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  1. M

    Completed everything, what do I do now?

    Well, if anything this stupid little puppy is irritated that they promised me a treat and didn't deliver :) I don't knock anyone about the achievements, It's just personal preference that I don't really care about them. And again, I didn't say anything about not enjoying the game or even...
  2. M

    Completed everything, what do I do now?

    Hmm, is the word "peeps" against the forum policies or did Walp hack my account again? :)
  3. M

    Completed everything, what do I do now?

    Yes, asked that already. If that was the way they intended me to play it, why have both modes? Also, why do they recommend that you not play in hardcore mode and offer the "special reward" that Courier mentioned for finishing it? I'm not sure about the rest of you but a trophy and/or...
  4. M

    Completed everything, what do I do now?

    Ok, I really didn't expect to spark some kind of elitist arguement here but no one mentioned anything about a "super gift" or any of that so I would appreciate you not putting words in my mouth. I believe you can re-read what I said and see that I didn't know what to expect. The...
  5. M

    Completed everything, what do I do now?

    I had no idea what to expect, but anything tangible would have been better to me than bragging rights.
  6. M

    Completed everything, what do I do now?

    I began playing New Vegas in hardcore mode and was very pumped about it when I first began play. The air was let out of my tires when I found out that the sPecial "reward" for completing the game with it was another (basically) worthless achievement. I switched it off and haven't played it since...
  7. M

    Vendor Trash

    I started my Teddy bear collection while in the big empty and have a decent number of them, but I think Ima start a nuka-cola truck collection also. I like those things...
  8. M

    Vendor Trash

    Exactly, so let's just kick back and have a nice cold Bloatfly Slider :)
  9. M

    Vendor Trash

    I can totally see that from a roleplaying perspective. My main point is that they seem so carelessly discarded all over the my OWB playthrough alone I collected over 40 cartons and that's just because I stopped gathering them :) It seemed as though every single container in the Big...
  10. M

    Vendor Trash

    Well, on this go around, I snuck straight through the crack between Black Mountain and the Quarry to get to the northern territories. So by level 2 I was in Utah. I didn't have any trouble from then on.
  11. M

    Vendor Trash

    PLUNGERS!!! Argh!!! There is one in every toolbox, for Pete's sake! That and ashtrays....but it makes sense because apparently just before the bombs fell everyone in America simultaneously quit smoking and discarded every carton in the nearest dumpster, trash can, or metal box. I could start a...
  12. M

    Discarding weakness, transcending humanity. Post-human.

    How do you compensate or tolerate the huge stat penalties having that high a radiation level? The hit point regen is sweet and all but dang. However your regen would be even better with a nice piece of OWB headgear and it might give you a more "evolved" look :)
  13. M

    Old World Blues

    I just can't wait to get all the DLCs back period. I got a replacement PS3 and I'm ready to rock. Vegas, Baby, Vegas..
  14. M

    Building the Perfect Wastelander.

    Oh Em Gee, I totally forgot about Ol Eddie...hmmmmm.... I like ED much better than Rex. I'm just not a dog person ;) It's hard for me to decide my favorite human(oid) comrade....I want to settle down with Veronica and have a bunch of little mutated kids (I know she plays for the wrong team)...
  15. M

    Building the Perfect Wastelander.

    Yes, it is actually. I was experimenting with the build and I couldn't see Doc Mitchell's blip on the radar in the next room over. :) Soooo I reverted back to one of my previous characters who had a little more even build, although, I did manage to retain a 10 in agility and luck. I'm still...
  16. M

    Building the Perfect Wastelander.

    It would've been a little more realistic if Charisma affected your speech and barter more than it did. Perhaps a fair and/or balanced fix to something like that would be a skill maximum based on your SPECIAL score, I.E. a score of 4 would be a maximum of 40 in the skill, 9 would be a 90 etc...
  17. M

    Building the Perfect Wastelander.

    I do agree that Charisma is basically a throw away stat, but I like to spend a couple of points so the companions don't absolutely suck. At 3 they can contribute a little at least without being total fodder.
  18. M

    Building the Perfect Wastelander.

    It's been quite a while since I created my first character for FNV (especially since I began playing on PS3 and it died on me), but I'm experimenting with a new melee build character... Strength: 9 (10 with implant) Perception: 1 (due to the bullets dug out of my skull, of course :) )...
  19. M

    Pistol use

    There are some very good pistols in the game...That Gun, 12.7mm pistol, Plasma Defender, Hunting Revolver, etc. It really just depends on the way your character is made, but the most obvious benefit is that they are lighter, require less Action Points to use, and still pack a decent punch.
  20. M

    Building the Perfect Wastelander.

    Hello everyone, At last I'm a registered member...I've been following this particular forum for quite awhile now and have read almost every thread in it. I'd like to start off my first post asking you to tell me your favorite character builds. Where did you plug in those numbers? Which...