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  1. C

    I *know* WHY Fallout 3 sucks! (descriptions)

    ya.... someone should tell bethesda that i REALLY miss the information on my 10mm pistol in my inventory, or whats so different between raider sadist armor and battlemaster? all the classic fallouts had that important information that actually often helped you choose what you wanted. like i'd...
  2. C

    Intelligent Deconstruction Review of Fallout 3

    a lot of the main issues can be sumerised in the horold-bob tree mutant goul thing quest. first, they made harold into a slow sounding simpleton, where the old harold was smart enough to keep a bunch of idiots running but not blowing up a nuclear power plant. he sounded like a fun old coot, now...
  3. C

    Fallout 4 Wish List

    listening to what people want in a new fallout i realised something... now its not for the faint of heart(or those frightened of a potential lawsuit) but one COULD make a "fallout 4"(with a shiny new name so it doesnt get sued) total conversion for a game called silent storm.... think about...
  4. C

    Stupid fallout experiences...

    how bout: planting 4x tnt 2x c4 in a guy's pockets because i wanted his shiny purple(soon to be red and brown) robe to blend in at the cathedral. the problem was that i had a bunch of guys from that stupid library place following me around. long story short the whole plan would have worked had 2...
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    Oil drop.

    chernobyl shouldnt have ever happened in the first place. the plant in the simplest terms was as if it were built and run by illegal aliens paid 50 cents an hour, and told to pretend that they had any knowledge of atomic theory. russia in its effort to try to keep up with the us stepped up its...
  6. C

    Happy Veterans Day!

    well with afganistan.... no single ruler has controlled afganistan since alexander the great sucessfully pacified the region. warlike isnt the best term for these people... however it should be said that their way of life is such that they are some of the few people on earth who truely and...
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    [WIP]Millenia's assorted works

    whats wrong with the shotgun's fundamental design? instead of using a regular box magazine it has a drum magazine.... the only issue with it is that it has an obnoxiously short barrel once the round is chambered.... but all that rearward area could definately be used as a proper buffer area to...
  8. C

    Modding weapons

    the way i see it the energy weapons are too weak as it is. now if you use the protectitron's gaze or a3's plasma rifle then you got some heat going but the fact is that the energy weapons are totally outclassed by the automatics in damage in that way. at least in the other fallouts the automatic...
  9. C

    Better Power Armor

    i think the routes they are going are stupid.... the basic design of the exoskeleton itself looks shiity. something like that should try to stick to the human frame as much as possible to maximize strength and limit size. look at the thing in videos, the arms of it stick way out and dont even...
  10. C

    [MOD] Original Combat Armour

    actually i believe there is a nifskope version on nexus that supports fo3..... though with hex editing as our only option to code it into the game it might be sort of.... difficult...
  11. C

    ESP/ESM files?

    elder scrolls games morrowind and up are built via a modular system. the esm's are the base documents containing the basic data for the entire game(not the graphics, or sound, but things like items, maps and so on). esp's are files that are not required for game functionality but are modules...
  12. C

    real junk weapons

    actually afganistan has the world's largest gun market and many of those firearms are made by hand. they take scrap steel from hunreds of miles away and work it into servicable firearms that other then the quality of the steel are hard to tell that they are "knock offs". they even print fake...
  13. C

    real junk weapons

    according to all the fallout lore i know the brotherhood manufactured most of the arms on the west coast. eventually(in fo2) i bet a few other small groups got in the game, but you couldnt rule out the brotherhood whom has to trade arms for supplies they need to survive. the problem is that the...
  14. C

    real junk weapons

    it would be cool if we got rid of the gimicky weapons and got real practical weapons made out of junk. now that shiskabob sword actually is something i could see being made but the rock it launcher, the railway gun and even the nuka grenades are a bit much.... how about early on in the game...
  15. C

    Moving Fallout 2 Into Fallout 3

    such a project would be an abomination unless the rpg system was actually fixed so that it was like that in the original fallouts (in other words a modified version of g.u.r.p.s. that actually effects gameplay), and a turn based combat system. the issue right now is i think that everyone is...
  16. C

    Better Power Armor

    how is a suit that reads your muscle movements and amplifies them supposed to react faster then your body would? if your body isnt moving then teh suit has nothing to detect... now it would be a different story if the suit read some chip transmitting commands from your nervous system, but...
  17. C

    Better Power Armor

    lol i explained why the suit would effect your agility. the suit is not part of you, its trying to read what you want it to do by reading your muscle movements. in other words you have to try to move your arm, it takes the machine a moment to realize whats happening and then it starts moving...
  18. C

    Fallout 3 Realism Overhaul

    how dare you insult the mighty fn fal! its a very good rifle, and was the champion of the western nations against communism and "evil" until the m16 came into its power! lol. alright, lets talk about weapon failure here... with weapons like pistols usually the failure is in a bad magazine. a...
  19. C

    Fallout 1 or Fallout 2?

    its tough.... at this point im leaning towards fallout 2 because it feels like a more refined better product. no it doesnt have that incredible plot line. fallout 1.... well it felt stark in a lot of ways. felt hard to find lots of quests and things to do, and that was on top of a lot of bad...
  20. C

    Better Power Armor

    realism to power armor really is what should be explored.... suggestions include: 1: when power armor(the suit not the helmet) is equipped its weight is scripted to drop to 0, this is because the armor is activated and because it now has a skeleton(you) its mechanical muscle can support its...