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  1. Izual

    Voice acting in RPGs may be more trouble than it's worth

    There is obviously a point in the middle of the road to be reached. I can't say a fully-voiced game troubles me as a player, and I can't say a non-voiced game would trouble me either, but Fallout 1&2 did perfectly well with key characters being voiced - and guys, what voice! I had Marcus in mind...
  2. Izual

    Just finished Fallout 1, it was amazing, but...

    Nothing special for a game that had far more money spent in it than Fallout 1 and 2 together, and ten more years. However I don't share your opinion about evil playthroughs, maybe it is better than is Fallout 1 and 2, but you really can't do many evil things in a different way than just chosing...
  3. Izual

    Just finished Fallout 1, it was amazing, but...

    Fallout 1 is definitely the better opus when it comes to plot and history. That's probably why you immediately liked it, it is a downward spiral that takes you right in the middle of a perverted dream. On the other hand, Fallout 2 has better gameplay, that means it has more locations, more...
  4. Izual

    Contamination Europe: a PAARPG

    I was reacting to numerous comments on the first page of this topic.
  5. Izual

    Contamination Europe: a PAARPG

    I hope it wasn't directed to me, because I fancy being a man that always finds something to criticize ; however I don't see how "lack of originality" of a post-apo game can be said to be bad as we don't know yet how it will turn out. People saying "Oh no, another post-nuke world!" make as much...
  6. Izual

    Contamination Europe: a PAARPG

    My opinion is, a post-apocalyptic universe can perfectly look the same in a ton of game, it doesn't matter. What matters is gameplay, not plot or graphisms - not when it comes to post-apo. Fallout 1, 2, 3, Tactics, BoS, New Vegas? They all use the same universe, yet they all are very...
  7. Izual

    Contamination Europe: a PAARPG

    Yup, they'd rather do some post-apo RPG... before the apocalypse actually happened ! :rolleyes:
  8. Izual

    Diablo III proves old-school Fallout can do well today

    I don't see how Diablo III's case is relevant. Diablo III is quite an UFO: no gameplay, no DA, obvious and terrible clone of Diablo II, yet a giant buzz and tons of players. From that, you can't build a theory like "Yes, a clone of Fallout 2 would work!"
  9. Izual

    J.E. Sawyer on the Legion and post-endgame play

    Hard to say. Tactics has turn-based combat and isometric view, and it isn't a Fallout game to me (and everyone else), it's a spin-off.
  10. Izual

    J.E. Sawyer on the Legion and post-endgame play

    How is that related to the point? If your point is, I should call Izual stupid because he thinks New Vegas sucks, you're going to be alone here. I explained my point about franchises a few posts ago, now if that comes to "Hah because New Vegas sucks!", I'd better be going.
  11. Izual

    J.E. Sawyer on the Legion and post-endgame play

    In that quote "it" doesn't mean "Fallout New Vegas plot". Maybe a wise defense of your (apparently) beloved New Vegas should start with reading other posts? By the way, I never said New Vegas was a bad game. My point was, New Vegas and Fallout 1/2 should be two separate franchises.
  12. Izual

    J.E. Sawyer on the Legion and post-endgame play

    I didn't say that. Maybe you should re-read my posts. If you've read them at all.
  13. Izual

    J.E. Sawyer on the Legion and post-endgame play

    GTA 1 and GTA 4 are totally different. However one is a poor version of the other. Fallout should give me the same experience as the 1997-8 Fallout games did. If it can't, then don't call it Fallout.
  14. Izual

    J.E. Sawyer on the Legion and post-endgame play

    Yes. Too bad it looks like a poor version of Fallout 1's plot, though.
  15. Izual

    J.E. Sawyer on the Legion and post-endgame play

    About ambiance and atmosphere...
  16. Izual

    J.E. Sawyer on the Legion and post-endgame play

    It's not all about graphics. Gameplay ? New Vegas isn't even turn-based. Content ? It introduces totally new super-factions (Legion), it's not in the same geographical area, ... Atmosphere ? Fallout 1/2 don't have same ambiance and atmosphere at all. It wasn't a better one, but it was a...
  17. Izual

    J.E. Sawyer on the Legion and post-endgame play

    Sorry, but if you think the following pictures are all the same, marketing did its job on you, no offence. As I said, Fallout New Vegas might be a great game, but its simply not the Fallout we enjoyed back in 1998. The same way Daggerfall isn't Skyrim.
  18. Izual

    J.E. Sawyer on the Legion and post-endgame play

    Every "Fallout" games after Fallout 2 were not Fallout games. They might be great, enjoyable, cool and stuff (e.g. I liked Fallout Tactics), but they have nothing in common with Fallout 1 & 2, except names in a story. If you think Fallout Tactics/POS/3/NV are "Fallout", it's just that the...
  19. Izual

    J.E. Sawyer on the Legion and post-endgame play

    Yeah I thought exactly the same. Back in 2000.
  20. Izual

    Armor should get damaged with use

    You can actually loot armors from the dead in Fallout 1. Check the Order's Fallout Iron Man topic, a few of us had to burn Junktown to the ground and turned into armor merchants :D