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  1. Izak

    Fallout 4 – Vacationing in Nuka-World

    Hell, Courier's Stash was just a rerelease of preorder bonuses, wasn't it? It's probably some improvised post-war shit, people have always been good at making bombs out of everyday products.
  2. Izak

    Opinions on Communism

    The Aryan blood part was a joke. Everyone was willing to change strategy, this isn't unique to Nazi Germany in anyway. It's not really a question of tactics as much as it is of policy, anyway. There's a fundamental difference between rearming Germany and rearming the Nazis. If Churchill had...
  3. Izak

    Fallout 4 – Vacationing in Nuka-World

    The woman, I believe, though they didn't specify a timeframe for your becoming Overboss. They probably should've saved Far Harbor for the last DLC, given that the rest of the DLC they're offering is either worthless, shit or worthless shit.
  4. Izak

    If you had to live in a Fallout game, where would you want to live?

    That's the vault where people elected overseer were sacrificed.
  5. Izak

    Opinions on Communism

    This wasn't due to their superior Aryan blood though, they succeeded so well because they were the only ones that properly adapted their strategy and tactics to the times. Germany lost that advantage the moment they showed off Blitzkrieg (as can be seen in the later parts of the Eastern and...
  6. Izak

    Opinions on Communism

    So did the French Republicans/Bonapartists, the Communist Russians (in the very same war that saw the Nazis conquer shit) and the Imperialist Spanish. Most European nations have, at one point or another, dominated Europe.
  7. Izak

    Opinions on Communism

    Again, rearming Germany is vastly different from rearming the Nazis. One could say the same thing about the first French Republicans, fanaticism isn't unique to Nazis nor extremists.
  8. Izak

    Opinions on Communism

    You keep on saying 'ask Churchill' but I can't, everytime I google this nothing of note comes up and you've yet to cite any source. I doubt Churchill thought being a Nazi gave a soldier +3 Strength, there's no reason he'd think the Nazis made better soldiers. Yeah and the government (or at...
  9. Izak

    Gun Control

    That sounds incredibly illegal. I'm surprised there isn't any legislation against that, fuck, I feel as though even groups like the NRA could get behind getting rid of that.
  10. Izak

    Opinions on Communism

    Rearming Nazi Germany would mean aiding and abetting them in carrying out Nazi policy, rearming Germany would just be giving guns back to the Wehrmacht. Why would Churchill specifically want to rearm not just the country he was fighting against but the very government he was at war with? I'm...
  11. Izak

    Opinions on Communism

    Hitler chose Doenitz but only after his chosen successors (specifically Goebbels, Göring, Hess and Himmler) were killed, captured, repudiated or had evacuated. Where'd you get the idea that Churchill specifically wanted the Nazis to continue governing Germany?
  12. Izak

    the Master: was he evil?

    Weren't the Water Merchants somehow involved in Boneyard politics?
  13. Izak

    Fallout Nuka World DLC trailer and information are online

    The Dutch Ghost posted this in another thread: Fallout 4 must be the greatest practical joke I've ever seen.
  14. Izak

    The Enlave is stunningly incompetent and doesn't understand their own power.

    I thought Miroslav left in the late 90's/early 2000's, if anyone, Korin would be the queen but he likes Fallout 3 so...
  15. Izak

    Star Wars Thread

    Star Wars is about space wizards pushing robots and clones around with telekinesis, I don't think the physics of lightsabers really matter, considering that.
  16. Izak

    Opinions on Communism

    He kind of acted tough when his country needed someone to be tough. I don't think anyone was complaining about Churchill during the Blitz. And lo and behold, he was completely correct in his assumption that the USSR would become (even bigger) cockheads after WW2. I doubt whether he would've...
  17. Izak

    the Master: was he evil?

    The question isn't whether it has a political subtext or not. The question is whether it's at all an allegory for modern political goings-on, like that leftist-liberal Master thing Valcik posted earlier.
  18. Izak

    Star Wars Thread

    I voted for New Hope but I can see the appeal of Empire, it's fun to watch beloved characters get the shit kicked out of them sometimes.
  19. Izak

    the Master: was he evil?

    No, not the FEV side effect. I meant his plan to sterilize all those that didn't want to join the Unity.
  20. Izak

    the Master: was he evil?

    Mass sterilization's, by definition, straight up genocide.