Leaked information from Fallout: New Vegas game guide

Mhm, it could look a little bit like this, but it's a lot guessing involved. And I can't find a circle like that on the map.
The Dutch Ghost said:
Lexx said:
What do you mean? I can hardly read anything on these maps.

Check the left corner Lexx, the color designation part.


I hope this is just a coincidence and I am reading it wrong.

Of course there's an Enclave remnant in this game. There wouldn't be much point to reintroducing classic-style Advanced Power Armor if there weren't.

e: Plus, if they haven't changed Arcade Gannon's backstory too much, having an Enclave Remnant faction might lead for interesting drama if he's in your party.
Admit it guys, you're going to miss the "Gifted" trait. Sure, it single-handedly broke Fallouts 1 and 2, but goddamn was it a life-saver.
Nope, I am happy that gifted is out of the game. It was just too good and felt like cheating, especially because nobody took anything else anyway. It was priority #1 trait.

Only valid way for me to reintroduce gifted would be, if it slows down the perk gaining at least one level.
DemonNick, it is not that I do not trust Obsidian to write the Enclave well, but me and plenty of others are god honest sick of the Enclave.

They were cool in Fallout 2, and had Fallout 3 not happened a remnant might have been nice to find out what happened to the Enclave after the Poseidon Oil Rig was blown up.

But FO3 happened and I feel that the Enclave has been included because Zenimax marketing insisted they be in New Vegas.

Somehow the conversation regarding this plays out in my mind like so.

* back just before Fallout New Vegas' development started *

Obsidian representative to Zenimax marketing "Well ours guys have put a gem of a storyline together, some of the factions and groups of the previous games return and we have great new factions as well."

Marketing * studies the design document * "Uhuh, I do not see the Enclave anywhere in this, some mentioning regarding them yes, but not the faction itself."

Obsidian "Oh well that is because they do not play a role in this game whatsoever, the conflict is between the leaders of New Vegas, the NCR and the Caesar's Legion and various factions that are somehow involved in this."

Marketing "I honestly think you should put in the Enclave, the fans want it."

Obsidian "But... I just told you, they have no role in this game. You meet former members and find some equipment of theirs in this game, but that's it."

Marketing "I think you do not understand me well, I "honestly think" you should put in the Enclave, the fans want it!"

Obsidian "Ehrrr, okay, I'll send the design documents back to the guys, you'll have a revised version soon."

Marketing "I am glad we finally understand each other."

* * * * *

Okay this is a little overdone for the sake of comedy/entertainment, but I think people get the message.
Whatever the role of the Enclave is it's smaller than every other faction in the game. There's been zero talk of the enclave as a faction in the game. That eyebot and the old APA is it. Maybe they'll just throw a tiny bone to the FO3 tards who drool over the enclave and think they're soooooooo awesome.
Hmmm. Upon looking at the map Dutch mentioned and going over it a good bit, it does in fact look like the Enclave is in it in some shape or form. If it is true, then talk about beating a dead horse. I really think it's time to give the Enclave a rest.
I personally never doubt that there will be *not* at least Enclave remnants in it. I just paniced a little bit now, because they have been worth mentioning in the guide. But then again, it's a guide which says it covers everything in the game, so it has to be in there anyway.

My position now is, that I'll guess we are just dealing with very few Enclave people. Maybe like it was planned in Van Buren... A few bunch of ex-soldiers traverse randomly through the desert and are now stopping by to get into Vegas.
Apparently having 10 INT only gets you 15 skill points. Kudos to ya, Obsidian.

Also, someone might want to save this as a Word document or something in case the Zenimax Deletion Squad comes knocking.
Interesting stuff, but I wish he made all of the bits of content he's giving out as one big post, preferably on a different board .Gamefaqs doesn't allow you to edit posts after an hour of posting, so it would have been handy if he just updated his original message, rather than fishing through almost 20 pages trying to find posts by the original poster. Sorry about the over-usage of the word "post"!

It's good to see variation from all the different enemies, I'm particularly interested in the super mutant variants,
Here's what traits do (I was on Eurogamer):

Built to Destroy: +3% critical chance, weapons decay 20% (or so) faster
Fast Shot: 20% faster shooting, 20% less accuracy
Four Eyes: +1 PE when wearing glasses, -1 PE when not wearing glasses
Good Natured: +5 to non-combat skills, -5 to combat skils
Heavy Handed: bonus melee damage, weaker criticals, can't recall the numbers
Kamikaze: +10 AP -2 DT
Loose Cannon: I forgot it, it was something about Big Guns, I think.
Small Frame: +1 AG, I forgot the drawback, I think it was limbs easier to cripple
Trigger Discipline: 20% more accuracy, 20% slower shooting (exact opposite of Fast Shot)
Wild Wasteland: You get weird/funny random encounters.

All the books + Comprehension + 10 INT at 30 lvl grant you about 780 bonus skill points out of 1300. However, this would mean collecting all the books in the game, having 10 INT, and picking Comprehension.

If they "forgot" to remove Almost Perfect, I'll cut myself.
I regret reading the gamefaq thread, some of the people there shouldn't be able to use a keyboard.

I don't mind the Enclave being back in a small way, maybe they'll get done more intelligently this time, plus you should be able to actually befriend them. They don't appear to be part of the main factions, according to the guy with the guide.
Blackened said:
Loose Cannon: I forgot it, it was something about Big Guns, I think.

Loose Cannon is when you fire all thrown weapons 30% faster, but at the cost of 25% less range. The only ones I'm going for is Trigger Discipline and Wild Wasteland
bah, it would be poor story telling for there not to be some remnant of the enclave...course it was rather poor story telling how they were used in 3, but with the presence they had in the western US in 2, I would think it was a definite possibility for them to still have some scattered remnants about.
Don't think I have seen it, but hopefully they don't have powerarmor training as a requirement to use PA.

If I go through the trouble of getting PA early on let me have the dang benefit, don't make me wait till level 16 or whatever for a dang perk.
Navarro should have survived so it makes sense that they have some remnants left over. FO3 enclave was just fanservice. Like Pyramid head in silent hill 5. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
Faceless_Stranger said:
AFAIK, there is only one circle that holds Encleve influence, meaning they're either as small as, or smaller than, the NV BOS

It's possible this could just be an old abandoned Enclave outpost you can explore for some gear after some deserter (probably Gannon) points you toward it. Like the Sierra Army Depot. I wouldn't mind that.
@ oKiRe: No Behemoths unfortunately. The Supermutant breakdown are as follows: regular Nightkin, Nightkin Sniper, Nightkin Master, regular Supermutant, Supermutant Brute and Supermutant Master.

Read it and weep the tears of joy!