I wish to pass to the Fallout community the Fallout Tactics object artworks that I have put together. Through the magic of the Fallout Tactics editor, and some clever Photoshop actions this project was completed. Each image was rendered without the original anti-aliasing (which looks wonderful in Fallout Tactics but leaves a horrible blue outline in the original Fallouts), because of this some of the finer shadows have been reduced, but overall it doesn’t affect the quality of the images.
All up there are 350 images - each batch has been categorized in their own folders (i.e.: BOS - Generic tiles – Industrial – etc). Each image is crammed with multiple scenery objects in the order found in the Tactics editor. All images are at actual size and have been converted into the Fallout color palette and saved as 8 bit BMP’s. I do recommend to modders de-saturate some of the more colorful pieces, so they blend in more naturally into the Fallout world, but that’s your decision. The best way to edit the images is to open them in Photoshop or its equivalent and crop the pieces you need, and then convert them in the Frame Animator. Be aware – you will need to arrange the frame offset numbers yourself, and might require that you slice some of the larger artworks into smaller pieces before converting them to FRM’s. If none of that makes any sense, then read up on the topics at NMA dealing with Fallout art.
Enjoy, Pixote.
PS: No I won’t be doing the walls and tiles, because of the obvious fact that the angles between the two games differ greatly - (it is possible to convert the walls and tiles into the correct angle, but I will leave that up to you to work it out). The images below are small examples of the various artworks, and their categories. The link is the actual downloadable file. For those greedy bastards grab the complete file. Complete Tactics Scenery Artwork.
Tactics_Generic Tiles
Tactics_Junk City
Tactics_Mission Specific
Tactics_New Tiles
Tactics_PostWar Town
Tactics_Ruined City
Added to the Tactics collection are the weapons and ammo. All up 162 individual items. The ground items can be rotated on 4 angles (NE, SE, SW,NW) for those occasions when you want to place a weapon on the ground with that special look.
The look of these items have been dirtied up somewhat; I thought the originals were far too bright and clean for Fallout. It will be interesting to see some of these in future Fallout mods. Included are the text descriptions from Tactics, with its damage, range, AP numbers, etc, feel free to change the numbers to suit your needs.
Grab the file here - Tactics Weapons
All up there are 350 images - each batch has been categorized in their own folders (i.e.: BOS - Generic tiles – Industrial – etc). Each image is crammed with multiple scenery objects in the order found in the Tactics editor. All images are at actual size and have been converted into the Fallout color palette and saved as 8 bit BMP’s. I do recommend to modders de-saturate some of the more colorful pieces, so they blend in more naturally into the Fallout world, but that’s your decision. The best way to edit the images is to open them in Photoshop or its equivalent and crop the pieces you need, and then convert them in the Frame Animator. Be aware – you will need to arrange the frame offset numbers yourself, and might require that you slice some of the larger artworks into smaller pieces before converting them to FRM’s. If none of that makes any sense, then read up on the topics at NMA dealing with Fallout art.
Enjoy, Pixote.
PS: No I won’t be doing the walls and tiles, because of the obvious fact that the angles between the two games differ greatly - (it is possible to convert the walls and tiles into the correct angle, but I will leave that up to you to work it out). The images below are small examples of the various artworks, and their categories. The link is the actual downloadable file. For those greedy bastards grab the complete file. Complete Tactics Scenery Artwork.


Tactics_Generic Tiles


Tactics_Junk City

Tactics_Mission Specific


Tactics_New Tiles

Tactics_PostWar Town



Tactics_Ruined City




Added to the Tactics collection are the weapons and ammo. All up 162 individual items. The ground items can be rotated on 4 angles (NE, SE, SW,NW) for those occasions when you want to place a weapon on the ground with that special look.

The look of these items have been dirtied up somewhat; I thought the originals were far too bright and clean for Fallout. It will be interesting to see some of these in future Fallout mods. Included are the text descriptions from Tactics, with its damage, range, AP numbers, etc, feel free to change the numbers to suit your needs.
Grab the file here - Tactics Weapons

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