Search results

  1. Sam Ecorners

    Fallout: New Vegas DLC announced - Dead Money

    Coming to Xbox near you on December 21st, says BethBlog: <blockquote>“Dead Money” will tell the tale of a deal gone bad. After teaming up with three fellow wastelanders, players will need to pull off an intense heist to find and recover the treasure of the Sierra Madre Casino. If you’re...
  2. Sam Ecorners

    Several sites down or my Internet is cranky?

    open command prompt type in "tracert" post results
  3. Sam Ecorners

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    still love this avatar 111/10 For those who don't know where Sean in my avatar is from:
  4. Sam Ecorners

    Bethesda allegedly pulls negative Fallout: New Vegas review

    Write legibly and I'll give you respect where it's due. Right now your shit is an unreadable mess, thereby making it moot. However, I don't think you will make an attempt writing clearer sentences with appropriate punctuation, I think you will continue to accuse us of angry fanboyism, so go post...
  5. Sam Ecorners

    Bethesda allegedly pulls negative Fallout: New Vegas review

    Jeez, you should really study up on your punctuation and grammar, if you really want to sound like an educated arrogant fuck. As of right now, the "educated" part doesn't come off very convincing. Keep practicing.
  6. Sam Ecorners

    The Vault is monstrous, and other stuff

    You mean like they're doing now?
  7. Sam Ecorners

    Fallout: New Vegas art interview

    Lol @ talking about yourself in third person :monocle:
  8. Sam Ecorners

    8 Things About Fallout: New Vegas That Would Make BIS proud

    I think we can now become "Glittering gems of love, even though sometimes it's kinda meh"
  9. Sam Ecorners

    Vault you think *spoilers*

    I loled after automatic response.
  10. Sam Ecorners

    Red Lucy

    Soooo hot, she really makes me wanna <s>give her some of my sweet sweet sugar</s> TUC TUC. AnYwAy$. Red Lucy is a sexy mamacita amirite y/n?
  11. Sam Ecorners

    After 25 Hours: Bravo Obsidian

    I think this is great! And I'm not just saying that because it's impossible for me to disagree!
  12. Sam Ecorners

    Living remnants? *Possible spoiler inside*

    [spoiler:9106869a32]There is an enclave outpost in the game. It even has a vertibird. You can get the woman fom novac, doctor from jackobstown, arcade and someone els together for a reunion. I think they can even help you in he fight for the dam. [/spoiler:9106869a32]
  13. Sam Ecorners

    @ Hardcore Fallout 1&2 Fan

    I thought Caesar explained himself pretty well: [spoiler:7a57f16a53]He said that NCR's biggest fault was in clinging to old world, while he wanted to create something so alien and unusual, that it would completely detach people from old world[/spoiler:7a57f16a53] King also did a great job...
  14. Sam Ecorners

    Fallout: New Vegas Launch Day Reviews #3

    Don't worry, I got shafted with delivery too. And I'm in US.
  15. Sam Ecorners

    Fallout: New Vegas Launch Day Reviews #3

    I would also point out that there is a larger number of scripting bugs compared to F3.
  16. Sam Ecorners

    Fallout: New Vegas Launch Day Reviews #3

    I hink I know which quests he refers to as "broken" they just don't come with a quest marker, but are still perfectly solvable.
  17. Sam Ecorners

    Fallout: New Vegas Launch Day Reviews #2

    Go and try to clean up the prison:)
  18. Sam Ecorners

    Fallout: New Vegas Launch Day Reviews

    This is frustrating.
  19. Sam Ecorners

    Fallout: New Vegas released in North America

    My CE order still shows up as OPEN and not shipped:(