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  1. Izual

    Fallout 1, 2 and Tactics 66% off

    Also DRM-free.
  2. Izual

    What can Fallout 4 learn from Skyrim

    Sure, Skyrim's story is crap and I'm not playing it for that. But on the other hand, the new Fallout's stories are craps and I'm not playing them for that. So, instead of pretending the next Fallout's story won't be crap, I'm in favor of making it a decent game, even if it's story is crap.
  3. Izual

    What can Fallout 4 learn from Skyrim

    I like to quote my blogpost on NMA because of the haters, so: That being said, after re-playing FNV I was probably a bit too harsh in that post, but the end of it (the quote above) still reflects what I think.
  4. Izual

    "The End"

    It's like 13 years AFAIR.
  5. Izual

    Scariest Fallout critter

    Radscorpions in Fallout 1&2 really look badass and powerful. They look very good. So I'd say radscorpions.
  6. Izual

    Fallout Tactics online ?

    Fallout Tactics' multiplayer mode doesn't use any "server". It is hosted on a player's computer, for the time of a game, using softs like Hamachi or (more frequently) GameRanger. Approximately one year ago there used to be games hosted on GameRanger quite often, I don't know if it's still the...
  7. Izual

    Wasteland 2 screenshot and tidbits

    It looks really great. Not as pixelated and "rusty" as old games, and it has this cartoony feeling you all described that is within all 3D-iso games post-2005, but it looks great. The overall setting of the pic, the palette and the models, as well as the characters, make me think of Fallout...
  8. Izual

    Fallout: New Vegas and Fallout 3 on sale on Steam again

    To test it, it' the only Fallout game I didn't play. Plus, how could I troll efficiently on NMA without playing it? (Assuming you need to play the games to troll, right). Nah seriously, because I think it's not that bad. If I get it for 3€ I think it'll be worth it. Can't be worst than New...
  9. Izual

    Fallout: New Vegas and Fallout 3 on sale on Steam again

    Really looking forward to buy Fallout 3 GOTY when it will be a few euros cheaper. 5€ sounds too much like something I'd regret.
  10. Izual

    Fallout: New Vegas + DLC, Fallout 3: GOTY 75% off on Steam

    Aw man, seriously? I didn't know you needed all of them to run Sawyer's mod. I'll look into it then. Blah. Thanks for the info.
  11. Izual

    Fallout: New Vegas + DLC, Fallout 3: GOTY 75% off on Steam

    I'm not planning a new run anytime soon, but when I'll do I'll use J.E. Sawyer's mod, so yeah I'll take it. I also took GRA, Lonesome Road and Honest Hearts, the two DLC that look the more enjoyable when you like open-world stuff. ALso I hope J.E. Sawyer's mod has some good stuff for melee (I...
  12. Izual

    Fallout: New Vegas + DLC, Fallout 3: GOTY 75% off on Steam

    Wondering about Courier Stash. Advertisement says "Spawn with an advantage", which sounds awful. Is it optional to use? Is it any good? For 0,49€, that is...
  13. Izual

    Film Idea (more like miniseries)

    Yes, but without a strong narration over it (voice-over) or something else, it will just have a strong "randomness" feeling. But even if it has that strong narration, not sure you can keep the viewer interested during a eight-minutes slideshow of 2-3 secs clips. I'd take much longer clips and/or...
  14. Izual

    FO3 or FO: NV?

    Hey, you stole MY opinion !... ...marry me :D
  15. Izual

    WIP Wasteland 2 screenshot coming next week

    Oh look, it's Walpknut. "WIP" can mean anything. And do you seriously think if you add particles & post-processing effects it will turn the WIP screenshot into a final game version screenshot? It might be the case. It might not. That's why I'm wondering. But you don't have to wonder too, I...
  16. Izual

    WIP Wasteland 2 screenshot coming next week

    We're doomed :) Anyway, I wonder how reliable this screenshot will be. I mean how well it will really reflect the final game.
  17. Izual

    Film Idea (more like miniseries)

    8 minutes of random images ?
  18. Izual

    Voice acting in RPGs may be more trouble than it's worth

    This is a revolution. This is the future.
  19. Izual

    Fallout 1 Review

    Yes, it's not as if we were a forum about RPG, we hate reading :p A few words on the review itself. I think you forgot key elements in this game that make it so popular even today. Namely, story and plot. It's not just about people waking up in a post-nuclear America, it's about fighting...
  20. Izual

    Just finished Fallout 1, it was amazing, but...

    Sure it is. However I try to ignore such things when playing a game. When I find something bad, I'm not asking myself whose fault it is, it's just something bad in the game. So yeah, making FNV in such a short time (and the usual excuses as well: being forced to use Bethesda's engine, having...