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  1. C

    Forgive this rant, but....

    here is another example that fallout 1 and 2 were fantastic hits, its just that thier sucess must be looked at in context and not compared ot the lastest and greatest spam hits that slam consoles and pc. and yes, diablo is an rpg. just because there wasnt much option for "roleplay" with...
  2. C

    Forgive this rant, but....

    diablo not an rpg? well lets see here.... it has stats, chance of sucess based on those stats and a general rpg environment. i ask you what disqualifies it from being an rpg? anyway, lets consider something on fallout 1 and 2.... they were pc only titles, produced by a company that didnt get...
  3. C

    Some changes wrought by the Fallout timeline

    .... .... .... i cant even imagine using a weapon like an m16(as in a rifle whose charging handle isnt actually connected to the bolt and thus can only pull it backwards) without a foreward assist..... lol the m16 gets dirty or its lube dries up and suddenly just about every mag you put in(with...
  4. C

    real junk weapons

    ya sorry about the blurryness, my hands weren't too steady.... anyway, from .50 cals, to rifles, pistols, 5.56 machineguns, 7.62 machineguns, rocket launchers, even the m107 .50 cal sniper rifle(well they dont call it a sniper rifle technicly) ive had my hands deep inside thier loving...
  5. C

    Oil drop.

    im glad im not the only one impressed by the practicality of sterling design low pressure engines. i DID say you could even make solar pannels with the thing, though i never got the time to experiment with power output as compared to a traditional solar panel... i dont even think solar panels...
  6. C

    real junk weapons

    if anyone wants to model the .50 cal other then me here are some sexy reference pictures(without the barrel attached) that i snapped just before lunch(which is now). i know it isnt a junk weapon(and no idiot raider could put the barrel on right so the gun doesnt blow up in his face)...
  7. C

    real junk weapons

    i was working out a design for a similar weapon as a pistol earlier.... however an idea came to me for a higher level "junk weapon" and i just had to doodle it out.... its a "stripper pistol". operates much the same as a revolver except instead of rotating an internal cylinder it feeds a...
  8. C

    What the hell? Communist... (spoilers)

    if ya read "comrade cheng's" console dairy entries in tenpenny tower you see that at least they werent exactly doing nothing for 200 years.... though it would be cool if bethesda actually made them more then very unique raiders in one location and chinese communism in dc only mentioned in one...
  9. C

    real junk weapons

    kind of reminds me of the fact that the FIRST effective repeating military rifle was an airgun. the problem is that cartridges were demonstrated as a FAR better idea where reloading is concerned. even though the repeating rifle had replaceable gas bottles it still was a horrific mess compared to...
  10. C

    Happy Veterans Day!

    how about the phillipines? porto rico?(though porto rico actually liked american administration enough that succession movements never gained ground) and yes, the us wasnt the only factor in all the nations that we controlled and guided to prosperity, but here is something to chew on. the...
  11. C

    Happy Veterans Day!

    um.... lets look at the historic aspects of this.... you see before we became our own nation wealth still was one of the fundamental methods of social movement. titles in most european nations could in many ways could be bought. people rose and fell both by how much wealth they could make for...
  12. C

    [WIP]Millenia's assorted works

    ya..... just cus it had a drum mag near the end and has a grill sort of thing around the barrel doesnt mean its anything like a ppsh.... if your going to bitch about impossibilities in the weapon dont bitch about any silly similarities to the ppsh, bitch about the fact that the magazine is near...
  13. C

    real junk weapons

    took my idea.... i wanted to add the m2 browning.... though if it were brought in the weapon would have to be animated so its shot sideways. one hand gripping one handle in the rear the thumb pressing down the trigger, the other gripping onto the charging handle. if you beat me to the punch on...
  14. C

    [WIP]Millenia's assorted works

    can you see the internals of that weapon? you look at a fictional weapon in a video game and because it vaguely resembles a ppsh you tell me the weapon in the game is thus blowback operated? how do you know its not recoil?(gas would be hard with the space provided in it but thats possible...
  15. C

    Slavery in Fallout 3

    you get negitive karma for enslaving anyone, which is total bullshit. i thought i was gonna get around the bad karma thing by enslaving a raider but i didnt.... did get me a laugh though.
  16. C

    real junk weapons

    nice, simple. tad bit blocky but completely workable model not half bad... ya you beat me to the punch on that one. i just installed 3ds max 8 on my computer again yesterday.... but i havent had time to work on any models yet, ive been working since 3am.... got off at 6:45pm..... so ya, i got a...
  17. C

    Happy Veterans Day!

    see, people talk about afganistan and all that. now the talk is that afganistan is the real target and that we should have focused our troops there in the first place instead of putting a small army there and preparing to invade iraq. as a well schooled student in history and strategy i know...
  18. C

    Oil drop.

    lol, i used it and even changed a few words i had typed because i spelled them so horribly that the machine couldn't help me..... but in the end the spell check said i was fine save for capitalization issues..... *scratches head* no.... wait i dont think i did spell check that post, it was some...
  19. C

    Killing Children is Wrong

    from a real world standpoint lets look at killing children.... genghis kahn had an incredibly rough childhood. when his father was killed there were men who wanted to kill him to prevent him from seeking revenge against the looters when he grows up. the only thing that saved his life was that...
  20. C

    Fallout 4 Wish List

    fallout 3's plot would have been much better had they thought of a better villian then the enclave. i mean imagine, you are tyring to make the wastland a healthy place again, maybe someone else whose power rests in controlling the clean water supply doesnt like that? imagine, instead of a...