Fallout 4 Wish List


First time out of the vault
Fallout 4 wish list:

1) Isometric/3rd person view combat
Isometric combat can still work. What they need to do is to offer three modes of combat - turn-based, paused-based and real time. The innovations possible here is to implement an intelligent cover system, in which enemies, allies and you yourself are able to take cover behind various stuff and even blind fire from those covers. Think of the perks that could aid to this combat style.

Of course, in turn-base the cover system would pretty much be hard to implement, but I'm sure with a little brainstorming it would work. D&D transited well from turn-based to pause-based right?

2) Completely destructible environment
You can blow up an entire town by rigging enough explosives around town. Or you can blow your way into a building by using some heavy machinery. Or just chip away the walls with a minigun. Or rocket launcher.

Destructible environments are nothing new, but having the ability to mow down a building would be bad ass in an RPG.

3) Everybody hates vault dwellers
Make the world so that nobody likes vault dwellers. Hey, they were the ones who shut the world out during the nuclear fallout, so why would anybody want to help any dude wearing a vault suit?

4) Fully rendered talking heads
Forget about in-game cut scenes. Bring back talking heads and give them full rendered sequences. This is what makes them memorable - the few key person in the game that stood out from the rest.

5) Epic plot
C'mon, creating pure water for people is a good story? How about something more epic, like the hero's vault being invaded in the beginning and having the hero escape the vault with only a holotape with a cryptic message. And then turns out that the only survivor of the vault, you, holds a valuable key that several major factions wants, only to find out in the end that this whole shebang was an elaborate conspiracy weaved by a hidden antagonist intending to play the factions against each other. Add a twist to the hidden antagonist being somebody the hero knows very well? That would create enough choices in the game (which faction you choose, how would you rally the wasteland to face the new threat) to make an RPG player drool for months.

6) No more mini-games
Mini games suck. If I want to play mini-games, I'd go play flash games. They have no place in an RPG and its just a complete waste of time. Let character skills and dice rolls determine everything.

7) Memorable NPCs
NPCs with history, hidden agendas and even manipulate and betray you in the middle of the game would rock. They should have individual personalities and being nice to them won't always work. Some would need you to use intimidating or seductive talk to improve their perception of the player while others just don't like assholes.

8) Innovative conversation system
Characters should have a "mood" system (Lynnet in Vault City is a good example) in which they would hold grundges to the player if he says the wrong thing. Punish the player for making certain choices. Forget about those crybabies and let players learn the ways of the wasteland THE HARD WAY.

9) Proper gore
Let me rip a super mutant in half with a minigun or tear off half a torso from a bandit with a well placed gauss rifle shot.

10) Ambiguous Morality
Punish the player for attempting to be a "good" guy. Make a town get massacred if the player helps the sheriff kill a gang leader (or exile the gang). Turns out this decision later would lead to the town getting waylaid by some random bandits and without the firepower of the gang, the town is laid to waste.

Or have the player help some poor ol' beggar only to be drugged and robbed of all his belongings.

Punish the player for being too "good" in a very naive way, and let the player know that sometimes in the wasteland, being badass is just a necessity for survival.
Sadly, with Beth at the helm, none of this will come to pass.

FO4 will feature less skills, less perks, more VATS, shittier dialogue, etc, etc.

Beth, with each game they release, "streamlines" and dumbs down their games. Just look at the trend of TES games.
rcorporon said:
Sadly, with Beth at the helm, none of this will come to pass.

FO4 will feature less skills, less perks, more VATS, shittier dialogue, etc, etc.

Beth, with each game they release, "streamlines" and dumbs down their games. Just look at the trend of TES games.

11) Get a new developer
'nuff said :mrgreen:
listening to what people want in a new fallout i realised something... now its not for the faint of heart(or those frightened of a potential lawsuit) but one COULD make a "fallout 4"(with a shiny new name so it doesnt get sued) total conversion for a game called silent storm....

think about it, its perfect. its designed for rpg(though it would be a feat and a half to get it to run on special, that mutant child of gurps), it has a world map set up just like fallout, its turnbased, isometric, and has everything but currency and gore. it even brings fully destructable environments to the game. in the end though it still would be a feat and a half to make a fallout 4 with just the tools available for it now. fundamental coding challenges and the like need to be done....
soggie said:
5) Epic plot
C'mon, creating pure water for people is a good story? How about something more epic, like the hero's vault being invaded in the beginning and having the hero escape the vault with only a holotape with a cryptic message. And then turns out that the only survivor of the vault, you, holds a valuable key that several major factions wants, only to find out in the end that this whole shebang was an elaborate conspiracy weaved by a hidden antagonist intending to play the factions against each other. Add a twist to the hidden antagonist being somebody the hero knows very well? That would create enough choices in the game (which faction you choose, how would you rally the wasteland to face the new threat) to make an RPG player drool for months.
It's amazing how your plot outline sounds much better than the actual Fallout 3 plot.
fallout 3's plot would have been much better had they thought of a better villian then the enclave. i mean imagine, you are tyring to make the wastland a healthy place again, maybe someone else whose power rests in controlling the clean water supply doesnt like that?

