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  1. Izual

    FOnline 2238 - "The end is nigh" and Mod Database

    I can totally believe the reasons are "purely human".
  2. Izual

    Torment Kickstarter goes live

    Funded in exactly six hours. Gratz, lads :)
  3. Izual

    Torment Kickstarter goes live

    Friggin backed! Starwars: Yes, but it wouln't have the appeal "Torment's successor" has!
  4. Izual

    The "I'm a musician, kiss my ass" thread.

    Would sure put that in my Spotify playlist. :3
  5. Izual

    A Thorough Look at Fallout

    I'd rather look at the text version if possible. :3
  6. Izual

    Bad things of fo1,2?

    Just tell me again this is "meh"? :p
  7. Izual

    Bad things of fo1,2?

    What? Fallout 1/2 are beautiful games, even by nowadays' standards.
  8. Izual

    Obsidian CEO Talks Working on Fallout Again

    You're summing up what happened to Fallout in the past years quite well.
  9. Izual

    Bonus value for critters HP

    Well that would have helped me years ago :p I had started a mod for Fallout 2 designed to make it significantly harder, and wanted to nerf the barter skill, among others, making the player start the game with a negative %. Couldn't do that, dropped the mod.
  10. Izual

    Obsidian CEO Talks Working on Fallout Again

    Re: WAA WAAA WAAAAA Up to you if you wish Obsidian to have to make a game with Bethesda's great eye watching everything and giving them a shitty engine. Up to you if you wish developers to have to make shitty games just for a living. Because if Obsidian only wanted to make great games, they...
  11. Izual

    Bonus value for critters HP

    Does it work for the PC?
  12. Izual

    Obsidian CEO Talks Working on Fallout Again

    Fallout is already dead, the last thing we all did in the past years was having sex with a dead corpse, in case you didn't notice. I don't know Wasteland and I'm a huge Fallout fan, yet I'm far more excited for Wasteland 2 than for the so-called next episode of the Fallout series.
  13. Izual

    Obsidian CEO Talks Working on Fallout Again

    Bad news. Obsidian will never have such a free contract from Bethesda, which will give them 5 months to make the game with shitloads of mandatory stuff like using Bethesda's own engine. Thus, if Obsidian gets to make Fallout NV 2, then it will be a bad game. So yeah, bad news indeed. Let...
  14. Izual

    Fallout 2 mod EcCo Gameplay Overhaul (new version for RPU)

    It has some kind of halo/blur around it, doesn't it? But yeah, it looks verygood and it's a great idea. I'm jealous :p
  15. Izual

    New animations 2

    Didn't know you were in animation stuff Alvarez :) Keep it up!
  16. Izual

    Wasteland 2 first look video released, update

    This man is right.
  17. Izual

    Bad things of fo1,2?

    Actually that makes sense for CH1. Let's send the ugly guy no one likes :lol:
  18. Izual

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    Well that actually sounds safe. Despite my mixed feelings towards US gun laws, you sound like a responsible gun owner - I just wish everyone was like you, because sometimes what we hear on the news is kinda scary.
  19. Izual

    Wasteland 2 first look video released, update

    On the french Nukacola forum, back in the old days before the release of Fallout 3, there was someone - I think his name was Margenal - talking about how Bethesda managed dialogs in their games. He told us about something that happened to him in Oblivion, which, as you said, uses keywords...
  20. Izual

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    Thanks for your answers guys, it's quite enlightening. SuAside, if the belgium laws were not so strict, would you keep your weapons in different places, like DB does? DB, I can understand about the weapon in the nighstand, although if I were you I'd probably have some other weapon...