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  1. G

    New animations 2

    Gna gna gna :D Seriously this time, pretty much everything is to do, beside the CA anim made by Soifran, and maybe some set for the jumpsuit and leather armor made by Lisak and Soife. But the color is slightly different from the one made by BIS, I dont know if you can use them both in the...
  2. G

    GORIS SCRIPT fit the Non Helmet PA. Second Round!

    Yeah, maybe, but to argue my case, Goris already do it, so why not the player? And if you are careless enought to wander in the wasteland with civilian clothes, maybe you deserve to get shot? :D But then you would need an incentive to wear civilian clothes within a city. Like the vault city...
  3. G

    Fallout: New Vegas Set to Feature Transphobia?

    Mutants from the west coast are sterile, but I don't think they lost their sexual organ, or the Master would have realize a lot sooner that there was a probleme. I think i remember in the dialogue with the vault dweller, he ask the master to check with the female mutants if they had any kids...
  4. G

    Fallout: New Vegas Set to Feature Transphobia?

    I wonder if the player use the stealth boy, he will also have urges to wear nice robes, blond wigs... Could be funny, you wake up one morning only to find out that you had a "removal" surgery the night before! :D
  5. G

    GORIS SCRIPT fit the Non Helmet PA. Second Round!

    I think this deserve a new thread. :D A suggestion that would stay in the subject, make the helmet removing animation for the CA, this way all CA NPC could have a different head since with this script, we would just need to make the AA anim. Or let's make some "normal" clothes for the...
  6. G

    Best tools for editing ingame images?

    Funny, I know there is an english tutorial somewhere but I couldn' find it, so I just translated one made by B.Soifran. There is two way, the easy lazy one, and the hard learning one. The hard learning one: –Export the Items.lst file from master.dat to data/art/items(if you haven’t alread...
  7. G

    Can someone explain this expired ID thing?

    Since the US have over 50 states, as much driver licence cards, and no national ID-card, it's probably the only way the government can keep track of the movement of the american population. For the renewal in some states and if the adress is still the same, you can pay your fee and renew it on...
  8. G

    Fallout Tactics Artwork for Fallout Mods

    You really are a warrior! Thanks a lot!
  9. G

    Alternative E.P.A./Abbey Maps + other ideas and other maps

    Without judging if your maps fit the EPA or not, I like the feeling of the vault maps, not so sure about the mix with the brotherhood walls thought. About the auto cook, just take the one from the screenshot you posted with photoshop. Change the color, past a new computer consol and it should...
  10. G

    Can someone explain this expired ID thing?

    Meh. The fact that your ID for something is expired doesn't make the informations on it expire too. But each country has a different view on this matter. In my country (one that really like to centralize information), I sure could'nt travel with my old long invalid pass, but it is still is a...
  11. G

    GORIS SCRIPT fit the Non Helmet PA. Second Round!

    Great! Is it possible to make it work with npc too?
  12. G

    New animations 2

    Holly shit! Why are you guys speaking about something else as this? Is that all the animation for the black jumpsuit? Thats great, that leave "only" the leather and the metal armor to do. Could someone reupload the link with a more friendly uploader? This one deleted the file and only let me...
  13. G

    Good, Neutral, Evil.

    I always play good, which is why I sided with the master in F1, and with vault city in F2. Too bad there isn't any option to make lynette take over the ncr. I guess that it's because of the fallout grey morality tendancy, not to have a perfect happy ending...
  14. G

    sfall decompiler(int2ssl Author Program Anchorite)

    Ok, now that it is working, can someone explain to me what it is? Is this a watcom thing to decompile the scripts that you made, or a ruby thing, that can decompile all script? If so what are the differences with them, and do i need to still use watcom to compile? Is it compatible with the...
  15. G

    Scenery stuff and such...

    The forum must have found out that i had a sixt toe and I wasn't allowed to write anymore... Luckily, I have it removed now. Personly, I make a screenshot, then I past the blue color of an existing wall on the image so I don't have to care with the offset. This only work right if the wall on...
  16. G

    Scenery stuff and such...

    The new walls, also from M.Continum, here :
  17. G

    Scenery stuff and such...

    You mean the new continuum's tiles? there are here :
  18. G


    The one in the courtyard? It's The regular one is You can check the script attached to an item in the mapper by selecting it on the map and by clicking edit, if its a scenary don't forget to have scenary bar on. For the rest procedure use_obj_on_p_proc begin is...
  19. G

    Scripting npc interactivity over long periods of time

    The guys from Fonline made a graphic of a cart pulled by a brahmin. Maybe you could ask them to use it, and a make an alternative for the car with it. Slower but more environment friendly or something like this. But you really should consider releasing actual files for the Miria mod. :D
  20. G

    Asking for your Fallout inspiration and ideas

    Have you been there and there already? If not, maybe you might find something worth it in it. As for weapon, I personly like the brainwashing one from syndicate, or the one from...