times, then suddenly missed 5 times in a row. i.e. I would not be surprised if lucky/unlucky strings happen more than they should due to imperfect random number generation. Which is why I fear to do like only 30 at a time and then stop and start another day.
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If you're trying to find out how the formulas work in the original games, using YAAM is a bit counter-productive, no? For example, I'm pretty certain that the remaining DR on armor-bypassing crits is something that YAAM introduced.

I can tell you this much for certain: In FO1, an armor-bypassing crit with the the LE BB gun would always produce the expected multiple of 25, as per the crit table. It's been years since I played it, and I never got around to testing how it works with Psycho or the Toughness perks.

I think one of the unanswered questions of Fallout's Called Shot mechanic was if it ever makes sense to make a targeted shot on the chest, since that costs 1 AP more for the same chance to hit as a normal shot.

I also wonder a bit about weapon penetrate; from the crude testing I did years ago in FO1 (.223 pistol vs Hub guards), I seem to remember that it completely ignored their combat armor's DT. If the -80% number is true, they should have had one DT left. Until now, I assumed until now the weapon penetrate perk meant the first 5 DT were ignored.
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Doesn't this thread belong on the Fallout Gameplay&Tech Forum?

As for the Fallout Wikia site, there are many errors there, at least regarding the original 2 games which aren't mainstream anymore. The inaccuracy about the Magneto-Laser's penetration effect (which has since been corrected) was one of them. But if you plan on improving and updating their articles, you cannot take your data from YAAM. That website is about unmodded games only, and the author of YAAM might have altered the combat mechanics.

Critical Chance was just recently discussed here.

Apparently, Critical Chance is always affected by Luck, the bodypart that the shot is aimed at, plus a random number based on your Chance To Hit. See that thread for details. For a character with 10 Luck and a 95% chance to hit, an unaimed shot would have a critical chance of 10 + (5x9+10x8+10x7+10x6+10x5+10x4+10x3+10x2+10x1+10x0)/10 = 14.2631578974% for successful hits. The same character with Luck 1 would have a critical chance of 5.26315789474% for successful hits. A bonus equal to the inverted chance-to-hit penalty would be added for targeted shots.

As for Weapon Penetrate, my understanding is that nothing is ever rounded up in Fallout(2). The effect you are seeing is the damage threshold reduction rounded down, not the damage itself rounded up. I have confirmed through experimentation that Weapon Penetrate removes exactly or very nearly 85% of the Damage Threshold. It is definitely more than 80% and definitely more than 5/6, but definitely less than 90% -- Power Armor loses exactly 10 of its 12 DT. Advanced Power Armor loses exactly 12 of its 15 DT. Hardened Power Armor loses exactly 16 of its 19 Laser DT (when attacked with a Magneto-Laser Pistol).

The same truncation applies to damage reductions imposed by DR. This is exactly why you saw Advanced Power Armor take that 1 point of damage from a 20-point Laser attack -- 1x90% = 0.9 rounds down to 0, so no reduction is applied.

I am unable to explain your groin critical damages. They make no sense. I just tried shooting at combat-armored Sulik in the groin with an unmodded Red Ryder LE in a completely unmodded version of Fallout2 (just the official 1.02 patch), and the critical effects were exactly as expected:

x1.5 damage
x1.5 damage with Armor-Piercing Effect + (if target fails Endurance Roll) Knockdown
x1.5 damage with Knockdown + (if target fails Endurance Roll) Knockout
x1.5 damage with Knockout
x2 damage with Armor-Piercing Effect + Knockdown + (if target fails Endurance Roll) Knockout.

My guess is that your anomalous results are due to a change in the game mechanics introduced by YAAM.
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As for Weapon Penetrate, my understanding is that nothing is ever rounded up in Fallout(2). The effect you are seeing is the damage threshold reduction rounded down, not the damage itself rounded up. I have confirmed through experimentation that Weapon Penetrate removes exactly or very nearly 85% of the Damage Threshold. It is definitely more than 80% and definitely more than 5/6, but definitely less than 90% -- Power Armor loses exactly 10 of its 12 DT. Advanced Power Armor loses exactly 12 of its 15 DT. Hardened Power Armor loses exactly 16 of its 19 Laser DT (when attacked with a Magneto-Laser Pistol).
DT is divided by 5 (DT/5) when it comes to Weapon Penetrate perk or armor-piercing crits. Not some fancy "x0.15" (-85%) multiplication or 5/6 fraction. Whoever edited the wikia page obviously didn't test enough, try a critter with 100 DT 0 DR, shoot it with a 500-500 dmg gun (no special ammo modifiers) with Weapon Penetrate perk, and you'll see DT is reduced by exactly 80% (480 points of damage done).
Nearly all decimals from calculation are discarded (Glovz's formula is an exception), because values are defined as integers in code.
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Ah. So, DT is divided by 5, and what remains is rounded down. That is consistent with the aforementioned reductions to the DT's of different power armor. It also explains why Sm Tough Deathclaws, which have a DT of 4, seem to lose all of their DT to armor-piercing criticals. This means that any DT lower than 5 is completely negated by Weapon Penetrate. This explains a lot. Thank you.

There seems to be much more knowledge on this forum than on that wikia site...which is a pity because that site, with all its incorrect information, is the first search result that pops up when one googles for Fallout-related information...
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There seems to be much more knowledge on this forum than on that wikia site...which is a pity because that site, with all its incorrect information, is the first search result that pops up when one googles for Fallout-related information...
The info on the pages (both wikia and gamepedia) was correct until someone edited it. I just edited it back with some more explanation.
- Please delete/move this thread as appropriate.

- This started with the intention of modding my own game but using YAAM as a base, then I decided that I should record these thousands of test shot results somewhere. I had no reason to expect YAAM to modify crit mechanics in any way. (Author made it pretty clear of the intentions and what he did.)

- Regarding critical hit chance, I've read the pdf file (http://www.mediafire.com/download/da...2calc_docs.rar ), and unfortunately it doesn't explain my test differences in 107% and 297% small guns skill (for called shots to various body parts at least). Maybe someone with statistical training can comment if my sample sizes were too small*, or more likely, maybe somebody with modding knowledge can tell me how likely it would be for this to be some unintended effect of YAAM * .

* I did roughly 1.5k shots @ 107% v.s. roughly 1.5k shots @ 297%, over a spread of different body parts, resulting in roughly 8-10% crit rate difference (over the various body parts). As I understand it, fo2calg.pdf predicts only a minor difference (~1%) between the 150 shots to eyes set, and identical crit rates for the rest (since the rest were all at 95% accuracy).

** i.e. What my question really is(to modders), is that did the work of Ghosthack and Atom already definitively describe crit chance, or could the "other parts of the code" have relevancy? I may be asking a stupid question (zero modding knowledge), but I do not know how to interpret this first paragraph of the pdf file. All I can see is that if a modder is willing to assume that my testing/sample sizes are anywhere near accurate, then that modder should be able to definitively say whether these are unintended YAAM side-effects or not.
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Yikes, a lot of conflicting information about this. The referenced docs show ToHit to be clamped to 95, which would mean that "crit as the inverse accuracy penalty" would be untrue. Is this not true? From my personal experience, in Fallout 1 it seems eye shots have a much higher critical chance potential. In Fallout 2 however it doesn't seem this way, though I'm using the Steam version with Sfall but I do not have any ammo mods enabled. I always thought it was true that eye shots were +60% crit. I just got done playing Fallout 1 with a Finesse eye-shot build. It was nearly like playing with Sniper. Trying to do the same thing in Fallout 2 but it appears crits are much more rare.
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