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  1. C

    Fallout 3, Bioshock: Videogames or not?

    system shock 1 was complete looking glass studios. system shock 2 they brought in developers that had actually left the company to help produce system shock 2 using the dark engine that powered the awesome game thief: the dark project. in many ways it was those developers who went on to run...
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    Fallout 3, Bioshock: Videogames or not?

    um... i upgrade like every 4 years, mostly when my hardware is outdated to the point htat i cannot play the new stuff anymore.... i run everything just fine now, not always at 60fps(why do you need 60 anyway) but its just fine... often im happy with my 22-24 fps count in most modern games...
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    ya..... insurance covering the losses, thats very good. right up to the point that the jack of their rates on everyone ass raping them for the losses they experienced.... real good time for all to be had....
  4. C

    Fallout 3, Bioshock: Videogames or not?

    bioshock didnt feel anything like either of the system shocks. the sense of dread was gone, the actual need to explore for every last scrap of usefull gear and information was gone, the interesting enemies were gone, and even interesting sub plots through audio logs were gone. bioshock didnt...
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    one is a big massive freight ship that has to have help to manouver anywhere but the open seas, the other are smaller vessals designed for the manouverability(as in destroyers and smaller) and actually even being able to disapear. in a lot of pirate havens there are so many coves and places to...
  6. C

    Fallout 3, Bioshock: Videogames or not?

    bioshock is even more of an abomination then fallout 3 is.... both games are PERFECT examples of how the modern console tard movement is destroying gaming. now i say console tards because they cannot seem to figure out how to work a computer, but back in the day before the console tards took...
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    200 year old wood houses

    orphans of the wastes... some kid watches his mom and dad get shot by raiders and he manages to slip away. only place for him that he will likely survive is little lamplight. you see people who have grown up there both in rivet city and big town. anyway, someone mentioned guns and bullets...
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    well... at least when guns werent on turrets the smaller ship actually often had the advantage of being able to out manouver the bigger ship's fire. of course few pirate ships had guns capible of really harming something like a man of war but their goal was capture not to sink so that was ok...
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    Give us money or we will nuke the american economy!

    hrmm... true, but you have to understand the nature of ecenomics. its all trade, just because you dont sell a car for shit load of pizza doesnt mean thats what it equates to. you see REAL business, REAL trade(as in not a swindle) isnt gaining anything, its to trade something you have acess to...
  10. C

    Fallout 3: A Bold(?) Re-Imagining

    omg, lol! it was one of the stupidest moments in gaming history. i couldnt stop laughing for hours......
  11. C

    Boy, 8, fatally shoots self with Uzi at gun show

    hrmm... the only thing that we got along those lines that can be used comfortably in room clearing is a m249. the m16a4 and the m4 both are semi automatic and burst fire firearms. now i suppose that the m240 could be used to do that as well but its more bulky then the 249 and a bit heavy...
  12. C

    Give us money or we will nuke the american economy!

    its another example of how stupid unions fuck EVERYONE over...... i dont believe all the failures in our economy or due to lack of bank loans.... not by a long fucking shot... the fact that our businesses are more often forced to make tax desisions instead of business desisions and that they...
  13. C

    Forgive this rant, but....

    um, its nothing like oblivion. each time you press attack to swing your character's weapon the game rolls against your skills to see if your weapon strikes. it rolls chance of success for EVERYTHING just like a classic paper and pencil rpg. the only real difference is that oblivion isnt turn...
  14. C

    game design questions

    it has been my experience as a modder for many years that the BEST games are done by people who truely love games. you think portal was invented by some super scientist? really the idea probably came from some kid who had a shit load of fun making maps for half life 1 using worldcraft. i mean...
  15. C

    Super Mutants and Enclave - Badass Decay?

    lol makes me think of how easy muties were to kill with the last character i played through fallout....(i made him again in fo2 to the same basic results), 10 agility, 10 luck, fast shots and every rank into more criticals i could get(had like a 30% chance by the time that character beat fo1)...
  16. C

    So, uh, did anyone like it?

    very good disection... i remember the countless joyfull hours i spent playing morrowind exploring and working for money. some of my favorite memories of that game were running in terror from something like a hunger with my level 2 character because i just happened to step into the wrong place...
  17. C

    Left 4 Dead gone gold

    i may be wrong, but arent a lot of valve's current employees old modders? now valve has a track record of quality from the beginning but if they did hire a lot of modders then that could explain why things take so long. i mean modders honestly aren't used to working along a schedual. they take...
  18. C

    So, uh, did anyone like it?

    well... i think its a disapointing abomination that is one of the fine examples of why i am slowly loosing faith in modern video games. its like bioshock to me.... i played both system shocks and consider them some of the greatest games of all time, and bioshock was supposed to be a "spiritual...
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    Boy, 8, fatally shoots self with Uzi at gun show

    on the note of automatic fire.... the m16a2 or a4 may have three round burst capibility but at least marines are tought that they will never fire their weapons on that burst automatic mode. lol i remember shooting and because my trigger was worn it was a hair trigger but a few times it didnt...
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    Weight mod

    lol makes me think of playing any of the gothic games. if you see something in that game you pick it up, at the very least everything is worth a little money right?