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  1. brfritos

    Fallout: New Vegas recommended mods

    Anyone using Arwen's mod? This mod transforms Fallout: New Vegas in what it should really be from the start, a RPG not a FPS. Is incompatible with A LOT of mods and all DLCs, but some people are taking care of this. Is compatible with Project Nevada except the Rebalance mod. It removes...
  2. brfritos

    [FNV | REL] Vault Girl HUD (FINISHED 01/13)

    Hey warsaw, good to know you still are working on the mod! I think I've found a way to integrate this into a script for when the player chooses a sex genre, the icons are changed according. Do you have a file with all the icons, so I can test it?
  3. brfritos

    Favorite DLC Weapon

    One of the most underrated energy weapons in the game. Ever! Ok, the game mechanics also don't help, because is nearly impossible use merchants for repairing, so you need to carry some WRK with you and have Jury Rigging perk, but that's it. Give me one and a fully modded Laser Rifle for...
  4. brfritos

    FO3 Game Overhaul mod

    If you wanna a mod that turn FNV/FO3 more into the originals there's only one available, Arwen's Realism Tweaks mod (FNV version or FO3 version). Be advised that it change the entire game and introduce sleep/hunger/dehydration in FO3. Also, guns, edibles, drugs, meds, consumables are...
  5. brfritos

    My Fallout: New Vegas Mods

    Hey Lexxx after only playing DLC for sometime, I returned to the main game. Gret job on version 1.6 of the dialog tags removal.
  6. brfritos

    [FNV | REL] Vault Girl HUD (FINISHED 01/13)

    Any updates on the FNV portion?
  7. brfritos

    Mass Effect 3 discussion

    But at least the first ME had really M sex type. In the second they maded juvenile.
  8. brfritos

    Tim Cain joins Obsidian Entertainment

    I dare to say in this regard that FNV measured the lulz with the seriousness better than F2. This doesn't mean the really stupid things in NV are excusable like Boomers, New Vegas itself, Legion, among other things. The problem is while FNV has a very well developed story just like F2, the...
  9. brfritos

    A group of Legionaries run up to you...

    Just curious, where you get a AMR that earlier in the game?
  10. brfritos

    Favorite DLC Weapon

    I am a big fan of rifles and still need to see something better than Survivalist Rifle + Grunt perk. Don't have any trouble with the front sights either. If you thinked in GRA guns, remember you can use 12.7 JHP rounds, wich are nothing else than plain cheat. :) Maybe the Brush Gun with...
  11. brfritos

    A group of Legionaries run up to you...

    I finally got them in my lastest playthrough, after countless times playing the game being Vilified without even seen one of them! I was at level 8 BTW, they are hard to kill at this level! :shock: It would be nice if you have the opportunity of selling yourself to the Legion if you were a...
  12. brfritos

    Your "WTF" moments in NV playthroughs

    Then it's a glitch, because he have a unique name. This sort of thing happened to me the first time I gainned the NCR radio after Boulder City (depending of your actions you became Accepted with both NCR and Khans). I resolve this quest in the peacefull way this time. Then I fast travelled...
  13. brfritos

    Your "WTF" moments in NV playthroughs

    Nevada Skies mod is one of the best for PC, really adds to the game. Did you checked what happens to your stats in the middle of a sandstorm? :smug: This isn't that soldier stand in front of the monument at Boulder City? You can say to him that you could care less his brother died in the...
  14. brfritos

    Fallout: New Vegas DLC Round-up Review

    But gamers these days are a bunch of crying babies, complaining about the slightest challenge a game has. And I'm not talking about casual gamers. Take World of Goo for example, the game is a casual game and extremelly challenge at certain points, but overall is a light game for when you want...
  15. brfritos

    Elite Riot Armor, Joshua's or Armor of the 87th Tribe?

    I HATE Power Armor too, never like it. Bulky, heavy and slow you down like a turtle. Even medium armor sometimes get it on my nerves, running with a rifle on your hands while wearing medium armor has a tremendous impact on your speed. It's funny that for a low END build like your Legion...
  16. brfritos

    Elite Riot Armor, Joshua's or Armor of the 87th Tribe?

    You know, I was playing with LR one more time for the "loot/lulz" and one hell of a combination is the Courier Duster (called 'Blackjack') + armor implant + Marked beast face helmet. If you are a fan of light armor this will give you 20 DT, wich is pretty good, and only 1% less critical...
  17. brfritos

    RAGE: The Thread

    Hey, is an iD game, what were you expecting? In Doom series they losted 3 minutes to came up with the story. In Quake series they needed 5 minutes. They are progressing, now is 10 minutes. Maybe when Carmack is 90 years old he finally will be able to deliver a whole hour. :cool:
  18. brfritos

    Fallout: New Vegas DLC Round-up Review

    Now that you've asked, the original concept is what we've seen. This script controls the final perk after you launched or aborted the missiles and headed to the Mojave. Take a look at the date.
  19. brfritos

    Fallout: New Vegas DLC Round-up Review

    It's funny that Dead Money is bashed back and forth because actually requires the player to pay attention, think before doing something and weigh his decisions, unlike the other DLCs, where the quests are simply fetched and you go blowing things in front of you. Is my favorite DLC by far and...
  20. brfritos

    RAGE: The Thread

    The game seens interesting at least, but after Doom 3 and Quake 4 I started to have reservations with iD Software. I will wait until the price drop and give it a try.