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  1. Uber Morpth

    New Vegas in 2020

    Oh I wouldn't myself trust bethesdia of remaking new vegas
  2. Uber Morpth

    New Vegas in 2020

    The gunplay while still terrible least Obsidian attempted to make some quality of life improvements (ads, recoil, weapon mods, new and interesting various weapons, different ammo types ect) although I can't blame obsidian as they would of had to rework the game from the ground up to make a much...
  3. Uber Morpth

    New Vegas in 2020

    Aside from the usual buggyness that comes with new vegas (the god awful default fov I managed to tweak via config files, loading bugs and some crashing) I been having a good time getting back into this game. So far I only done Honest Heart's and Dead Money currently on Old World Blues and I...
  4. Uber Morpth

    Blumhouse's Halloween Film (2018)

    At first I was quiet worried with it being like most of Blumhouse's"s other horror film's (If you ever seen any of there early works) But to my disbelief It was surprisingly good, not as good as the orginals but it looked and felt the most close to John Carpenter's Halloween then the sequels or...
  5. Uber Morpth

    50 Minutes of 76

    Why I ain't suprised and jesus I forget bout the samurai guy from mothershit zeta, guess is why I've moved on from Fallout related games as I been recently playing Dead By Daylight, since they are adding new stuff and least that game is not made by a bunch of corporate hacks.
  6. Uber Morpth

    50 Minutes of 76

    This game look's so depressing. Like I know Fallout was already dead by Fallout 3 but with Fallout 4 and this at this point, is like Bethesda is parading is lifeless corpse as a desperate last act to remain in relevancy. Also that bullshit bos retcon is fucking gold, can't wait for some...
  7. Uber Morpth

    The Thing (1982) or The Thing (2011)

    The budget from what I could find was around 100 million us dollars and they made around 242.7 million from box offices so they mostly broke even with bit of extra, although its budget could of been much higher if I could find the marketing cost since that is usually hidden for some reason...
  8. Uber Morpth

    The Thing (1982) or The Thing (2011)

    I guess is why certain franchise reboots can sort of work if there popular enough like Terminator Genisys or 2014's RoboCop and I just mean they do well in terms of box office numbers, there can be some major flops like 2009's Friday the 13th or 2016's Ghostbusters which seem to be made more for...
  9. Uber Morpth

    The Thing (1982) or The Thing (2011)

    John Carpenter's The Thing is probably my favorite horror film from is great cast, pratical effects and tone, I always had heard that the 2011 version of the thing was quiet bad but never actually seen it till today. I can sort of understand what they wree trying to do but I feel due to how...
  10. Uber Morpth

    Has fallout as a franchise become morrally bankrupt from the acquisition by Bethesda back in 2004?

    I suppose that's why the theory of Bethesda purposefully not giving Obsidian enough time to finish Fallout New Vegas as they felt they were going to out of left field might be plausible (Yet lot of people loved it including me) but with the new Fallout 76 as an mmo rpg I guess they can take a...
  11. Uber Morpth

    Has fallout as a franchise become morrally bankrupt from the acquisition by Bethesda back in 2004?

    I recently watched RedLetterMedia's Half In The Bag video on Star Wars The Last Jedi, and the main theme of there critisim (from Mike and Rich) is the fact that star wars has become so iconic and popular is lost any potential in creating anything new, the example they use is the main plot...
  12. Uber Morpth

    great youtube channels

    All Sham No Wow (Mark): He mostly streams and makes YT videos In not much of a series tone which I love especially with some of his let's plays he did like with the 2 Saw games and Tony Hawk Underground 2. YMS (Adam): He's probably my favorite movie reviewer outside of Cinema Snob, Ralpth or...
  13. Uber Morpth

    Gripes by the Number: New Vegas nonsense

    My boy cazadors look tame to me after vising Japan for a month and seeing these. This is a Giant Japanese Hornet, the largest bee/wasp in the family imagine these guys mutated.
  14. Uber Morpth

    So why do Bethesda fans responsd harshely to critism of their games?

    A lot of fandoms will usually be very defensive over any peice of critism but there is at least some that will understand, I think for the case of most Bethesda fans a lot of them were probably like me (7 or 8 years old back in 2008 and picked up Fallout 3 then played Skyrim and loved em, or...
  15. Uber Morpth

    Getting both Great Bear and Red Victory grenade rifles In Lonesome Road while still being with NCR?

    For my explosive character I look to get every explosion esc weapon cause I'm sort of a collective freak, I know you can get both of them from nuking both NCR and Legion but is it possible to still be on the NCR good side? (So far my reputation with them is Accepted) Could I also just do...
  16. Uber Morpth

    Another post for Critique/Review Of Fallout 4?

    I'm being honest when I say I only really enjoy the exploration and combat of the game that's literally It (don't know why but those type of games are addictive to me). I forced myself to try and not do the main quest and even try the dlc's, took me only till I got to level 35 where I decided...
  17. Uber Morpth

    Another post for Critique/Review Of Fallout 4?

    So I recently bought Fallout 4 GOTY out of morbid curiosity to see for myself all the things people say about It, now with being 2 days Into it with a character beating the main quest including dlc's I feel I experienced all there can be to do In this game enough to where I like to try my first...
  18. Uber Morpth

    Fallout Officially is Bethesda/Dead

    As sad as I am of never probably being able to play the orginal Fallout games without a pc, thank fuck that Bethestard won't be thinking of touching them cause god's know what they would do to them. Oh well guess I have Fallout New Vegas as my closest genuine Fallout experience. So I just...
  19. Uber Morpth

    I love Dead Money (First time played through it)

    In terms of level design, character's, story and my favorite aspect of the dlc the atmosphere, it was literally one of the best I ever experienced In a game and my favorite area in any of the Fallout games (second probably be Dunwich Building from Fallout 3, yes something l liked from that game...
  20. Uber Morpth

    Cartoons Are For Kids

    Well since I was born in 99 I saw most of the age of coming kid shows that would either grow up to be famous (and bloated as a result) or just become mostly good then peacefully go off the air. My 4 favorite are 2 shows from each network cn and nick for the nick side I loved SpongeBob and...