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  1. M

    2012 apocalypse!!!

    Sunspot 720 at 2005 ? and i know that flares can cause interferences in our communication but i dont think a solar flare can "knock out ground-based electronics"
  2. M

    2012 apocalypse!!!

    now whose calender is ending in 2012 :roll: (no)
  3. M

    Starcraft 2 will jump out of your monitor with 3D

    considering i havent seen any other RTS doing it and the succeed, it will be innovation... but if you dont like the word 'innovation' you may call whatever you call blizzard success to make diablo, starcraft and then WOW into world wide phenomena.
  4. M

    Dragon Age II: now more like Mass Effect 2

    so how many professional writers working in the industry? because money is not the issue, but as i recall the most attempts failed the problem is warping your mind around the concept of what is possible in game and dialogue/quest trees and team work compared to writing a story. (because beside 2...
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    Dragon Age II: now more like Mass Effect 2

    context, its some thing you do not understand, because every idiot can write a good story but not everyone can write a good story for a specific target and it takes a genius to make a game for a wide target audience including hyperactive kids with low attention span and them to care and have...
  6. M

    Fallouty TV

    does it explode in nuclear mushroom when shoot upon :shock:
  7. M

    Tim Cain interview on Matt Chat, part 2

    no i dont :wink: WHAT, griefing about iso? no sir! no grieffing about our lord savior, to guide us from this world of evil corporate game industries, show us mercy from the dumb down games and rest from those kids who do not now the truth of RPG playing. shine his light on the sin of the game...
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    Tim Cain interview on Matt Chat, part 2

    i see, so as many others they are going to develop for consuls and give us a cheap port :( i'll have to confirm that but that is disappointing, ohh well i'll always have SC2.
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    Tim Cain interview on Matt Chat, part 2

    :shock: i dont see how they can manage group control in TP.
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    Starcraft 2 will jump out of your monitor with 3D

    i very interested to see this, i seen few FPS 3D stuff at my friends, some implementation was terrible, nothing but a gimmick and some where genius, really adding to the immersion and gameplay. but SC2 would be the first RTS to implement this feature, i would love to see if they manage to...
  11. M

    Dragon Age II: now more like Mass Effect 2

    its actually way more popular on the PC than on consoles but not in the paying customers category ... even now after its release quick pick in piratebay showed 500 active seeders for it and all its payed DLC, all and all its about 14GB my guess if i wanted to get it illegally i could have it...
  12. M

    Tim Cain interview on Matt Chat, part 2

    why should any of the new stuff be iso?! if it doesnt fit the perspective of the game the developer is aiming for. and fps and tps are predominant because that what the p-p-l want, i recall some statistic that more than 90% of the p-p-l just skip dialogues or choose the obvious first-good...
  13. M

    Dragon Age II: now more like Mass Effect 2

    removed RPG elements? oh well those stupid p-p-l in bioware, who follow the pack and making dumb shooters like all the rest of the kids, must have done something right. you know with 2 of the most successful new IP's, in both RPG and and ARPG market, wining awards in countless categories...
  14. M

    Dragon Age II: now more like Mass Effect 2

    at least we have the vault dweller, tribal, orphan or just nameless one who mostly save the world in the end, with mostly linear story or just without any sand box style :P you know what they say, dont look at the jag but what ...
  15. M

    Tim Cain interview on Matt Chat, part 2

    so how would you call those who knows that the TV-Show that is playing on this channel is retarded and still watch it only to complain afterward that its retarded or going out with a moron who tells the same stupid joke and listen to him tell a joke or just play a game that was clearly not meant...