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  1. Sam Ecorners

    Wasteland 2 Kickstarter has launched

    You can enter the amount of the pledge that you want and select any reward that's below that number
  2. Sam Ecorners

    Vladmir Putin

    As a Russian I lol at this thread and the fluff in it. No, not lol, rofl.
  3. Sam Ecorners

    Brian Fargo considers Kickstarter for Wasteland 2

    Brian Fargo? You mean the guy behind shitty bard's tale on xbox and even shittier Hunted? YALOL
  4. Sam Ecorners

    Ravaged — a post apocalyptic online multiplayer FPS

    Got bored within 5 seconds with this generic crap.
  5. Sam Ecorners

    Obsidian to develop (console and PC) SouthPark RPG

    I just watched the 1% and the humor dalek episodes and they were great. Actually, I'm gonna go ahead and get excited for this game...
  6. Sam Ecorners

    Obsidian to develop (console and PC) SouthPark RPG

    Could be good. Could be really good.
  7. Sam Ecorners

    Dubstep thread

    brit techno. Prodidgy Techno. Prodigy. errr, did you just come up with that? Prodigy has nothing to do with techno, dawg. As of dubstep, I like stuff like this: That said, most american dubstep is mindless wub. And british stuff, while...
  8. Sam Ecorners

    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    RE: sea's post That's the biggest issue with skyrim. It solved the problem of being shitty and generic. It looks great, the lore is great, the dungeons are great. it's almost perfect open world fpp arpg. Until you get to quests and story. If only it had F:NV level writing, it would have...
  9. Sam Ecorners

    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    see, i just go from town to town of my choosing, collecting quests and solving them as I go along. IT works out very well for me, because, for the first time in Bethesda game, I'm enjoying exploration.
  10. Sam Ecorners

    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    I've seen a handful of quests that allow you to double or even triple cross people [spoiler:3583e650a0]Like that hunter dude in riversomething city that gives you fake letter to give to the girl in the store and you can do that, or go to the bard that's getting set up and expose the hunter...
  11. Sam Ecorners

    Dubstep thread

    pretty much everything, so far.
  12. Sam Ecorners

    Dubstep thread

    You're doing it wrong, brah
  13. Sam Ecorners

    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    I don't agree about the dungeons. To me they all feel unique and interesting. Yes, there are only four "themes" but each one has its own set of traps and layouts. Yes, most of them are linear and have random loot, but at the same time, since almost all dungeons are used in radiant quests and...
  14. Sam Ecorners

    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    Skyrim: Really fun action adventure game. Not an RPG.
  15. Sam Ecorners

    Nuka Break/Obsidian video interview

    So awesome to watch Tim Cain and MCA sitting at the same table at Obsidian, talking about Fallout. Oh god, Bethesda, make it happen!
  16. Sam Ecorners

    NMA was hacked

    Thankfully this is the same password that I used on gawker when it got hacked, so it's already been released. Unfortunately I know very little PHP and I also don't like it with all of its dollar signs. However, maybe for good sport I will try to clone this site in Rails 3 as my side learning...
  17. Sam Ecorners

    Fallout: New Vegas Honest Hearts Reviews

    This. I'll suck my own dick the day Bethesda can write shit this good.
  18. Sam Ecorners

    Bethesda details DLC plans, Honest Hearts coming 17th May

    SO. FUCKING. PSYCHED. One can never have enough of MCA's fallout. Now, Honest Hearts and L.A. Noire at the same time? Damn son, damn...
  19. Sam Ecorners

    Fallout: New Vegas DLC announced - Dead Money

    Anchorage was good idea(pre-war lore explanation) but shitty execution The Pitt was awesome, but short unless you go on ingot hunt. Broken Still was exactly more of the same F3 Point lookout was alright, but I don't care for hick mutants. Mothershit Zeta was a total lore rape, but...