Fallout 1, 2 and Tactics 66% off

When I first saw this on Steam I immediately came here to post it, but I see others were more diligent.

:D ,
The Vault Dweller
Fallout 1 was being given away for free on GOG not that long ago. This steam daily deal is nothing impressive if you ask me. Fallout 2 would cost me 5.99 $ (19.618448 PLN) on GOG and 3.39 euro (13.724754 PLN) on Steam if I were to buy them now. But that's comparing a standard price with a temporary off-price. Normally GOG offer is 50% cheaper (about 20 PLN compared to 40 PLN, i.e. 10 euro) and when there's an off-price on GOG (which is 50%) it would be about 4 PLN cheaper than an off-price Steam version. And we're talking here about much bigger and wealthier shop that could afford much better off-prices. Just saying.

In short, if you're not in a hurry I recommend to wait on GOG off-price. Who knows, maybe just before Bethesda will take over the rights for these titles GOG will give F2 for free?
I know i shouldn't but....

Since steam forum is still stalling about my registration... could i ask if I can "Gift" the collection temporarily... then send it my own account later on if i get bored with waiting for GoG? That sounded selfish lol.
Goral said:
Fallout 1 was being given away for free on GOG not that long ago. This steam daily deal is nothing impressive if you ask me. Fallout 2 would cost me 5.99 $ (19.618448 PLN) on GOG and 3.39 euro (13.724754 PLN) on Steam if I were to buy them now. But that's comparing a standard price with a temporary off-price. Normally GOG offer is 50% cheaper (about 20 PLN compared to 40 PLN, i.e. 10 euro) and when there's an off-price on GOG (which is 50%) it would be about 4 PLN cheaper than an off-price Steam version. And we're talking here about much bigger and wealthier shop that could afford much better off-prices. Just saying.

Also DRM-free.
Admittedly, I had never actually purchased Fallout Tactics, though I've played through it a couple of times. Can't really complain about an under $5 price tag. Picked it up last night. As much as I love GOG, I prefer having all my games in one centralized location (Steam).
Goral said:
In short, if you're not in a hurry I recommend to wait on GOG off-price. Who knows, maybe just before Bethesda will take over the rights for these titles GOG will give F2 for free?

yes, i was wondering when iply would stop selling the 3 fallouts and they would be beth titles.

wasnt that the aftermath of the lawsuit?

or was i wrong in reading it and iply will continue to have rights to original 3 fallouts?