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  1. Sam Ecorners

    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    You're full of shit. Extreme never got past concept stage.
  2. Sam Ecorners

    New Vegas DLC first info

    It only does everything :smug: :smug: :smug:
  3. Sam Ecorners

    New Vegas DLC first info

    I'm pretty sure PC will have it right away. It's usually included with 360 in exclusivity deals these days
  4. Sam Ecorners

    How did you discover Fallout ?

    I first saw the preview for it in some shitty TV show about videogames in 1997 in a very small town in south-western Russia. Few months later, the magazine I used to read back than(game-exe for you, russkis) had a glowing review of it, so when I saw it at my local pirate game kiosk, I bought it...
  5. Sam Ecorners

    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    Noone eve said hi to me in this thread. Fuck you all.
  6. Sam Ecorners

    Fallout: New Vegas Developer Diary #6 - The Characters

    That's only laser pistol and, maybe, plasma caster.
  7. Sam Ecorners

    Fallout: New Vegas full voice cast

    Ausir, over at the one and only Vault got hold of full F:NV voice cast. It's 69 actors versus F3's 35. Should be sounding good.
  8. Sam Ecorners

    Fallout: New Vegas game guide blog #4

    This one is about enemies<blockquote>Wilder foes are classified as “Abominations,” creations abhorrent to the natural order of things, and “Mutated Animals,” wildlife with a taste for human flesh. At the top of the “crap your pants in fear” chart are the Alpha Male, Female, and Legendary...
  9. Sam Ecorners

    See Josh Sawyer, hear MCA

    Well, here's what I think: -Vault 22 looks great, fantastic use of colors, creepy green dudes jumping out of plants, spore plants! -wasteland looks fun, loved the view of the CL camp -hated stupid oblivion color tint when walking in to the CL camp -VA is great -loading times are VERY...
  10. Sam Ecorners

    See Josh Sawyer, hear MCA

    hah, now they killed the audio
  11. Sam Ecorners

    See Josh Sawyer, hear MCA

    Load times seem to be great
  12. Sam Ecorners

    See Josh Sawyer, hear MCA

    Jeez, this is such an amateurish production lol
  13. Sam Ecorners

    See Josh Sawyer, hear MCA

    Main FNV theme just kicked in
  14. Sam Ecorners

    See Josh Sawyer, hear MCA

    Best Buy has a live stream with Josh Sawyer starting soon Avault has a podcast with Chris Avellone up. EDIT: The live show is over, but you can still watch the recording at the above link.
  15. Sam Ecorners

    Fallout: New Vegas soundtrack blog

    Gamasutra has an interesting article about music in F:NV. It's a really interesting read, check it out <blockquote>The music from the previous games acts as an homage to the lineage of the series. For example, most of Mark Morgan's music can be heard in the Vaults scattered around the wasteland...
  16. Sam Ecorners

    Leaked information from Fallout: New Vegas game guide

    Read it and weep the tears of joy!
  17. Sam Ecorners

    Leaked information from Fallout: New Vegas game guide

    Apparently, Best Buy employees are allowed to purchase game guides early, which is what one of them did. Now he's posting various information from it on gamespot/gamefaqs boards<blockquote>Here are some totals from the appendicies (did I spell that right?): 42 hollowed out rocks (kind of...
  18. Sam Ecorners

    Fallout: New Vegas G4TV specials
