Yeah right. All those poor fuckers. Its their fault that they are so weak, isnt itCuba, Vietnam, Iran for example have all had bad relations with the U.S. All three countries chose the wrong side and they lost. Shit happens.

Seriously, that is a bit narrow minded. I mean I will not go so far and say that characters like Castro or Ho Chi Minh are saints or what ever. They have been assholes, no doubts about it. But it helps to understand the systems and situations where those people have grown up, neither Castro, nor Kenedy or Chruschtschow have been crazy or mad people, they have simply made different experiences, particularly both Chruschtschow and Kennedy have grown up with the experiences of WW2 no one of them wanted a war, but fear and axienty can create very unreal situations. Particularly Cuba is a very sad nation when it comes to that. It was partialy the US that pushed Cuba so far that they had literaly no other options than to start negotiating with the Soviet Union, economical sanctions and political isolation by the US, they tried several times to eliminate castro and they had very real plans when it comes to military actions. And the Soviets in the end did pretty much what the US did already in Turkey. Seting up nuclear missiles at the front door of their enemy. It was a crazy situation. Seriously, when you listen to some veterans from Cuba they had not really much more love for the Soviets either, it was simply in their eyes the lesser of two evils. No nation wants really to have foreign troops on their soil. Never.
I suggest to watch The Fog of War where Robert McNamara talks about his experience in the cold war. It really gives a very unique view about the events and how the people thought back than, and why even still today many people think very similar - dividing the world in "good" and "bad" regions for example is a very simplistic and easy view on everything, it makes it easy when it comes to decisions. And it is of course a very easy view for the masses as well.
[h=1]Khrushchev on the Cuban Missile Crisis[/h]
I am not saying the media is always lying or there is no bad stuff happening in Russia, Syria or that the Iran is not a dictatorship. Those are places where a lot of wrong things happen, no doubts about that. But we should not always be so simplistic in our views, or even believe in our arrogance that we can always fix everything, particularly the idea hat we could simply export our "way of life" and democracy to those places, all we have to do is to start the democracy and things will simply change like magic. It took us still some 200-300 years to get there, and it was a very violent journey. The cases where we actually managed to improve the situation by using only military means are very rare. At least I can not really name even one situation where we managed to really help another nation by military actions alone. Both Afghanistan and Iraq as recent examples have still decades to go before they might reach a level of living that is close to ours.
Germany in particular, just as example, has tried from the late 60s and mid 70s a different approach with the Soviet Union for example. Because people very often say that you can not talk with dicators/regimes or that you have no other way to deal with them as the only thing they understand are military actions. But at the peak of the Cold War where the Soviets bloodly silenced any oposition in Easter Europe with tanks and soldiers Germany started to talk with the Soviets. They started a dialogue. Dialogues with the aim to normalize the relationship between Western Germany and the Eastern Nations, particularly East Germany. Those Conversations have lead to meetings between politicans, to coperations, to the so called Ostverträge. It helped to create cracks in the Iron Curtain, which ended in the policy of detente which ended more or less with Reggan. It was the EXACT opposite of what is done today, it was not about confrontation and agression but about dialogues finding common interests. I am curious why something that worked in the Cold War can't be done again today. Because hearts to hearts, what ever we think about Putin, he is no Breschnew, Stalin or Chruschtschow. And definitely no Hitler. And Putin is not Russia. Ukraine will at some point become quite, but we will still have to deal with the decisions and politics from now.
For the time beeing, yeah. The east european nations make good pets for them. Because they need them. But things can change in the future. The US has not always treated its allies with the best respect. Think about South Korea for example, right after WW2 the US government had no problem with a dicatorship in their part of Korea. The way how they acted in Vietnam wasn't really great either. Also I am not really sure if people seriously think all of this trough. What it actually means from a Russian perspective to have something like US military equipment, rockets etc. in Poland or Latvia or any of the other Eastern European states. Let us assume Russia would install such system ins Mexico or Canada because they became voluntarily members of the warsaw pact, if it would still exist today, and it would not bother the US? Not even slightly? Very unlikely. It's also stupid to talk about purely "defensive" weapons in a military sense. There are no deffensive weapons. Beacause any defensive weapon can be also used offensively.Seriously, whats up with this? Co-operation and open dialogue is somehow equated to some kind of brutal assfucking?
I know I come of as pretty ignorant right now, I got that. I had the luxury to grow up in Germany, a nation living under the US nuclear shield which has seen a lot of protection. I am not stupid. Without the US military presence in Europe particularly after WW2, history might be very different today. But I have also my experience from Serbia, knowing the people there, at least somewhat.
That's why I would not go so far to believe that the US, or any other nation for that matter, including any European ones and Russia is doing anything because of moral or for noble reasons. When Russia is talking about Ukraine it is always because they want to defend THEIR interests, when WE talk about Ukraine it is always about OUR interests it's very rarely about to find a consent, ways how to improve the situation for Ukraine, the people there. I mean for fucks sake, even we all spie on each other, the US on us, we on the US, the Brits on the French, the French on the Germans etc. If things would be really difficult most nations would fall back in their old thinking of mistrust and bickering. It's probably human nature. No clue. The only reason, most probably, why we managed to keep a relatively peacefull Europe is because of the nuclear weapons and the danger of a nuclear war with the Soviet Union. It forced the European Nations to work together, economicaly and politicaly.
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