Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

in the Sierra Army Depot, I waited with bringing Skynet with me because I wanted to raise my science skill first. when I got back a good while later, it was dead.
Once a rat critically hit me and broke my leg, damn that rat.
That happens a lot, though, Vic or Cassidy or Sulik starting to kill the brahmin. I think I've only managed to save all ten brahmin maybe twice.Tygernoot said:While defending the brahmin from wild dogs in Modoc, together with Vic and Sulik, I incidentally hit one of the brahmin while bursting my SMG into a dog.
Apparently Vic considered this as a sign to start killing off all the brahmin that we were actually supposed to protect... He was actually running after one of them (who I guess tried to escape his psycho killing frenzy) to leave no witnesses. Thank god the guy can't aim but he still managed to kill two of them while Sulik and I tried to shoot the dogs. With another brahmin bitten to death by the dogs, a total of three were lost.
I came *this* close to putting down Vic with the rest of the dogs. What an idiot.