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  1. TheAdversary

    Rate the above song and post your own.

    The only time I can make out what's going on is during the chorus and bridge. After a few listens, I started to get a feel. 4/10 Didn't enjoy it, but there's a lot more cohesion in it than I first believed.
  2. TheAdversary

    Pokemon Adventures

    I agree with what you're saying, but in regards to overall interactions and minigames, HG/SS was by and large the best old-gen remake and one of the best pokemon releases in general. Even the toys marketed with it were of fairly high quality. The other remakes weren't of great quality in...
  3. TheAdversary

    Pokemon Adventures

    I don't think I've played any Pokemon games that have trumped the Gold/Silver remakes. I loved walking around with the little bastards.
  4. TheAdversary

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Face man. 8/10
  5. TheAdversary

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Shahmalamahdingdong 9/10
  6. TheAdversary

    Rate the above song and post your own.

    6/10 Has a nice synth beat to it, but when each chorus hits the style switches up so intensely that it can be somewhat jarring.
  7. TheAdversary

    The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

    I just recently watched this short film called "World of Tomorrow." Holy shit, I've never felt so contemplative in years.
  8. TheAdversary

    What's wrong with Call of Duty essay

    I'd be genuinely surprised if the campaign for WW2 is anywhere near as good as BO2's campaign (the best in the series). Not quite in terms of story, hell would freeze over if a CoD game provided a consistently good story, but through gameplay and design. It's something that CoD has consistently...
  9. TheAdversary

    Rate the above song and post your own.

    8/10 I may not be a particular fan of Marilyn Manson, but I do enjoy the blues vibe that's thrown into the track.
  10. TheAdversary

    People dislike Fallout 2?

    I personally didn't like it for how silly and over-the-top it was. The villains are cartoonishly evil, and I don't like the whole "Chosen One" theme, even though it was meant as satire. It was also much easier for me to play through the game than for almost any other Fallout. It's still good...
  11. TheAdversary

    Why is Skyrim so liked and what is there even to do?

    Well, it's more like high-velocity explosive rounds than just AP to take down Robocop. Also, in Robocop lore, those are assault cannons. Even though it's just a dressed-up .50 cal rifle, it's use denotes that it's something similar to a recoilless rifle.
  12. TheAdversary

    Rate the above song and post your own.

    I'm not a fan of nu-metal... at all. I can barely listen to Incubus' and Deftones' old works, despite being a fan of both. 4/10 Anyways, since it's relevant... Rest in Peace Chester. I'm not a fan of your work, but it's pretty sad to see such a major figure disappear like that.
  13. TheAdversary

    Chester Bennington died. Hung himself.

    Chester Bennington died. Hung himself.
  14. TheAdversary

    The Insidious Design Of Modern Fallout Games

    Not getting enough responses in your "discussion" thread?
  15. TheAdversary

    Rest In Piece, Lincoln Park.

    Rest In Piece, Lincoln Park.
  16. TheAdversary

    Your favorite musicians/bands/albums, and why

    It's great to see that after all the time that Deftones have been around (almost 30 years) and they've been putting out consistently good music. They've always strived to do something interesting or different with each album they released, and I greatly enjoyed the performances of all their...
  17. TheAdversary

    Why is Skyrim so liked and what is there even to do?

    I don't really know about all of you fellas (not gonna sift through 11 pages of peoples thoughts on the matter), but I always enjoyed venturing through the lands, taking every opportunity to skylark and kill everything I could. I really didn't expect much outta the title, as I had previously...
  18. TheAdversary

    Nah, just some lyrics from a band I like. The song is Safe in Your Skin, by Title Fight.

    Nah, just some lyrics from a band I like. The song is Safe in Your Skin, by Title Fight.
  19. TheAdversary

    When you're feeling safe in your skin, maybe we'll meet again.

    When you're feeling safe in your skin, maybe we'll meet again.
  20. TheAdversary

    There is something rotten in Fallout New Vegas

    Remember that plane that crashed while carrying star musicians like Buddy Holly? Obsidian is to blame. That's why we see so much Elvis promotion in New Vegas.