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  1. Sub-Human

    Paris attacks - ongoing

    Can't really blame them, given how hell-bent Russia was on denying any ISIS involvement and the absolute apathy of the Russian government towards the deaths (any Western leader would have arrived at the airport to welcome home the remains of the bodies... or at least made a speech following the...
  2. Sub-Human

    Paris attacks - ongoing

    If we're just going to ignore the bomb ISIS planted on a Russian airliner two weeks ago, resulting in 224 deaths...
  3. Sub-Human

    Just plain old boring

    Got out of the Vault and walked into a firefight. Took cover and waited for it to end. The gunfire died down and the survivors casually walked over to a graveyard, paying zero attention to an armed guy in a bright, blue jumpsuit. 'Hi'. That's as far as the conversation goes. After stepping out...
  4. Sub-Human

    Is the US a shitty place to live?

    Yep, I've noticed that. That's why I usually look at BBC and CNN, because they seem more 'global' and thus more or less neutral in their coverage of the US.
  5. Sub-Human

    Is the US a shitty place to live?

    How do you view Asian, African or South American countries? Did you travel to each one of them to form an opinion? If I've never lived in the States then news is the only way for me to know what goes on in there.
  6. Sub-Human

    Is the US a shitty place to live?

    Every time I open the news, there's a racial problem. White cops shooting black kids, white cops shooting latino kids, then these same black and latino kids rioting and looting. The education system rates poorly on the international scale yet tuition fees are some of the most expensive you'll...
  7. Sub-Human

    Xbox One vs PS4 What Console Is Better?

    To be fair you do not need technical expertise to build, let alone purchase a pre-built PC. It can take a couple hours of research to find whatever fits your budget and then a few more hours to assemble the parts. Plus the fact that you can download your games for free :look: and combine two...
  8. Sub-Human

    Rate the above song and post your own.

    That's just fucking weird/10.
  9. Sub-Human

    Skills in Fallout 4: What We Know

    Feck, I got bored just reading that. But knowing Bethesda that's exactly what they're going to do.
  10. Sub-Human

    Russian-Ukrainian war

    You're giving the man too much credit, his regime will collapse well before he has a chance to invade another country... Another wave of sanctions will obliterate the Russian economy even further.
  11. Sub-Human

    So Our Protagonist Is Over 200 Years Old

    We get to fly on a Vertibird and build our own armor, what else do you want?
  12. Sub-Human

    Come and see... the live show of a war going on

    It's really difficult to understand your point when you contradict yourself over and over. Yeah, also the sky is blue on a clear day... What is complicated about a military invasion? Troops enter a sovereign territory, under whatever fecking pretext possible. Does it make it any less of an...
  13. Sub-Human

    Come and see... the live show of a war going on

    So this is your whole point? That somewhere, down the line, US supported a group that you believe to be questionable. And this somehow invalidates US support in Ukraine. You could have said that earlier; honestly, there's absolutely zero need to write 10 paragraph essays expressing what can be...
  14. Sub-Human

    Come and see... the live show of a war going on

    And what does 'this door swings both ways' mean? You always say, 'Of course Russia is putting troops in Ukraine, but... evil USA'. What is your point, exactly? You wrote a dozen paragraphs with what I can assume is Cold War history. What specifically is the issue here with the US? What did...
  15. Sub-Human

    Come and see... the live show of a war going on

    NATO can bury Russia and its shitty, import-dependent, non-producing economy. It is already happening as we speak - the salaries of Russian people have decreased by almost 10%. Hundreds are not getting paid and have left their jobs (late 1980s, ring a bell?). The idiocy of Russian politicians...
  16. Sub-Human

    Come and see... the live show of a war going on

    I'm sure when he tells foreign journalists to get a circumsion or laughs in their face if they dare question his policies he's balancing 'support' from abroad. That's complete fecking ignorance of the type of person Putin is. He's had direct control of everything in Russia for the past 15...
  17. Sub-Human

    Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

    Set in 2029, two years after the events of Human Revolution, Adam Jensen returns and joins forces with an Interpol-funded task force aiming to hunt down and capture augmented terrorists in a world that now hates and fears transhumans. Jensen has a new suite of augmentations that allow him to...
  18. Sub-Human

    Obsidian's Project Eternity

    It wasn't a 'bad taste' joke. It wasn't homophobic (did it insult homosexuals? transsexuals?) and considering the amount of over-sensitive 'politically correct' pussies the poem was well-placed. Too bad Obsidian panders to these idiots.
  19. Sub-Human

    Come and see... the live show of a war going on

    Russia doesn't even have to join the NATO. All that's required from Putin is stop being an aggressive tyrant. The other side of the deal is that he returns to European and US markets, which will allow the Russian economy to grow again.