imagine, instead of a three line attempt to corrupt the player ammounting to "ya, even though we are still technically trying to kill you i want you to use this serum in your machine and not only kill yourself but everyone else in the wastes but us" you have some faction trying to win you over to thier thinking of what is good for the wastes. "john, you know that free clean water will make the wastes weak. people struggle now for sure, but they learn things and have to earn thier survival. dont let the weak inheret the earth again and bring about another great collapse. let only the strong survive so civilization will remain strong and never falter again" or some stupid shit like that(sorry, normally i can write pretty well but im going on like 3 hours of sleep right now....).
ceacar99 said:
fallout 3's plot would have been much better had they thought of a better villian then the enclave. i mean imagine, you are tyring to make the wastland a healthy place again, maybe someone else whose power rests in controlling the clean water supply doesnt like that?

imagine, instead of a three line attempt to corrupt the player ammounting to "ya, even though we are still technically trying to kill you i want you to use this serum in your machine and not only kill yourself but everyone else in the wastes but us" you have some faction trying to win you over to thier thinking of what is good for the wastes. "john, you know that free clean water will make the wastes weak. people struggle now for sure, but they learn things and have to earn thier survival. dont let the weak inheret the earth again and bring about another great collapse. let only the strong survive so civilization will remain strong and never falter again" or some stupid shit like that(sorry, normally i can write pretty well but im going on like 3 hours of sleep right now....).
I would like to have some sort of "prequel", perhaps starting out right before the bombs drop, dealing with getting to the Vault, then some sort of fast forward, 10 years/15? When the vault opens unexpectedly.
please, whatever happens, no prequels.

If anything the recent prequel mania has taught me is that prequels don't work.
my wish list:
destructible environment ala silent storm
fraggable bodies ala soldier of fortune (never seen any better since then)
face mimics and body movements ala mass effect
dialogues options based on skills/stats like in the older fallouts, vtmb, bg etc.
a larger world map, or maybe no more usa. what the hell happened to europe/asia/africa/oceania in those 200 years?

getting back to isometric turn based would be a dream but that's asking too much to developers, because they think they wouldn't sell
I think Fallout 3 basic plot is good, but it was ruined by the absolutely horrible ending. Purifing all the water in Washington DC? Good idea. Forcing us to fight The Enclave AGAIN, even after all of us killed, destroyed, skull-fucked and NUKED every last of them? Ok, Navarro may have not been atacked, but still... I don't understand why Eden has a propaganda radio if he's going to kill anyone outside of his bunch, anyway.

[spoiler:4f219a720e]It would make more sense if the Enclave realized that the whole "Kill all Mutants" plot simply ins't possible anymore and, due to their low manpower and resources, decide that the only way to survive is to retake the United States of America, rebuild their nation and recruit willing recruits from wastelander communities. Maybe they DO WANT to kill all mutants, but secretly manipulate their wastelander army until the last moment?[/spoiler:4f219a720e]
What are you talking about? Fallout 4? I'm still waiting for Fallout 3. I mean real Fallout 3, not just another part of "TES", like this crap made by Beth.
1) Bigger area with more content.
2) Better dialogue.
3) Take away the lockpicking minigame (though keep the hacking minigame, I like it :D)
4) VATS needs more tweaking, as much as I think it's fun, it needs more work to be done on it.
5) More gray moral areas rather than black and white evil and good.

That's it for now, only have played the game for a couple of hours, though I'm loving it very much. The best fallout feature for now has been the Vault structure and the ammo scarcity (I always end up without any ammo wherever I go) for me. And I like the music too, though I mostly listen to the radio.
What would you like to see in "Fallout 4"?

Fallout 3 is out and it has sold lots and there is nothing anyone can do about it, the future of the Fallout series hinges on this Bethesda title.
Assuming the next Fallout sequel will maintain the Bethesda tradition of FPS/RPG world roaming, what changes to the Fallout 3 formula would YOU (all caps wow!) like to see in Fallout 4?
I'd like them to change the name to something else. Better to treat it as something else than be reminded how Fallout was destroyed.

Thank fuck that Planescape Torment ended there and then as no doubt Bethesda would have made it a shooter with one line dialogues.