Search results

  1. Sub-Human

    East and West propaganda vs reality

    Perhaps they are worse than a Soviet authority figure. But a usual citizen? That's as low as complete poverty can get. Anything beyond is, pretty much, eating grass and sleeping outside.
  2. Sub-Human

    East and West propaganda vs reality

    Life in the West was always, and still is, much better. My parents had to go by train to Moscow (!) to wait in a day-long line hoping to grab a pair of new shoes or trousers. Rations like 300g of salami or a bar of chocolate for a month came with little surprise. Doing late night shifts for sick...
  3. Sub-Human

    When/ How Did MZ Imply Aliens Started the Great War?

    There's one at the top of the website if you look carefully.
  4. Sub-Human

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Masters of the World: Geo-Political Simulator 3. It's a modern Crusader Kings... And damn awesome. Numbers, numbers everywhere...
  5. Sub-Human

    The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

    Pain & Gain is quite possibly the best action movie I've seen in quite a while. Be a 'do'er and watch it this weekend!
  6. Sub-Human

    How good is this gaming PC?

    From my own experience, I think it's better to stick with a purely AMD build (that includes an ATI card) or an Intel build with an Nvidia card. An i5-2500 should do the job.
  7. Sub-Human

    NCR Military training

    They are very little in numbers, no? I doubt it has the same amount of vehicles that a USA military of the WW2 era did.
  8. Sub-Human

    NCR Military training

    Well, the NCR does not have vehicles, as far as I'm aware. Pretty much all combat is done on-foot.
  9. Sub-Human

    New Wasteland 2 screenshot

    Looks much sharper (and better) than previous screen. Progress indeed. Also - doesn't show up properly on the forum.
  10. Sub-Human

    Spanish Train Crash

    <iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0"></iframe> Almost 80 dead. Horrible stuff...
  11. Sub-Human

    Looking for an RTS...

    Stronghold 2 - medieval, no upgrade trees. But pretty damn good if you ask me.
  12. Sub-Human

    The best and the worst in FNV

    So why is it that the Courier is unable to take out the NCR military at that same level? A couple of Republic troops are a much bigger threat than a large gang of 20 guys armed to the teeth.
  13. Sub-Human

    Wasteland 2 physically distributed by Deep Silver, screens

    Well, they were basically selling 'Ranger Mode' - a fourth difficulty setting in Metro Last Light - for $5. From the first day of the release. It didn't even introduce new content.
  14. Sub-Human

    About the bombing in the Fallout franchise

    How about Vault 12? There was no FEV involved, just radiation. Well, some people found shelter in military installations (such as the Brotherhood of Steel), others probably were in remote towns. I wondered where the Hub or Junktown residents came from.
  15. Sub-Human

    Favorite books / What are you reading?

    I am Legend. Fantastic story, good pace, and an interesting, 'scientific' take on vampires.
  16. Sub-Human

    Why do people buy Alienware?

    Alienware has nice products too. They are just overpriced. People are interested in purchasing the brand, not the actual item.
  17. Sub-Human

    George Zimmerman, race and the NAACP

    Agreed. Why would an ethnic 'minority' try to segregate themselves from the white men, and then complain about being subjected to racism?
  18. Sub-Human

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Metro Last Light. What a resource hog. Playing simply for the story now.
  19. Sub-Human

    I HATE San Francisco in Fallout 2

    He's saying the tanker fit in with the Fallout theme, but the rest of San Francisco did not fit. I didn't hate the place, but it did stray from the formula. Karate fighters? An emperor? Come on. China was a communist state. And they turned the Chinese into some Jackie Chan clowns.