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  1. Todd Howard's #1 Fan

    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim announced

    ARE YOU SERIOUS? Is this video actually authentic? If so it's safe to say the very pillars of the entire GENRE of role playing games has trembled this day. Gentlemen, after rough times with Obsidian I'm proud to admit the road ahead will be rewarding beyond any of our expectations. :D
  2. Todd Howard's #1 Fan

    So what story lines are left to tap for DLC

    It was a shame Obsidian dropped Area 51 concept. This could have provided an ideal location to continue Zeta's story arch. Absolutely, it was a completely bold and original concept at the time.
  3. Todd Howard's #1 Fan

    So what story lines are left to tap for DLC

    I think we need another DLC with aliens in it. We all know that aliens play a crucial role in the Fallout universe. Unfortunately, I am a bit scared that Obisidian's sub-par writing may mess this one up completely. Let's be honest here, Bethesda made Mothership Zeta a quality product and is...
  4. Todd Howard's #1 Fan


  5. Todd Howard's #1 Fan

    Do you think it's perfectly okay to dismiss Fallout 3...

    Just the notion of skipping Fallout 3 is one of the most absurd things I've had the misfortune to read on these forums. It'd be like skipping The Two Towers before watching The Return of the King, with The Hobbit as Fallout, and FoTR as Fallout 2. I could only assume under this analogy spin-offs...
  6. Todd Howard's #1 Fan

    Fallout: New Vegas Launch Day Reviews

    Sums everything up perfectly. It seems Obsidian overlooked gameplay (vats, weapons, animations, scripted sequences) to accommodate for dialogue and 'ancient lore' none of the recent fans care about. It was an interesting experimental stage, but I think it's high time for Bethesda to close the...
  7. Todd Howard's #1 Fan

    Fallout: New Vegas first review

    Doesn't surprise me Obsidian/Black Isle can't properly handle a story. Hopefully we'll get the Fallout 3 writers back for the next installment. :|
  8. Todd Howard's #1 Fan

    Your Easter Egg Ideas.

    Sorry, have been busy lately playing Fallout 3 on the PS3. Got the GOTY with all DLCs and been trophy hunting. Im close to that 100% Truly a masterpiece. This game is a work of art.
  9. Todd Howard's #1 Fan

    Nothing on BoS?

    The BoS have always been a beacon of purifying light in a decaying wasteland. I was surprised when Bethesda grasped the 'knights of the round table' concept from Fo1 and actually made it better. Hopefully we learn more about the BoS in NV and how they're connected to the east coast.
  10. Todd Howard's #1 Fan

    Your Easter Egg Ideas.

    A Todd Howard cameo is crucial since he made the series what it is today. (Also he kindly supplied the NV team with a state-of-the-art engine). 8-)
  11. Todd Howard's #1 Fan

    Fallout: New Vegas E3 previews

    ..but just how hard is hardcore?
  12. Todd Howard's #1 Fan

    Fallout: New Vegas E3 Trailer

    VATS looks simply stunning! Glad they kept the same successful recipe that made Fallout 3 an amazing game.
  13. Todd Howard's #1 Fan

    Fallout: New Vegas Gameplay

    The GMG is absolutely stunning, definitely on par with the Fallout Tactics lore. Hell, that badboy may even outshine ALL of Fo2+3's heavy arsenal. This 'solar laser' also looks like it'll dish out some damage, just beautiful.. NV is an instant-buy for me.
  14. Todd Howard's #1 Fan

    Fallout one of the best game franchise revivals

    The vast majority of Fallout fans are in love with Fo3. Bethesda's revival was an astounding success, and without Bethesda we wouldn't even be talking about Fallout right now :D
  15. Todd Howard's #1 Fan

    Replay value (the situation I find myself in)

    I think the game has a high replay value. Bethesda really captured the 'Fallout feel' in their game and I sure hope Obsidian will take example from it.
  16. Todd Howard's #1 Fan

    Fallout 3 is the second-greatest PC game of all time

    This brings a tear to my eye. Bethesda has come a long way.
  17. Todd Howard's #1 Fan

    Alien Speculation in NV

    I don't see the problem with adding aliens to the mix. Sure it may contradict with the 'flaws of humanity' theme but why not make humans the good guys in FO? Also adding an alien faction will increase the depth of the story.
  18. Todd Howard's #1 Fan

    Alien Speculation in NV

    Im not the type of guy that loves to argue here... but I suggest you play through Mothership Zeta one more time. There are clues that the aliens may have started the war.