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  1. brfritos

    The good aspects to Fallout 3?

    I was discussing this quest in another thread and while the written could've been much, much better, it actually shows that the devs knows how to construct a default RPG quest. Forget the writing for a moment if you please, because honestly, not much is salvageable in FO3. But the quest itself...
  2. brfritos

    Fallout 3, Could it have been a good game?

    You are correct, but this is sad actually. :cry: Look at Moira Brown quest, Wasteland Survival Guide. It interconnects most of the game world, it connect quests, it starts different quests, incentivize the player to explore and engage in different things. And if you chose to concentrate only in...
  3. brfritos

    Skyrim Special Edition First Impressions

    I didn't played Skyrim because... well, fantasy and dragons are really not my thing. And yes, I'm not a huge fan of Tolkien also. On the other hand I really dig at the sci-fi genre, wich is considered a childish effort by most critics. But to hell with them, old Nikola would fry them with Telas...
  4. brfritos

    I'm wondering if the Great Khans should have been presented more ambiguously...

    Don't know, the impression I had since the first time I looked at the Great Khans is a tribe who was badly beaten - not without reason, but maybe with a little excessive force that wasn't needed - and are living in a distant and dirty corner of Nevada licking their wounds. Calling them "nice" is...
  5. brfritos

    There should have been extra endings for NV?

    If you keep McNamara as Elder, do you mean... :smug: Also one more reason for Hardin having issues with the man, isn't?
  6. brfritos

    There should have been extra endings for NV?

    Who? The germans or the soviets? The Nazi germany was on par regarding technology and actually when the war began it had superior technology. On the other hand the soviets airplanes and navy was A LOT inferior to the US and NATO counterparts. Heck the bulk of the countries using soviet...
  7. brfritos

    There should have been extra endings for NV?

    Sometimes YOU NEED numbers, even if it's for a brief time. In WWII Omaha beach was conquered by the allies solely because of numbers, the nazi germans simply killed most of the soldiers that set foot on that beach. And yet the allies won because they in return simply throw more flesh into the...
  8. brfritos

    Why would you play Fallout 3 today?

    I'm actually replaying Fallout 3 these days because of TTW, latest version. Never used the mod before BTW. WoW, the mod work wonders and change A LOT of the game, I'd liked. Sadly it can't correct the sometimes awfull dialogs. :( TTW also shows how Fallout 3 could be a much better game if the...
  9. brfritos

    Fallout 4 announced with official trailer

    As long the nudinity has a context I don't have any problem at all with it. I actually like it, but I'm a exhibitionist (and perv), so my opinion is biased. Take Nymphomaniac from Lars von Trier for example, there's tons of nudity and sex but all have a context to it. I granted is a long movie...
  10. brfritos

    Getting to the Sierra Madre

    If it helps, I started the journey at 24/11/81 23:11 and after speaking with Elaijah, my pip-boy was marking 25/11/81 8:11 A nine hour trip to a forsaken place "famous" to kill everyone, but not knowable by anyone in Nevada? :eyebrow:
  11. brfritos

    How did you discover Fallout ?

    Ah, the good old times (more ancient in computer terms) of 386. DX33, mind you. :confused: When Doom was first launched it generated an uproar at the time, because the game required as minimum system a 486 DX50, a machine that was only a few months in the market. It could run in a 386 DX40...
  12. brfritos

    Fallout related tidbits

    Many a True Nerd has even FNV runs with and without killing everyone. The guy even made a Mass Effect run without kiling anyone!!! :shock:
  13. brfritos

    Any creative roleplayers out there?

    Lana Luxxx Borned in New Reno, moved at the age of sixteeen to Junktown after working as a miner in her younger age, looking for a better life. Tried a few jobs like bartender, crier, saleswoman, even physician assistant. Trying to seek new opportunities, become a body-guard at the age of...
  14. brfritos

    Why is Caesar legion so hated?

    Caesar and NCR are bad, but two isolationists and ego-maniacal groups are better? Now that's refreshing. :look: I'm re-playing the game after some time and trying differente scenarios and with the NCR at least you can have a imperialist force rolling over everyone or an army conquering the...
  15. brfritos

    Character ideas: forum opinion

    Now that's a very good idea! Shame that we can subvert the entire game and put the Khans in charge, always liked them from the very first playthrough, even if some times they are obnoxious. And good lord, their women are always sexy, the Kahn armorer face is one of the best in-game. Plus the...
  16. brfritos

    Weird things you do in your games...

    People should try jsawyer mod, I'm replaying FNV after a long time and the mod change the way you play the game heavy. Also the mod cured me of the "loot everything that isn't bolted on the floor". :cool: I mean, I have 800 20ga shells stored at home, do I really need those lefted by the...
  17. brfritos

    Without clues, Dishonored was too difficult

    No problem at all helping the players if they are unable to trespass an obstacle. But make the thing optional, not compulsory! Like a "help key" for example.
  18. brfritos

    Without clues, Dishonored was too difficult

    Yes, I read the entire interview. Why?
  19. brfritos

    Without clues, Dishonored was too difficult

    Remember the beginning of F2, Tagaziel? You enter The Den and at night in one of the buildings you encounter a ghost complaining Then you learn just talking to other people the story of this ghost. Then you see a shovel in the house and a cemetary nearby. What more clues do you need...
  20. brfritos

    Without clues, Dishonored was too difficult I noted in general section a thread about "gun owners". Someone can land me one or shoot me in the head? Thanks in advance! :shock: