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  1. QuantumApprentice

    Fallout 2 utility ProtoManager virus?

    32 out of 67 antivirus vendors flagging it doesn't seem very good though. I've also noticed that when I drop a different version of ProtoManager on virustotal, it seems to take about a week before some of the anti-virus software will flag it. So I definitely recommend checking it a couple of...
  2. QuantumApprentice

    Updated English translation for Fallout of Nevada

    ok now I'm genuinely confused, I don't have any folder named HFR00S02 this is what my Patch000.dat file looks like in dat explorer also, sorry for the late response, been working on this really tough "programming" book this month :/
  3. QuantumApprentice

    Updated English translation for Fallout of Nevada

    ok, here's an idea, and I think this might be the problem: Rename Patch000.dat to Patch000backup.dat or something. Make a folder in the same directory as NevadaHD.exe, and name it Patch000.dat. Use DAT Explorer to extract all the files from Patch000backup.dat into the newly created folder. Then...
  4. QuantumApprentice

    Updated English translation for Fallout of Nevada

    cool! the old version is still very playable, but be careful about getting the power armor. Every time I start that quest the game starts to crash randomly. Just make sure you save often and you should be ok. Also, I haven't tried, but you might be able to use this translation from github for...
  5. QuantumApprentice

    Updated English translation for Fallout of Nevada

    Ok, next question, have you tried installing it both ways? Root folder and non-root?
  6. QuantumApprentice

    Updated English translation for Fallout of Nevada

    Ok, looking at the difference between the Russian language install and the English language install, the English version has an extra .dat file: Patch001.dat which has all the English text files in it. The game needs both Patch000.dat and Patch001.dat (both have capital "P" in Patch on my...
  7. QuantumApprentice

    Updated English translation for Fallout of Nevada

    Not sure how linux affects the install process, but if you're using steam, I was able to swap languages from the steam game properties (right click on the game and select properties then go to language). Might be something to try, I'll keep testing stuff for a minute though.
  8. QuantumApprentice

    Fallout 2 mod Mutants Rising...

    It _REALLY_ helps to know the basics of how C/C++ works (C in particular, since there are no classes in Fallout's StarTrek Scripting language). Specifically, SSL (StarTrek Scripting Language) is an amalgamation of C and Pascal, though it doesn't have some of the nicer functionality that C offers...
  9. QuantumApprentice

    Fallout 2 utility ProtoManager virus?

    Good question, I don't know where to get older versions though, so this may not be answered until Mr. Stalin bothers to return here. Although, I doubt he would bother responding, since he hasn't bothered to clean up the code enough to remove the false positive yet.
  10. QuantumApprentice

    Fallout 2 mod filling tiles a critter can see

    I saw that last weekend, looks pretty awesome! Going to try out set_global_script_repeat() this weekend, see how well it works. Yeah, there is a short stutter whenever the player moves, and I haven't quite worked out how to get the script to detect critter movement yet, but I'll probably try...
  11. QuantumApprentice

    Fallout 2 mod filling tiles a critter can see

    Ok, I went a completely different direction this weekend, and just passed an object around the screen checking if the critter could see it or not. After some iterations trying to speed up the process (passing a critter object around 40k tiles sure does bog the engine down) I've come up with...
  12. QuantumApprentice

    Fallout 2 mod filling tiles a critter can see

    Hey! Here's another question from my adventures into the scripting realm. I'm trying to write a script that will place an object on every tile the critter can see in sneak mode. I borrowed the gl_withinperception.ssl script to start working with, and these are the modifications I've made so...
  13. QuantumApprentice

    Fallout 2 mod Place items/scenery on the ground on successful attack?

    aw thanks for the support! its fine though. I often get people dropping by the stream helping me out with the scripting, so this hasn't been nearly as difficult as the lack of responses would suggest. For instance, here's my latest version of this script: #include "..\headers\define.h"...
  14. QuantumApprentice

    Fallout 2 mod Place items/scenery on the ground on successful attack?

    #include "..\headers\define.h" #include "..\headers\command.h" #include "..\headers\sfall.h" procedure start; procedure poop_explosion; procedure poop_combatdamage; procedure start begin if game_loaded then begin display_msg("Debug: Poop_bomb script loaded...")...
  15. QuantumApprentice

    Fallout 2 mod Place items/scenery on the ground on successful attack?

    Ok, so the script seems to work more or less consistently, on successful hit the engine will spawn one of the random goo types on the ground (though it doesn't work sometimes, and only seems to work on first hit, not subsequent attacks). HOOK_AFTERHITROLL doesn't give you the weapon used...
  16. QuantumApprentice

    Does fallout engine support unicode/wide characters?

    ah ok, they just swapped out the fonts? lol that sounds much easier than what I'm having to deal with :P anyway, Thank You!
  17. QuantumApprentice

    Fallout 2 mod Place items/scenery on the ground on successful attack?

    ok, crazy thing happened last weekend, I was trying out a different script with this one running in the background and it totally started working. Don't know why it won't work on my sand-box map though.
  18. QuantumApprentice

    Does fallout engine support unicode/wide characters?

    I'm getting toward the end of making a modding tool for Fallout/Fallout 2, and I'm discovering there are a couple of technical aspects I don't know very well. I know Fallout/Fallout 2 were/are incredibly popular in Russia, and I've seen the game played in russian text on russian speaking streams...
  19. QuantumApprentice

    Fallout 2 mod Place items/scenery on the ground on successful attack?

    ZIBRAPOO is just a script attached to the poop itself. It destroys the poop on map_enter and when a shovel is used on it, but that's it. Its possible create_object_sid() has some compatibility issues with the sfall hook though, any thoughts?
  20. QuantumApprentice

    Fallout 2 mod Place items/scenery on the ground on successful attack?

    hmm...ok I was afraid of that. Well, here's my first attempt, it loads and the debug message displays, but it doesn't seem to create the poop yet: procedure start begin if game_loaded then begin display_msg("Debug: Poop_bomb script loaded..."); register_hook_proc(HOOK_AFTERHITROLL...