Wow just... wow. So much for my apology. A post on the pathos of some peoples intense dislike of FO3 warrants this.

Well I think I hit a nerve. A post to open the dialogue is immediately shot down, and mostly ignored then when anger kicks in and I respond in kind, now I have everyone's attention.
Yet attacks on my punctuation, grammar, intelligence, and how I
probably use a thesaurus are the answering calls from the kind heated individuals we have gathered.
If freedom is your issue or hand-holding then it seems like your not the person I was talking about. You are right Bethesda tends to be overbearing at times. This was not the issue the issue was how a sense of nostalgia played a larger role in peoples dislike of FO3. The anger you showed actually illuminated a key argument yet you respond in a hostile manner without ever saying "Look kid this what I think sets Fallout 1&2 above the rest." So much for understanding, no lets just yell at one another.
Your first paragraph is exactly my point although much more eloquent than I put it. My argument was "hey just give it another look its not that bad".
I had no idea I was deep in any territory. Merely making an observation concerning a judgmental fallacy that myself and seemingly several others have fallen into at one point or another.
One can hope the arguments can be me more enlightening from now on and engender understanding.
Again thanks all for pointing out my bad punctuation however my bad grammar is new to me. Troubles this brings me(get it bad grammar...*sighs*.
I thought it was funny)