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  1. brfritos

    Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk Leaving BioWare

    But the sale of Bioware to EA was exactly the opposite: the company had US$ 300 million in debt and was in verge of bankrupting in 2007, EA paid them A LOT less than the company really worth. If I recall correctly EA tryed to buy Valve twice, the latest recent offer was US$ 1 billion...
  2. brfritos

    Red Alert: C&C Generals 2 Has No Single-Player

    <blockquote>EA recently announced that Command & Conquer: Generals 2 is going to be free to play under the umbrella of an online series known simply as “Command & Conquer.” Bioware Victory general manager John Van Caneghem told me last week that Generals 2 will ship without a single player mode...
  3. brfritos

    Games you don't want to play again

    I can think a few I do not want to play again. Like Dutch said, Mass Effect series is now defunct, is the first time I saw a dev shot himself in the foot with a bazooka, instead of a pistol. Is actually curious, because ME2 disregards almost all of the first instalment of the series to the...
  4. brfritos

    Mass Effect 3 discussion

    But before at least they were able to create a sense of accomplishment, even if it was an illusion one. After all, is sci-fi fantasy, not hard sci-fi. Now not even this... Well, this has to do with the game plot and C&C settings, wich most of the time don't have influence in the endings...
  5. brfritos

    Euro 2012

    And as usual, if you needed Cristiano Ronaldo to decide something he...chickens. Incredible, you can't count on him for nothing! :/
  6. brfritos

    RIP Ray Bradbury 1920-2012

    Wich are not the discussion here... ;) RIP you old bastard x2!
  7. brfritos

    RPGs with awful endings *spoilers*

    I'm not a professional journalist or game dev, so I cannot say if ME3 is one of the worst endgame ever created, but is one of the worst endings I ever saw in a videogame. Really, it's capable of beating the ending of FO3, wich is also horrible. Yet, ME3 ending is worst. Então caro...
  8. brfritos

    Dead Space 3 = Resident Evil 5 in space?

    The irony of all of this is Bethesda is one of the few devs that remained true to their word, when they stated their games are mainly SP and not MP. If people want MP games, they will develop a new one that's exclusivelly MP. And I'm not talking about the quality of writing or gameplay...
  9. brfritos

    The Last of Us E3 Gameplay Footage

    Why he decided to shoot the guys instead of stealth them? Also if the intent is show the combat system, why one or two shots kill the enemies but our hero seems invencible? On the other hand, the body and movement animations are pretty good and the enviroment are engaging for a post-apocalypse...
  10. brfritos

    Mass Effect 3 discussion

    Depending the way and what for you produce your art, it's also a product. Other times you are doing the art because you want to express yourself about something without someone asking about it, Pablo Picasso did this with his painting "Guernica", nobody pays him to do it. But even if your art...
  11. brfritos

    Mass Effect 3 discussion

    I simply gave up and moved on, because Bioware/EA had the ability to achieve something that's very hard to do at the same time: failure to deliver a game, lose the respect of his own fanbase and lose the respect of the game community. Failure is not a bad thing, after all we learn from our...
  12. brfritos

    CD Projekt announcing new RPG tomorrow

    At last, another RPG that isn't fantasy-medieval-whatever. I liked the gameplay of TW2, but I'm not too fond of fantasy games, I hate LotR for example. First Wasteland 2 and now this? Life is good, isn't? :cool:
  13. brfritos

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Hey, I played this to death at arcade machines. Good times. Have to fire up MAME again, it seems... :clap:
  14. brfritos


    Yes, the website also is uterlly funny.
  15. brfritos


    This is the most fuck up shit I read in a long time! :lol: :drummer: ====================================== Brethren and Sistren, Recently, my little sister called me up and asked my advice on a problem she's been having. I know she's always looked up to me, considered me to be an...
  16. brfritos

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Q1 and Q2 are always favorite, I prefer Q2 for the single player campaign and Q1 for the MP. Q3 was the beginning of the end, at least for me. Q4 is not bad, just "meh". Disappointing sure, but not the worst game ever done.
  17. brfritos

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    I'm replaying Q4, always liked the look'n'feel of the Strogg and the engine is still very capable of good graphics, even if it's from a time when the particles and effects are very good looking, but some textures and decals are very bad low resolution sometimes. But I can understand why iD...
  18. brfritos


    Then sorry, my bad.
  19. brfritos


    Do you mean my attitude or the argentine government? Personally I don't give a damn about the whole situation, like you said, is how things work politically. But the arguments Argentine make to obtain the islands are ridiculous. To provide you some insigth, Argentine claims their right over...
  20. brfritos


    What argentines don't tell most people about the claims over Falklands - again??? :facepalm: - is the whole attempt of their government to hide their economic/social crisis by deviating the real issues to a periferic one. Argentina is lacking competetive force in the international market...