Search results

  1. Izak

    Should NCR collapse and the games return to the West Coast?

    Were the vats ever properly destroyed? Can the Chosen One blow them up, again? If not then there are still a few batches of FEV at Mariposa.
  2. Izak

    Can the Great Khans be called a 'tribe'?

    I thought the important tribes ascended to nationhood, the rest are really just failed projects.
  3. Izak

    Repairing Fallout's story from Bethesda

    They're both very similar things.
  4. Izak

    Repairing Fallout's story from Bethesda

    You can always burn those children as heretics, though.
  5. Izak

    Can the Great Khans be called a 'tribe'?

    I don't know why the criteria for a tribe has to be so stringent. It's not as though being a tribe is a mark of high civility.
  6. Izak

    Can the Great Khans be called a 'tribe'?

    As do the Fallout 2 Khans. the Fallout Khans don't really have one but they've only been around for ~80 years, that's irrelevant though as you can't honestly tell me tribes require to exist for a certain period of time before actually 'ascending' to tribal-hood. Fallout 1 Khans have an...
  7. Izak

    Should NCR collapse and the games return to the West Coast?

    Whatshisface (NCR scientist dude) says NCR will have a famine if there isn't some major advance in the agricultural sector soon.
  8. Izak

    Things we learned from Fallout 4

    CT Phipps, go back to sharing your honest opinion. Your attempts to get a rise out of this community are boring.
  9. Izak

    Can the Great Khans be called a 'tribe'?

    This is what's confusing to me. The way they're portrayed in New Vegas is extremely similar to the way they're portrayed in 2, I fail to see the extreme difference between the two that causes one to be a loose conglomeration of raiders and the other a tribe. Could you tell me why they're not...
  10. Izak

    Can the Great Khans be called a 'tribe'?

    Me or Dr. Fallout?
  11. Izak

    Can the Great Khans be called a 'tribe'?

    Yes, basically every group that isn't a part of society at large is a tribe. The tribes of Africa aren't exactly what I'd call cultural powerhouses or self sufficient, would you say they're in fact not tribes and that everyone is using the wrong nomenclature? Do they not rely on those in New...
  12. Izak

    Can the Great Khans be called a 'tribe'?

    I'm not stretching the definition, that IS the definition and they fit it perfectly. And yes, to answer your question. If your family, or the mafia, or whatever weren't part of society at large you'd be a tribe. Why wouldn't the Khans from 1 and 2 fit that, anyway? They're a group of distinct...
  13. Izak

    What was the Funniest Argument You've had with a Bethesda Apologist?

    China also got its shit pushed in by the European powers during that period, though I know practically nothing about them prior to that.
  14. Izak

    Legion Strategy inspirations

    That's the traditional Roman disposition anyway; recruits in front, those with experience in the middle and hardcore veterans as a reserve. 3:41 onwards is the relevant part.
  15. Izak

    Would you turn yourself into a Super Mutant if you could?

    :scratch: Huh, maybe the Bethesda employees didn't notice the hair? I was going to say they reused the orc skin from Oblivion but they had hair, so it must've been a rather odd mistake, I guess, or maybe something about East Coast FEV that I'm not remembering.
  16. Izak

    Can the Great Khans be called a 'tribe'?

    Since when has having a highly, or rather a somewhat, developed culture been a qualifying feature of a tribe? Tribe: A social division in a traditional society consisting of families or communities linked by social, economic, religious, or blood ties, with a common culture and dialect...
  17. Izak

    Repairing Fallout's story from Bethesda

    Looks like you've made the concept for your next novel. :drummer:
  18. Izak

    Repairing Fallout's story from Bethesda

    Well, his plan works if not for the Chosen One but it's more about the morality of the thing. I thought the Nazi's ideological plan was to get rid of everyone that wasn't them, or the other races of Western Europe.
  19. Izak

    The F4 BOS retcon and the Capital Wasteland

    But everyone of these examples leads to the stagnation, or more likely obliteration, of one group to the benefit of another. And that's how it works, the victor shapes the future and humanity keeps on truckin'. Basically, if MAD ever reduces us to ashes we'll simply pick up the ruble and start...
  20. Izak

    Repairing Fallout's story from Bethesda

    Phipps, you do know the Enclave's plan is to exterminate everyone on the planet (excluding themselves) with a gas that causes the head to explode, right? You do know that when they say 'mutant' they mean 'everyone else', right? They want to kill everyone but the, let's say, 50,000 people they...